
Late Qing Dynasty revolutionary assassination pioneer, Wan Fuhua's legendary life | old photo (2) Early years into the revolutionary conspiracy assassination of Mulcha Tieliang assassination Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination assassination miyun assassination followed by the prison revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. Suifenhe's "Ten Thousand Great People" Wan Fuhua died of illness and the hero returned home

author:Shushan Breeze bright moon
Late Qing Dynasty revolutionary assassination pioneer, Wan Fuhua's legendary life | old photo (2) Early years into the revolutionary conspiracy assassination of Mulcha Tieliang assassination Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination assassination miyun assassination followed by the prison revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. Suifenhe's "Ten Thousand Great People" Wan Fuhua died of illness and the hero returned home

Wan Fuhua (Source| Network Photo)

This is one of the few positive reflections that have survived in Wanfuhua. In the photo, Wan Fuhua's eyes are shining and heroic. Wan Fuhua, Zi Shaowu, a native of Hefei, Anhui, was born in 1865 in Wanhu Village, Changlinhe Town, Feidong, Hefei, Anhui Province, a famous democratic revolutionary in modern China and a pioneer of assassination in the late Qing Revolution.

The history of assassinations by Assassins in China dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Specialized in the Assassination of the King; Jing Ke Thorn King of Qin, Tu Poor Dagger See; Bolangsha Thunder Strike, Thousands of Ancient Sounds. Sima Qian's Ru Rafter History Pen published a special chapter in the "Chronicle of Assassins" in the "History", and the historical reputation of assassinating assassins is no less than that of the princes and generals of the same era, and even more so.

The great hero is for the country and the people. The heroic bloodiness and heroism of the killer and the hero who has always been killing and killing are also deeply integrated into the personality of Chinese. This individual heroism has also influenced generations of Chinese.

The great Romantic poet Li Bai perfectly interpreted this chivalrous spirit in "Chivalrous Travel". "Kill one person in ten steps, and leave no line for thousands of miles." The thing whisked away, hiding deep with the name. ”。

There is an old saying in Hefei folklore, "Dongxiang enters the picture, and Xixiang goes out." ”。 It is about Li Hongzhang, a generation of important ministers in the late Qing Dynasty and feidong region, and many famous Qing Dynasty Huai army generals in the Feixi region, such as Zhang Shusheng, Liu Mingchuan, Zhou Shengchuan and Zhou Shengbo brothers.

However, in the Feidong area, at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, two hall-level assassin killers emerged in modern China, Wan Fuhua and Wang Yaqiao. If Wan Fuhua was the pioneer and "enlightener" of assassination in the late Qing Dynasty, Wang Yaqiao, the "first killer of the Republic of China", was a master of the group. The "Axe Gang" was well-known on Shanghai Beach, and Jin Rong and Du Yuesheng retreated; they stabbed Song (Ziwen), Jiang (Jieshi), and Jingwei (Jingwei), and the piles and piles shook the whole country; they plotted to injure the Japanese ship "Izumo," successfully organized the killing of the Japanese supreme commander-in-chief, General Shirakawa Yoshinori, and blew up one of the legs of the Japanese envoy to China, Shigemitsu Aoi; and the anti-Japanese hoe rape even raised the significance of assassination to the height of national righteousness.

Late Qing Dynasty revolutionary assassination pioneer, Wan Fuhua's legendary life | old photo (2) Early years into the revolutionary conspiracy assassination of Mulcha Tieliang assassination Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination assassination miyun assassination followed by the prison revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. Suifenhe's "Ten Thousand Great People" Wan Fuhua died of illness and the hero returned home

Wang Yaqiao (Source| Network Photo)

Zheng Baozhen, one of Wang Yaqiao's "Four Great Kongs", continued to devote himself to the revolution after Wang Yaqiao's death, and later served as the first mayor of Hefei in New China.

Late Qing Dynasty revolutionary assassination pioneer, Wan Fuhua's legendary life | old photo (2) Early years into the revolutionary conspiracy assassination of Mulcha Tieliang assassination Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination assassination miyun assassination followed by the prison revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. Suifenhe's "Ten Thousand Great People" Wan Fuhua died of illness and the hero returned home

The water at the northern foot of Qingyang Mountain in Feidong, Hefei, passes through Changning Temple and flows south into Chao Lake, so it is called "Changning River". Because it was on the verge of Chao Lake, it was renamed "Changlin River" for a long time. Changlinhe Town is built on the river, adjacent to Chao Lake, with a long history, the earliest can be traced back to the Ming Hongwu years, and the cultural heritage is profound. Nowadays, the ancient town of Changlinhe on the lakeside of Chaohu Lake is already a 4A-level famous attraction.

