
Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Original | Pregnancy

Really, don't feed your child like this, and don't kiss your child randomly!

Especially during the Spring Festival, when visiting relatives and friends, relatives and friends will inevitably kiss and express their love when they see a cute baby, but these actions are really dangerous.

Recently, a hot search news sparked heated discussions, and the news content was: Grandma chewed peanuts and fed a 2-year-old child to make him sick.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

The 2-year-old baby in the news, the parents work outside, and the baby lives with the grandparents.

Because the child had a recurrent fever, he was transferred to a higher-level hospital for further testing.

The doctor found that the lymph nodes in the child's neck and eyes were severely swollen, and after examination, consultation and other processes, the kissing disease was finally diagnosed.

The doctor learned that because the grandmother who loved her grandson was worried that the child would choke on the trachea if she ate peanuts, she chewed the peanuts and fed them to the child.

The doctor immediately tested my grandmother and the results showed that she was carrying the Epstein-Barr virus, also known as kissing disease.

Because adults have strong immunity, they have no symptoms even if they carry the virus.

But it's not the same with younger children.

The doctor reminds that in the pediatric population, the EBV carrier rate reaches more than 85%, and the number in adults is 90%~95%, so not only adults, but also children should avoid kissing (to infants and young children), and at the same time avoid chewing food to feed children.

For chewing food to feed children, pregnant mothers have really said many times, this kind of feeding method is really not okay, because the oral environment of adults is really dangerous for babies.

Many netizens watched the news and said that they couldn't accept it:

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

"I can't understand that if you can't eat food and chew it, you can't change it. ”

"My dad fed me like this, I went to the hospital with a fever after eating, and I was scolded by my mother until now, and I am 30 this year. ”

"I really get sick, when I was a child, I was fed by my grandmother every day, and my stomach was very bad. ”

"It's hard to say when these older generations will realize that it is not advisable to feed their children by chewing things in their mouths. ”

That's right, this kind of feeding method is really not advisable, please parents must refuse decisively when encountered, and don't risk your child's health!

Wrong way of carrying the baby, dangerous feeding behavior

Say no at all times!

There is a netizen's mother's message that is worth learning from parents:

"My daughter is 5 years old, and since she was a child, she has always insisted that anyone can't eat it, don't kiss children casually, I only kiss my hair, not my face, and others are not allowed to kiss.

Adults and children have completely different resistance, it's not a matter of face, it's a health issue, it's a safety issue!"

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Yes, the baby's development is not perfect in all aspects, what parents can do is to take care of safety, do not do dangerous behaviors, and do not feed dangerous food.

I still remember a while ago a mother issued a warning on social platforms: Please all mothers must remember that no matter where they are, no matter who they are, the behavior of feeding their babies at will, even if they offend people, they must stop her.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

The reason why she was warned was because her 10-month-old baby had eaten peaches from an acquaintance with a cold, and as a result, of course, the child had a fever at night.

When I went to the hospital for an examination in the morning, the mother and the doctor told me that the child was fed by an acquaintance who had a cold, and the doctor said: This must be infected.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

(Image source: @星视频)

This infection made the baby have to be hospitalized, the blood vessels are not easy to find, and the hair is shaved, and the mother is really distressed to see the child suffer so many crimes.

Qianjiang also has a 2-year-old baby, because the grandmother is afraid that the child will not be able to chew the meat, so she used the previous method of taking the child to bite the meat and feed it to the child.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

As a result, the child suddenly vomited milk severely, and finally it was so serious that he vomited blood, went to the hospital for examination, did a gastroscopy, and confirmed that the child had a gastric ulcer, the reason was that the child was infected with Helicobacter pylori, which caused inflammation of the gastric membrane and weakened the barrier function of the gastric mucosa, and the examination result was that the grandmother had Helicobacter pylori. (Source: Qianjiang Evening News)

A 4-year-old girl in the United States was infected with herpes simplex virus because her mother kissed her child when she had a fever, and half of her cheek was ulcerated.

Fortunately, through timely control and treatment, my daughter's condition was brought under control.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

The mother also shared her dangerous experience on social platforms, she reminded all parents: Don't kiss the child at will, I just have a fever and the blisters left have not completely healed, at this time I kissed my daughter again, and the virus was transmitted to her through a small blister on her cheek!

Pregnant mothers should remind all parents: the health of the child is not a trivial matter, do not do what you can't do, and stop it when you should stop it.

Oral environment in adults

Deadly for young babies!

There really is no alarmism in this.

According to statistics, there are more than 700 kinds of bacteria in the human oral cavity, and there are not only foreign bacteria and viruses but also a large number of endogenous microbial flora parasitic in the oral cavity.

Young babies have tender oral mucosa and low defense function, which is easy to be damaged by food.

If a child is fed mouth-to-mouth, chewed and kissed, pathogens can invade the child's body through saliva and cause the spread of diseases, including:

First, gastritis (Helicobacter pylori)

Helicobacter pylori is highly contagious, and one person gets the disease to infect the family, such as chewing food to feed the child, kissing the baby mouth-to-mouth, licking and testing the temperature of the food, etc., will cause the germs to "mix" into the baby's milk and food, and then infect.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people
Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Second, tooth decay

Streptococcus orosis variants are a common cause of tooth decay and colonize the oral cavity of people with dental caries. If an adult has tooth decay in the mouth, after chewing, the saliva can be directly transmitted to the child, harming the baby's baby teeth.

