
The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

author:Xia Moyan

Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to the importance of healthy eating, from just eating enough and not going hungry, to just eating good food without thinking about health, to now people only want to eat fresh, healthy and nutritious food.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Food eventually becomes a part of us in the form of energy, and when we choose good food, we are actually receiving good energy.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

We probably eat more than 80,000 meals in our lifetimes, and you eat every day. Our body is like a giant precision instrument that reacts differently to different foods. Therefore, learning to listen to your body's feelings is the most important thing.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Peanuts are a kind of nut that is very common in daily life, abundant in abundance, and widely consumed. It is also known as the "longevity fruit" in the folk, and the whole body is a treasure.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

It is not only rich in nutrients, replenishing nutrients for the body, but also able to enhance immunity, and also has a certain effect on the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. So what are the effects of eating peanuts on the body?

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

1. Enhance the body's immunity

The most effective medicine is the immunity of the person, the person with a strong and perfect immune system, who has a stronger resistance to bacteria and viruses. Immunity is the best doctor in the human body, in fact, immunity can also be eaten.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Protein is the builder of the body, and life cannot continue without protein. Supplementing with protein can also boost immunity. Peanuts are rich in protein.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

In addition, peanuts also contain vitamin E and vitamin B complexes, fats, minerals, etc., which can also be eaten in moderation every day to supplement nutrients for group activities and enhance immunity.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

2. Reduce blood lipids

Today's middle-aged and elderly people generally suffer from three highs, one of which is hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is also known as an invisible killer because there are no obvious symptoms in the body.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

However, if high blood lipids are not well controlled for a long time, it may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

And the reason why peanuts have a certain effect on lowering blood lipids is because it contains unsaturated fatty acids. As a component of fat, unsaturated fatty acids have a certain effect on the content of cholesterol and triglycerides, and have the function of regulating blood lipids and preventing thrombosis.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

3. Protective effect on the liver

The liver is the largest detoxification organ in our body, but it doesn't have pain nerves. This means that if you hurt it, it can only silently endure and insist on escorting our physical health.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

But when you hurt it to the limit of what it can't bear, you can only hear its cry for help then, but there is no way to undo it.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

In fact, there are many liver-nourishing foods around us, and peanuts are also one of them. Peanuts are rich in vitamins and minerals.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

It has a certain effect on lowering cholesterol, and then it can also reduce the burden on the liver, so peanuts have a certain liver-nourishing effect, so it is necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount when eating.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Peanuts as a food that is easier for people to get in daily life, although all of them are treasures, but they also need to eat in moderation, even if they eat a small handful of peanuts every day will have a lot of benefits, but for the following five types of people should not be overeaten, otherwise they may get into big trouble!

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

1. People with peanut allergies

Allergies are caused by a malfunction of the body's immune system, and the body reacts to allergens. Peanuts are a very common food in daily life.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

For those with peanut allergies, a small peanut may pose a threat to life, and this is not alarmist, there are real cases abroad.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

The girl in the flower season was allergic to peanuts, and after eating biscuits containing peanuts but not marked in the ingredient list, she suffered from severe allergies, and the rescue was ineffective, and she passed away.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Mild peanut allergy may cause symptoms such as rash, itching, nausea and abdominal pain. In severe cases, it can cause difficulty breathing and possibly choking. At this time, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid threatening your life.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

2. People with high blood lipids

Hyperlipidemia usually has no symptoms, so many people don't know that they have hyperlipidemia, or they don't treat it if they feel that they have no symptoms.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

After a long time, if it is not well controlled, it will cause other diseases, so hyperlipidemia is also known as the king of chronic diseases.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

The reason why hyperlipidemia patients are not suitable for eating peanuts is that although peanuts are rich in nutrients, they also contain a lot of fat. When we consume a lot of fat in our body, if it is not fully utilized, the excess fat is stored and leads to an increase in blood lipids.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Patients with hyperlipidemia already have excess fat, and if they consume excess fat, it may cause fatty liver and atherosclerosis.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

3. Diabetic population

Nowadays, there are more and more diabetic people, and they are getting younger and younger, and there are many young sugar friends who need insulin injections to control blood sugar before meals. As a chronic disease, it cannot be eradicated by today's medical treatments, and it will be with you for life.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

For diabetics, the doctor's advice is: eat in moderation, but it is not recommended to eat it regularly.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Because peanuts are not only rich in nutritional value, but also belong to high-calorie foods. If the intake is not controlled, it will lead to an increase in body fat, and most diabetics will have hyperlipidemia, which is not conducive to the stability of blood sugar for people with diabetes.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

4. People with cholecystitis

As we all know, peanuts are high in calories and fat, and if you have cholecystitis, the oil after eating peanuts will stimulate the gallbladder and increase the burden on the gallbladder.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

The most painful attack of cholecystitis is stomach pain, which can be out of control and has a high frequency at night.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Patients with cholecystitis should pay attention to proper weight loss, reduce the content of body fat, and should also pay special attention to diet, light diet, as much as possible to reduce the burden on the gallbladder.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

5. People with indigestion

Many stomach problems, in fact, start from indigestion, if digestion is good, nutrients can be inhaled smoothly, toxic substances can also be successfully discharged, stomach problems will be half better.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Peanuts are rich in nutrients and vitamins that provide energy for the body's activities. Moderate consumption also has a certain effect on promoting digestion and can also relieve constipation to a certain extent.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

At the same time, peanuts also contain fat, for those with poor gastrointestinal tract and indigestion, excessive consumption of peanuts may increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate indigestion, so it should be eaten in moderation.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"


During the New Year's holidays, in daily life, the nuts on the table are always indispensable to peanuts, which are not only inexpensive, but also nutritious, and very convenient to eat, and the methods can be described as various.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

Although small peanuts have great nutrition, only by eating the right peanuts can you keep your health around. There are also two sides to food, maybe for some people it is to supplement nutrition and prolong life, but for some people to start eating too much is a disaster.

The doctor reminded: no matter how good peanuts are, these 5 kinds of people should also eat less, don't "add fuel to the fire"

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