On July 20, 1865, Wan Fuhua (Zi Shaowu), born in Wanhu Village, Changlinhe Town, the village is not large, the villagers surnamed Wan Hu are mostly surnamed Hu, and live on both sides of a village alley, and at the end of the alley is the vast Chao Lake.

During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, Anhui was the hardest hit area of successive disasters, and the Taiping Army, the Twist Army, the Qing Army, the local regimental training, and even the bandits scattered soldiers, you came and went, repeated ploughing and rakes, and the local people were miserable.

Wan Fuhua's father participated in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement when he was young, and after the defeat of the soldiers, he returned to his hometown to hide from disasters and became a private school teacher and taught in the township. When Wan Fuhua was 10 years old, his father died, the family was in a difficult situation, and it was all dependent on his mother to sew clothes for people to make ends meet.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > early life</h1>

Forced to make a living, Wan Fuhua was sent by his family to a Chinese medicine shop when he was a little older, and he studied medicine as an apprentice. During the apprenticeship, he worked during the day to study medicine and studied at night. At the end of the apprenticeship period, not only the medical path is slightly small, but also through the accounting books, business management. Its management talents also began to be known in the township.

The Gong family, a famous noble family in Hefei, invited Wan Fuhua to manage the Gong family's private property in douyechi. "Douye Pond" is the famous Xiaoyaojin in Hefei City, and the hometown of the Three Kingdoms of "Zhang Liaowei Zhen Xiaoyaojin". During the Guangxu period, Gong Zhaoyao and Gong Xinzhao of the Gong family bought it and transformed it into a private garden of the Gong family. Gong Xinzhao, the number of douyin, was renamed "bean leaf pond". During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, the "Bean Leaf Pond" was temporarily destroyed by war.

When Wan Fuhua took over, the bean leaf pond fell into disrepair, the river was silted, the land was deserted, and it was completely abandoned. Under the careful management of Wan Fuhua, after years, the soil was cleared, the river channels were dredged, the mulberry and hemp were farmed, and the fish were raised, and soon showed great vitality.

After the founding of New China, "Douye Pond" was transformed into a people's park "Xiaoyaojin", which has always been a famous tourist attraction in the old town of Hefei.

As a professional manager, Wan Fuhua has done a very good job! Later, at the recommendation of the Gong family, Wan Fuhua went out of the countryside and was hired to manage a silver trumpet in a Shanghai official for a period of time, and made a name for himself in the commercial industry.

After the Western-style movement, railways were introduced to China. Directly subordinate to the construction of the railway, the Luanzhou branch, specially hired Wan Fuhua as the general office. In Luanzhou for more than 10 years, he served as an official, with two sleeves and a clean wind, benefiting the township.

Because of his reputation for honesty and honesty and his ability to operate, the local salt bureaus in Guangdong and Fujian have successively hired Wan Fuhua to be in charge. Salt has always been the main source of local finances, and the main task has always been for the fat difference. After Wan Fuhua took office, he opposed corruption and advocated honesty and cleaned up the source. Feeling his honesty, when Wan Fuhua resigned and left office, tens of millions of people spontaneously sent them off.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > joined the revolution</h1>

By the end of the 19th century, the Qing government was becoming increasingly corrupt, and the great powers used the guns of ships and cannons to continue to divide China, and the country was in danger and the nation was in danger. Wan Fuhua categorically abandoned his official position and left his career, scattered his family wealth, and traveled to Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, and other places to observe the sufferings of the people and make friends with the party's heroic revolutionary heroes. After the failure of the Penghu Reform Law, he completely abandoned the illusion of restoration and threw himself into the anti-Qing revolutionary struggle.

In the spring of 1904, Wan Fuhua went to Shanghai and was introduced by Wu Yanggu, a fellow revolutionary volunteer in Hefei, and became acquainted with the revolutionary volunteers in Shanghai. At the low ebb of the revolution, Sun Yat-sen and many other revolutionaries went into exile. When the people discussed the anti-Qing revolution, Wan Fuhua was generous in his words and strongly advocated revolutionary assassination. Wan Fuhua said: "The innovation of Europe and the United States all started from assassination, and there is no one in China today. ”。 Wan Fuhua's words are generous and heroic, the blood is open, the deafness is deaf, and the sound is loud.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > plotted to assassinate Mulcha Tieliang</h1>

Soon, the revolutionaries learned that the Qing court household department attendant and soldier department attendant, military training minister, and imperial heavy minister Shaozhuang sent Tie Liang to the south to tour the provinces and armies. Wan Fuhua, Zhang Shizhao, Yu Dachun, Yi Benxi and others consulted and planned that when Tie Liang left the ship at the Xiaguan Wharf in Nanjing, Yi Benxi disguised himself as a servant and waited for the opportunity to snipe on the spot. The scene was stepped on, the gun procurement, the operation simulation, the personnel route arrangement, the deployment stopped, only to wait for Tie Liang to arrive on time and carry out the assassination.

