
Duck meat is a nutritious and delicious food that many people enjoy eating. But, did you know that duck meat also has its "rivals", and if you eat it with these foods, it will not only have a shadow?

author:Elementary Girls and Large Figures

Duck meat is a nutritious and delicious food that many people enjoy eating.

But, did you know that duck meat also has its "rival", if eaten with these foods, it will not only affect the nutritional value of duck meat, but also cause harm to health.

So, what are the "rivals" of duck meat? The doctor reminds that duck meat cannot be eaten with these "three kinds" of food!

1. Watermelon

Watermelon is a refreshing fruit that many people like to eat.

But, did you know that watermelon is the "sworn enemy" of duck meat, and it should never be eaten at the same time as duck meat.


Because duck meat itself is a cold food, and watermelon is also a cold food, if these two foods are eaten at the same time, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

For people with gastrointestinal problems, the symptoms may be more severe and may even trigger other diseases.

Therefore, when eating duck meat, stay away from watermelon and don't let your stomach suffer.

2. Fungus

Fungus is a common edible mushroom that is often used in stir-fries or stewed soups.

The nutritional value of fungus is very high, it can cleanse the intestines and moisten the lungs, and for people who have been working on special occasions for a long time, they can also eat more fungus.

But, you know what?

The fungus is also the "rival" of duck meat, and the fungus must not be eaten with duck meat. Why?

Because eating duck meat with black fungus can cause diarrhea.

This is because both duck meat and fungus contain an amino acid called methionine, which in the human body can be converted into a toxic substance that, if consumed in excess, can irritate the intestines and cause diarrhea.

Therefore, when eating duck meat, avoid eating with fungus and don't let your intestines hurt.

3. Eggs

Eggs are one of the most commonly eaten foods in life, but don't underestimate this small egg, its nutritional value is particularly high.

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, cholesterol, lecithin and other nutrients, which have a good effect on human growth and development, immunity, memory, etc.

But, did you know that eggs are also the "sworn enemy" of duck meat, and they can't be eaten separately from duck meat.

Because eggs and duck meat are both high-protein foods, if eaten at the same time, it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, affect digestion and absorption, and also lead to excessive gastric acid, causing stomach pain, stomach ulcers and other problems.

So, when eating duck meat, eat less eggs and don't let your stomach suffer.

Although duck meat is delicious, you should also pay attention to the combination, do not mix it with other foods at will, otherwise it will cause harm to your health.

Duck meat is a nutritious and delicious food that many people enjoy eating. But, did you know that duck meat also has its "rivals", and if you eat it with these foods, it will not only have a shadow?
Duck meat is a nutritious and delicious food that many people enjoy eating. But, did you know that duck meat also has its "rivals", and if you eat it with these foods, it will not only have a shadow?
Duck meat is a nutritious and delicious food that many people enjoy eating. But, did you know that duck meat also has its "rivals", and if you eat it with these foods, it will not only have a shadow?

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