
When it comes to cherry blossoms, some pseudo-patriots say that it is flattering, that cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, that appreciating cherry blossoms is a pro-Japanese act, and that Chinese flowers can only be seen in spring...... There is no need to be hysterical about patriotism

author:Northern Pictures

When it comes to cherry blossoms, some pseudo-patriots say that it is flattering, that cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, that appreciating cherry blossoms is a pro-Japanese act, and that Chinese flowers can only be seen in spring...... Patriotism doesn't have to be hysterical.

Cherry blossoms in China have a long history of cultivation and do not originate from Japan, so it is nonsense to say that cherry blossoms are pro-Japanese. Records of cherry blossoms can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty BC, when Xia Yu rested under the cherry blossom trees when he was controlling the waters, which is the earliest record of cherry blossoms in Chinese culture. During the Qin and Han dynasties, cherry blossoms were cultivated in Chinese palaces, and by the Tang Dynasty, cherry blossoms were commonly found in private courtyards. There are also myths and legends about the origin of cherry blossoms, such as the theory that cherry blossoms were formed from the colorful petrification that fell when Nuwa mended the sky, or floated out of the peach orchard of the Queen Mother of the West, which reflects the Chinese reverence and praise for cherry blossoms. #真正的历史文化# #谈论古代趣闻# #樱花# #该用什么样的方式爱国#

When it comes to cherry blossoms, some pseudo-patriots say that it is flattering, that cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, that appreciating cherry blossoms is a pro-Japanese act, and that Chinese flowers can only be seen in spring...... There is no need to be hysterical about patriotism
When it comes to cherry blossoms, some pseudo-patriots say that it is flattering, that cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, that appreciating cherry blossoms is a pro-Japanese act, and that Chinese flowers can only be seen in spring...... There is no need to be hysterical about patriotism
When it comes to cherry blossoms, some pseudo-patriots say that it is flattering, that cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, that appreciating cherry blossoms is a pro-Japanese act, and that Chinese flowers can only be seen in spring...... There is no need to be hysterical about patriotism

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