
Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

author:Small taste

After entering the autumn, you can supplement the whole black bean. Black beans have a protein content of up to 36%, which is easy to digest and absorb, and can meet the body's protein needs. It is also rich in vitamins, proteins, and various trace elements. It has anti-aging effect. Its efficacy is also recorded in ancient books, "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Tonify the kidneys and nourish the blood, clear heat and detoxify, prolong life and longevity." ”

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

Eating black beans alone has a single taste, which can be paired with walnuts, and the nutrition and taste are upgraded immediately. Everyone knows that walnuts can supplement the brain and complement the shape. It is known as one of the "Four Dried Fruits", but the shell is hard and needs to be smashed open before it can be eaten. Of course, if you are afraid of trouble, you can buy ready-made walnut kernels directly.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

If the breakfast is tired of milk, this walnut rice paste can be arranged, another way to eat, more comprehensive nutrition. Mix all the ingredients you need and a wall-breaking machine is done. If you make it yourself, it is all real material, and the consistency can be adjusted. The beaten rice paste is poured out, served with a delicate spoon, and slowly tasted, which is really enjoyable. If you add a little rock sugar, the sweet taste is even more amazing, if you don't believe it, you can try it.

Dishes: Black bean walnut rice paste

Ingredients: walnuts, black beans, rock sugar, black rice, purified water, etc

Cooking steps:

1, can or according to the ingredient list to prepare, but some very common ingredients, in short, the preparation is quite simple.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

2, it is best to buy ready-made walnut kernels, which will be much more convenient, if you buy a complete walnut, then use tools to peel the shell, it is not difficult to handle. All ingredients should be rinsed and set aside.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

3. After all washed, put these ingredients in the wall breaker. As for the use of wall breakers, it is very important and needs to be learned in advance.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

4, after the ingredients are put in, start to add water, here is pure water, how much water to add is very important. It is necessary to measure the amount of ingredients, and there is the capacity of the wall breaker.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

5, ingredients and water are added, cover the lid, to choose the corresponding degree of rice paste, start to play on the line, this step is very convenient, completely handed over to the wall breaker on the line, this process as long as quietly waiting.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

6, about twenty minutes can be beaten, wait until the end of the program, the beaten rice paste poured out, so that it is simply done, you can drink while hot, special warm, very suitable for breakfast time to eat. If you like a sweet taste, you can add a little rock sugar after beating, so that the sweet taste is even more delicious.

Black beans with black rice, nourishing and maintaining, with walnuts more perfect

Cooking Tips:

1, how much rock sugar is added is very important, the key is to see the personal taste. If you usually like to eat sweet, you can add a little more rock sugar, but don't be sweet enough. If you don't like it, you can also add it, so it is the original taste.

2, the use of wall breaker is very important, need to be clear in advance, so as to better operate and use.

3, several ingredients should be cleaned in advance, mainly to wash off the surface of the dust.

4, how much water to add is very important, the key is to see the degree of thinness. If you prefer a thicker rice paste, add less water. Secondly, it is also necessary to measure the amount of ingredients and the capacity of the wall breaker, so that it is more appropriate to add water.

5, it is recommended to drink as much as you want, drink it while hot is more delicious.

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