
Delicious wheel cake

Delicious wheel cake

Ingredients: 250 g of low gluten flour, 1 bowl of red bean paste, 1 bowl of purple potato puree, 6 quail eggs, 3 g of yeast, 1 g of baking powder, 1 jar of 6 walnuts.

Delicious wheel cake

Directions: 1. Mix low gluten flour with dried yeast, baking powder and six walnuts, stir into a paste that can flow and ferment for one hour.

Delicious wheel cake

2. Red bean paste and purple potato puree are added to the wok with sugar and salad oil and fried into bean paste filling and purple potato filling.

Delicious wheel cake
Delicious wheel cake

3. Brush the pan with a thin oil, add a spoonful of batter and push the batter well on top of the rolling pin, add a spoonful of bean paste filling

Delicious wheel cake

4. Add a spoonful of batter to each of the other three molds left, cover the finished bean paste pie together, press it tightly with a spoon, and bake both sides to turn yellow.

5. Add batter and purple potato filling to the baking sheet.

Delicious wheel cake

6. Beat a quail egg in each of the other three molds, add a spoonful of batter, cover the purple potato pie together and bake on both sides until the yellow cake is cooked.

Delicious wheel cake

Tip: Quail eggs are added to distinguish the wheel cake with different fillings.

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