
The importance of homeschooling


The role of family education in children, or the role of schools in children's education, is a dispute that often occurs between parents and teachers; children study well and have good moral character, parents say that they have educated themselves well, and teachers say that they have educated well; But I have always believed that no matter how good or bad a child's learning is or whether his moral character is good or bad, it is the result of the original family education, and the teacher's education has a role, but the teacher's educational role is a role played on the basis of family education, the foundation is in the family, and the school is just the superstructure, so all the development prospects of the child depend on family education.

The importance of homeschooling

Family education has an irreplaceable special function of school education in the process of children's education, and it "not only has particularity in the way and method of education, but also has particularity in the educational effect." (Lu Jie, Sociology of Education, p. 457) Its particularity is clearly reflected in the positive role of good education and the negative role of improper education. However, due to the low educational ability and poor education level of family members, especially the parents of children, in the mainland at this stage, the phenomenon of educational failure is very common. A child with excellent congenital qualities, under a family education with a low intellectual background, becomes a mediocre person, and even becomes a person who is harmful to society.

The importance of homeschooling

Of course, the situation of each family is rich and colorful, and under the cultivation of such a colorful family, the children's personalities are also colorful. However, there are excellent and backward criteria in the evaluation of students, so we analyze them from these two aspects.

The importance of homeschooling

In the education of children's non-intellectual factors, there is a clear difference between reasonable and improper education, and if the education is reasonable and appropriate, the quality of the children will be higher, and if the education is unreasonable and improper, the quality of the children will be lower. At present, parents with a relatively high level of education are able to grasp the basic requirements of their children's education, while parents with a relatively low level of education, especially grandparents, have difficulty in grasping the balance in the education of their children, and a series of worrying phenomena have emerged.

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