
Putuo Community Care Center provides patients with quality services at their doorstep

author:Thoughtful client

In today's aging population, there are more and more chronic wounds caused by chronic diseases, such as diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, etc., how to take care of these wounds and relieve the pain for patients?

"Thank you to Nurse Lu for saving my life. Grandma Zhang, who is in her 90s, saw Lu Mei, the chief nurse of the nursing center of the Yichuan Street Community Health Service Center, and excitedly held her hand and thanked her.

Grandma Zhang has been paralyzed in bed for nearly 20 years due to a fracture of her left hip, and last year she had swelling and pain in her left acromioclavicular joint, and in order to reduce the pain, she used to lie on her right side. On the eve of New Year's Day, Aunt Zhou, a daughter who takes care of her grandmother's daily life, noticed an abscess on her mother's right ankle. In a hurry, she sought medical treatment everywhere, but because there was no door-to-door service in a major hospital, she could only buy various dressing ointments on the Internet and take care of them by herself, but the wound did not improve. "My left foot was swollen like a crystal bag, and I was in despair. In the past, I kept buying medicines, and I heard people say that medicines were good, and I bought all kinds of pressure stickers, but not only was it not good, but it was a bit serious. Because of the pain, my mother began to be distressed, and Aunt Zhou, who is in her 70s, was exhausted and worried.

Putuo Community Care Center provides patients with quality services at their doorstep

The medical team visits the house

In desperation, Aunt Zhou came to Yichuan Social Health Surgery for help, and the surgeon invited Lu Mei, the chief nurse, to come to the clinic together. "The old lady's feet were very swollen, the pain was obvious, the skin temperature was very high, and the comprehensive judgment was that it was a pressure injury, and the local swelling was caused by the improper placement of her lower limbs. Lu Mei told Aunt Zhou that they could come to Grandma Zhang's door regularly to nurse Grandma Zhang's wounds.

Grandma Zhang's wound care is not simple, the first thing to do is to adjust the position of the elderly. "Grandma was more stubborn, she felt uncomfortable and refused to adjust, and in the first few days, I came to the door almost every day, chatted with her, and told her that I could help her heal the wound on her foot. Lu Mei and Grandma Zhang talked from the wound to the fact that both of them are from Suzhou, which made them close at once. "As soon as I heard that I was also from Suzhou, Grandma Zhang began to be willing to cooperate with me. Lu Mei raised Grandma Zhang's lower limbs and relieved the pressure on the wound, and after a few days, the swelling of her left foot slowly subsided, and the next key step was to control the inflammation of the wound...... From the initial daily door-to-door visits, to the current 2-3 interval dressing changes a week, Lu Mei and her colleagues have been rain or shine. "There were a few days after the year when it was very cold, and she braved the wind and snow to come to the door alone, and I was very touched. Aunt Zhou was still very excited when she thought of this situation.

"I've been paying attention, and I'm going to come and see it almost every other day, even if I don't change the dressing today, I'm going to take a look. Lu Mei said that all aspects of wound care are interlocking, and she can come a few more times to see Aunt Zhou's dressing change, and it can also make the elderly feel at ease. In order to keep abreast of the situation of Grandma's wound and let Aunt Zhou master the basic dressing change technology, Lu Mei also added WeChat with Aunt Zhou to help her better take care of the wound through online guidance.

Under careful care, Grandma Zhang's wounds slowly healed. Aunt Zhou specially made a pennant for Lu Mei and her colleagues.

Wound care is a feature of Yichuan social health specialty care, in addition to doing a good job of pressure ulcer wounds, Lu Mei and her team are actively pioneering and innovating in diabetic foot care. The patient, Uncle Gong, had a very serious diabetic foot, and after seeking medical treatment many times without success, he came to Yichuan Social Health with the mentality of giving it a try. Relying on the "Bai Jiaojiao-Lumei" Podiatric Wound Care Innovation Studio Alliance, Yichuan Social Health Nursing Center has linked up with East China Hospital to carry out nursing consultations, provide technical support, and relieve Uncle Gong's pain.

Putuo Community Care Center provides patients with quality services at their doorstep

Nursing diabetic foot

"Most patients with diabetic foot peripheral neuropathy have very severe plantar calluses and are particularly prone to local ulcers due to plantar compression. Callose trimming is also a technical job, we go to Mr. Bai's joint outpatient clinic to learn to improve nursing operation skills, and at the same time open up the upper and lower linkage, ask Mr. Bai to personally conduct nursing consultations, and carry out plantar callus trimming and dressing change plans for patients. Lu Mei told reporters that now the patient's wound is improving. "They have used their brains and come up with all kinds of ways under the existing conditions. My wound shrunk from 2.5 cm to 1.1 cm. The patient, Uncle Gong, was deeply touched.

Putuo Community Care Center provides patients with quality services at their doorstep

Yichuan Community Health Community Care Center

As one of the first batch of community health service centers listed as community nursing centers in Shanghai, Yichuan Social Health has pioneered and innovated and kept improving in nursing skills, nursing teaching, and nursing scientific research, and has won the titles of "Lumei Yixin Nursing Appliance Improvement and Innovation Studio" by the Putuo District Federation of Trade Unions, "Nursing Teaching Practice Base" by Shanghai Health Medical College, and "Community Elderly Health Management Ethics Practice Base" by Shanghai Ethics Society. Yichuan Social Health has also created a "one-stop" comprehensive nursing service area, providing patients with wound care, PICC maintenance, diabetes management, rehabilitation care, palliative care, peritoneal dialysis, traditional Chinese medicine nursing and other services at their doorstep. "We have also implemented the integrated management of outpatient clinics, wards, and sites, so that residents can find high-quality care wherever they go. The relevant person in charge of Yichuan Social Health said.

The Nursing Center and Shanghai Tongji Hospital carried out the project "Hospital-Community-Family Linkage Continuous Nursing in the Nursing Practice of Elderly Patients with Home Disability with Pressure Injury", and won the 2023 Shanghai Municipal Health Commission's "Ensuring Patient Safety and Promoting High-quality Development of Nursing" Excellent Nursing Project, which continues to be promoted and applied in Yichuan community.

In the future, Yichuan Social Health will rely on the comprehensive care center to strengthen its services, polish the brand of "Yixin Younursing", and benefit residents and patients with high-quality nursing resources.

Source: Shanghai Putuo

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