
Remember these common allergenic foods for babies, which can save lives at critical moments!

author:Beta Bel Tower

脾胃虚弱‬和过敏的孩子要戒掉麸质、牛奶和糖。 这三类食物‬一定要‬避免‬!

Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. 麸质是一种蛋白质,我们现在接触到的麸质比以前多的多的多,如果消化不太好,那些未被完全消化的麸质就会引起‬宝宝‬过敏‬反应‬。

Remember these common allergenic foods for babies, which can save lives at critical moments!

麸质包括所有面粉制品,饼干、蛋糕、面包等‬。 用大米、藜麦、荞麦、和小米代替,这些是不含麸质的,非常适合‬敏宝宝吃‬。


Remember these common allergenic foods for babies, which can save lives at critical moments!



Remember these common allergenic foods for babies, which can save lives at critical moments!

In addition to eating and drinking, it is also important to maintain a good sleep and a good mood. 家有‬敏‬‬宝的‬爸爸妈妈‬们‬,你们都记下了么‬?#头条育儿#​#育儿#​#辅食#​#育儿经#​#育儿避坑指南#​#辅食喂养#​

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