
The most youthful taste to relieve homesickness | Zhenjiang: meat dipped in balsamic vinegar A plate of appetizing and refreshing

author:Litchi News

Editor's note: What does hometown taste like? What are the must-have dishes at your Chinese New Year's Eve dinner table? Are you going back to your hometown for the New Year this year? Reunited with the family "cloud", only the nostalgia to relieve homesickness. Lychee News launched a special plan of "the most yearly taste to relieve homesickness", allowing you to eat all the New Year's food without leaving home, no matter where you are, you can feel the authentic hometown new year flavor of the New Year.

  Litchi News Article/Tae Wook, Li Yuanhao (Intern)

  Located on the banks of the Yangtze River, Zhenjiang has beautiful scenery. As a national historical and cultural city, the ancient city of Zhenjiang also bred a unique taste.

  On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, the hometown flavor that can evoke the nostalgia in the hearts of every zhenjiang person who goes out must be the food "three monsters" of Zhenjiang. Strangely, balsamic vinegar is not bad, and the unique sweetness of glutinous rice as a raw material is even more delicious when it meets the famous meat stuffed snacks in the Gangnam region. The second monster, Zhenjiang cuisine, also known as crystal hoof, is the perfect match for Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar and pork, coupled with Zhenjiang pot cover noodles, are the most famous "three monsters" of Zhenjiang cuisine.

  On weekday mornings, in the bustling Zhenjiang restaurant, almost every table of guests will have a dish of meat on their orders.

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  Legend has it that in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, there was a "Jingkou Restaurant" on Jiuhai Street in Zhenjiang. The husband is both a cook and a runner, and the wife is both a boss and a bookkeeper. One summer, my husband went to the street to see that pig's trotters were cheap, so he bought four of them and prepared to eat them in a few days. Because the weather is hot and easy to deteriorate, the trotters are salted. Unexpectedly, he accidentally used the salt that his wife bought for his father-in-law to make firecrackers, and the next day when he opened the pickling tank, he saw that not only did the meat quality change, but the pig's trotters were marinated with hard knots and taste, and the color was rosy. He was afraid of poison, and he was reluctant to throw it away. So the couple discussed, soaked it in salt water a few times, and then cooked it for a while over low heat, ready to be eaten for themselves. After being simmered with some spiced spices, an abnormal aroma emerged from the pot, and even the wine street in Zhenjiang could be smelled, and since then the reputation of salt meat in Zhenjiang has been great. The people also came to taste it, and the business of "Jingkou Hotel" was particularly prosperous. As a result, salt meat soon became famous. Later, because the name of "salt meat" was indecent, Fang changed it to "pork". It has become a famous delicacy in Zhenjiang, which has been passed down to this day.

The most youthful taste to relieve homesickness | Zhenjiang: meat dipped in balsamic vinegar A plate of appetizing and refreshing

Zhenjiang cuisine

  The materials and craftsmanship of Zhenjiang cuisine are very exquisite. Most of the modern production methods still retain traditional handmade craftsmanship. In the stacking link, the steamed pig's trotters are neatly stacked one by one, and the process of sorting out and shaping is also the key to the final formation of the crystal hoof. Steaming and deboning is both a strength work and a technical work. The whole bone is removed while the integrity of the skin of the flesh is ensured. The pursuit of details of the meat satisfies the discerning diners, and brings people a good color of reunion and joy during the Spring Festival.

The most youthful taste to relieve homesickness | Zhenjiang: meat dipped in balsamic vinegar A plate of appetizing and refreshing

  The meat occupies its own unique position on the table of generations of Zhenjiang people, it is the favorite of the diners who come to visit, and it is also the deepest memory of generations of Zhenjiang people about the taste of their hometown. Chinese New Year's Eve night's Chinese New Year's Eve feast, a plate of white and smooth skin, crystal clear meat, highlighting the Attitude of Zhenjiang people towards life - meticulous production and salty and moderate taste, with the city's daily life is indeed lucky, quietly waiting for the bells of the old and welcoming the new.

  The taste of hometown always wraps homesickness and conveys warmth, and there is always a dish that relieves the strong nostalgia. Netizens' discussion about "Nian Wei" is becoming more and more enthusiastic, and "Jiangsu Nian Wei" PK is poised to develop——

The most youthful taste to relieve homesickness | Zhenjiang: meat dipped in balsamic vinegar A plate of appetizing and refreshing
The most youthful taste to relieve homesickness | Zhenjiang: meat dipped in balsamic vinegar A plate of appetizing and refreshing


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