Third, colds

No matter what kind of cold, there are bacteria or viruses that cause illness in the throat. Because the baby's resistance is relatively weak, a little carelessness may be infected by cold viruses, serious can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media and other symptoms or combined with encephalitis, myocarditis.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Fourth, kissing disease

Kissing disease is an acute, self-limiting infectious disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus, which is mainly transmitted by saliva. Coughing, sneezing, or sharing utensils with an uninfected person can spread the Epstein-Barr virus to another person. Kissing a child, or even chewing something for a child to eat, is also contagious.

"Kissing disease" for adults generally heals automatically in about 10 days. However, the baby's resistance and immunity are very low, and such a virus is sometimes fatal for the baby.

5 of the most pitiful and dangerous behaviors

Parents must resolutely refuse

Prevention is more important than anything else, to protect your child from the virus, to ensure that your child grows up healthy – do this.

First, refuse mouth-to-mouth feeding

What adults have eaten, resolutely do not give children to eat, mouth-to-mouth feeding will spread a variety of diseases, must be resolutely avoided, to prevent infection, the main thing is to grasp the "disease from the mouth" this level:

●Adults do not blow on children's soup or rice. Saliva is the main source of infection, if the food is too hot, put it away, if you want to test the temperature of the milk, you can drop a few drops of milk on the inside of the arm, if it feels not hot or cold, then the temperature is appropriate, do not test the temperature with your mouth.

● Do not add vegetables to your baby. When eating around the table, adults, especially the elderly at home, keep picking up dishes for the baby out of "love", and it is recommended to use chopsticks or the baby's own chopsticks.

●Wash your hands frequently. Washing hands before meals can greatly reduce the number of infectious diseases transmitted through fecal-oral transmission.

Second, refuse to chew and feed

The older generation of parents is accustomed to feeding their babies what they chew, which is not only unhygienic but also infects the baby with hidden germs in saliva.

If you are worried that your baby can't chew the food, you can process the food and feed it to the baby, don't chew it and feed it.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Letting your baby chew on his own is also good for the development of his teeth and oral muscles.

Third, refuse to kiss children at will, especially these 5 types of people

●If an adult has a cold, herpes, skin disease, hepatitis, or other infectious diseases, avoid being close to the child to avoid infecting the child.

●If you have H. pylori, avoid kissing your child, avoid feeding your child, avoid sharing utensils with your child, and do not blow cold on your child's food with your mouth.

●If you have a respiratory disease, stay away from your child and do not kiss your child.

●Those who have just smoked and drunk alcohol. People who have just smoked and drunk alcohol will have a large amount of harmful substances left in their mouths, such as alcohol, nicotine, etc., if you kiss the baby at this time, these harmful substances will be absorbed by the baby, bringing harm to the baby.

Note: The above includes grandparents, fathers, brothers and sisters, and even mothers, do not kiss the baby at will, don't be afraid of hurting the harmony, refuse when you should refuse, this is to protect the child.

When your child is older, teach him to politely say no, tell him to turn his cheek over if someone wants to kiss you, and give him a kiss if someone asks you to kiss him.

Fourth, refuse to blindly open meat

Many places still have the habit of opening meat for 100 days, and parents must pay attention to the fact that 100 days of meat is just a form, and they must not really feed their children.

A baby in Changsha, Hunan Province, who had just turned 100 days, was fed a lot of crucian carp soup because the elders insisted on prescribing salt meat to the child, which led to the child's severe allergy to seek medical treatment.

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people
Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people
Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people
Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people
Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

Allergies are not trivial, and if you add complementary foods to your child too early and cause severe allergies, it will be fatal.

Fifth, refuse to feed at will

Don't feed the baby indiscriminately, it's really very dangerous, and the pregnant mother gives a few real examples:

A 16-month-old baby in Hangzhou almost choked to death because the elderly in the family fed sugarcane.

Because my husband and grandmother always like to feed indiscriminately, unpeeled orange pieces, candy, and large bananas, causing my daughter to almost get stuck several times, yes, almost stuck.

A 1-year-old baby boy in Guizhou choked on his trachea because he ate melon seeds, and the doctor rescued him for 70 minutes, but he couldn't snatch him back from death....

Grandma chewed peanuts to feed her 2-year-old baby and got sick: these actions of relatives and friends should be stopped if they offend people

To prevent your child from choking while eating, don't feed your child dangerous things:

● Nuts. No. 1 that causes suffocation, no one should feed whole nuts to children under 5 years old at any time, eat them, grind them into powders or small pieces, and then eat them.

● Do not feed nuts such as melon seeds, peanuts, and walnuts to children under 5 years old.

● Grapes, longan, sausages, beans and other granular foods, do not give them whole to children. Round fruits should be safely processed before being given to children.

● Do not give unboneless fish and meat, unseeded fruits, crunchy and hard foods such as candy.

● Do not give jelly to children under the age of three, and older children should also eat jelly under the supervision of adults.

●Fruits such as bananas and apples are also finely chopped and pureed for young children.

● Do not give your child liquor, beer, or rice wine.

Any behavior of feeding children at will, no matter who it is, parents should directly refuse, because once an accident happens, it is 100% and no one can bear it.

It is not easy to raise a baby to grow up, for the health of the child, stop it when it should be stopped, and refuse when it is time to refuse!

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