
Do jellyfish head cold sauce need blanching water? How to make a delicious cold jellyfish head? Let's learn how to do jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing

author:Good food

Many friends have had this question: some seafood needs to be blanched to remove the fishy smell before cooking, so does the jellyfish head need to be blanched before it is cold?

Do jellyfish head cold sauce need blanching water? How to make a delicious cold jellyfish head? Let's learn how to do jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing</h1>

There are two reasons not to blanch water:

The first reason is that scalding jellyfish heads with boiling water destroys the crisp and smooth taste, and also makes the meat dry and even a little bitter.

The second reason is that the blanched jellyfish head will shrink and the appearance will become unsightly.

If you feel that it is not clean and want to wash the jellyfish head, pour a pot of boiling water to cool, and pour the jellyfish head into it to clean it, and you can cool it.

Really want to blanch the water to eat at ease, first cut the jellyfish head into silk, boil a pot of boiling water, cool to about 60 degrees, there is a colander to put the jellyfish head in the water, the action must be fast, the stay time should not exceed 5 seconds, otherwise the jellyfish head will still become old, affecting the taste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to do a cold jellyfish head</h1>

1. Vinegar slip jellyfish head

Ingredients: jellyfish head, green onion, sesame seeds, aged vinegar, soy sauce, sugar.


Wash and cut the shallots;

Prepare the saucer, pour in the aged vinegar, sugar and soy sauce and stir well;

Pour in the jellyfish head, stir well, marinate for 10 minutes, sprinkle with green onion and sesame seeds, stir and taste the vinegar jellyfish head.

Do jellyfish head cold sauce need blanching water? How to make a delicious cold jellyfish head? Let's learn how to do jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing

Cut some shredded carrots and sprinkle some coriander leaves to garnish it, and the appearance will instantly increase.

Do jellyfish head cold sauce need blanching water? How to make a delicious cold jellyfish head? Let's learn how to do jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing

2. Sour and spicy jellyfish head. If you can eat spicy friends, you can try sour and spicy jellyfish head.

Ingredients: Jellyfish head, coriander, garlic cloves, aged vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, red rice pepper (dried chili peppers are also available)

Wash and cut red rice pepper into small pieces, wash and cut the coriander leaves into small pieces, wash and chop the garlic into garlic paste;

Prepare the saucer, pour in the aged vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, garlic paste, red rice pepper and stir well;

Pour in the jellyfish head, stir well, marinate for 10 minutes, sprinkle with coriander leaves, stir and stir.

Do jellyfish head cold sauce need blanching water? How to make a delicious cold jellyfish head? Let's learn how to do jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing

3. Cucumber jellyfish head. This method is a combination of another cold mix classic ingredient, cucumber, which is doubly crisp and doubled.

Ingredients: jellyfish head, coriander, garlic cloves, aged vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, sesame seeds, red rice pepper (dried chili peppers are also available)

Red rice pepper washed and cut into small pieces, coriander washed and cut into small pieces, garlic washed and chopped into garlic puree;

Cucumber shavings, spread into the bowl on the bottom;

Prepare a bowl, pour in aged vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, garlic paste, red rice pepper and stir well;

Pour in the jellyfish head, stir well, marinate for 10 minutes, sprinkle with coriander and sesame seeds and serve.

Do jellyfish head cold sauce need blanching water? How to make a delicious cold jellyfish head? Let's learn how to do jellyfish head without blanching water before cold mixing

In fact, the method of cold mix jellyfish head is much the same, and many changes can be made on the side dishes, such as green pepper shreds, red pepper shreds, onion shreds, etc., according to personal taste.

On the sauce, those who will eat mustard can consider adding a little, the taste is more curious.

There is a common proportion in the blending of sauces:

Soy sauce: aged vinegar: sugar = 1: 1: 0.2. White sugar is to adjust the degree of vinegar and saltiness, remember to put it.

Other condiments, including sugar, rice pepper, garlic paste, sesame seeds, coriander, shredded onion, shredded red pepper, shredded green pepper, etc., are added according to your preferred taste.

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