Late Qing Dynasty revolutionary assassination pioneer, Wan Fuhua's legendary life | old photo (2) Early years into the revolutionary conspiracy assassination of Mulcha Tieliang assassination Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination assassination miyun assassination followed by the prison revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. Suifenhe's "Ten Thousand Great People" Wan Fuhua died of illness and the hero returned home

Mulcha Tielian (Source| Web Image)

Unfortunately, it leaked. At that time, The new governor of Liangjiang, Li Xingrui, and his grandson Li Maozhen were inclined to revolution, had a lot of support for the revolution, and had contacts with revolutionary Zhang Shizhao and others, and accidentally learned of this matter. Li Maozhen pleaded bitterly and advised him that if such a major assassination occurred, it would certainly hinder the development of his ancestors' career. The plan of action has been exposed, and it is unknown whether Tie Liang knows that precautions have been taken; the forced assassination plan may also affect the fundraising of the Nanjing Revolution, because the Li family has help. After several secret discussions, the crowd weighed the pros and cons, and finally regretted that they would abandon the assassination.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > assassination of Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination</h1>

Wang Zhichun was a native of Qingquan County, Hengyang, Hunan (present-day Hengnan County, Hengyang, Hunan).

From 1899 to 1901, when Wang Zhichun was the governor of Anhui, he sold more than 30 mines in Anhui to imperialism, which was deeply hated by the people of Anhui.

In 1902, when Wang Zhichun was serving as the governor of Guangxi, an anti-Qing party uprising broke out in Guangxi. Because Guangxi was close to Vietnam, Wang Zhichun wanted to "borrow French soldiers and legal funds", contact the French troops in Vietnam to come and strangle the revolutionary uprising, and transfer many road rights and mining rights in Guangxi to France at low prices to borrow Legal funds. His traitorous act of luring wolves into the house and betraying national sovereignty aroused public anger, and the call for wang zhichun became louder and louder, and a vigorous anti-law movement was set off throughout the country, and the Qing government was forced to dismiss Wang Zhichun.

In the winter of 1904, Wang Zhichun was dismissed from his post and lived idly in Shanghai, still unwilling to be lonely, making traitorous remarks and accusing the country of the anti-Russian movement at that time, which aroused the people's indignation and further aroused the hatred of revolutionary volunteers.

Late Qing Dynasty revolutionary assassination pioneer, Wan Fuhua's legendary life | old photo (2) Early years into the revolutionary conspiracy assassination of Mulcha Tieliang assassination Wang Zhichun, the famous Jinguxiang assassination assassination miyun assassination followed by the prison revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. Suifenhe's "Ten Thousand Great People" Wan Fuhua died of illness and the hero returned home

Liu Shipei (Source| Network Photo)

Revolutionary volunteers Liu Shipei and Lin Wei were the earliest planners of the assassination of Wang Zhichun. However, the assassination requires a thorough plan of action and the gunman who carried out the assassination, Liu Shipei and Lin Jie are both students and have no military literacy, and they find Chen Zixin and Zhang Shizhao about the gunman and the specific assassination plan.

Chen Zixin was a student at the Shanghai Youth Society. The Shanghai Youth Society aimed to cultivate revolutionary talents, and once hired Cai Yuanpei as the chief teacher, and Liu Shipei, Lin Wei, Zhang Shizhao and others were successively recruited to teach. Chen Zixin is not only a student of the teaching, but also a fellow villager of Liu Shipei, and Liu Shipei has always seen him. In ordinary days, Chen Zixin showed his ambition for revolution, generous in speech, courageous in his knowledge, and admired Jing Ke and Nie Zheng. Liu Shipei talked to him about the assassination plan, and Chen Zixin immediately agreed. The issue of the gunman who carried out the assassination was resolved.

Regarding the specific planning and deployment of the assassination operation, Liu Shipei and Lin Wei found Zhang Shizhao, who had studied at the Nanjing Lushi Academy and had plotted to assassinate Tie Liang, and had experience in assassination planning and deployment. Zhang Shizhao eventually agreed to join, but did not fully recognize Chen Zixin's ability, so he introduced Wan Fuhua, a collaborator in the assassination of Tieliang, and introduced him to the assassination operation.

As early as the period when Wang Zhichun was the governor of Anhui, he became acquainted with Wu Bao. Wu Baochu, his father Wu Changqing. Wu Changqing, a native of Lujiang County, Anhui Province, a famous general of the Huai Army, was a nobleman of Yuan Shikai's fate, and Yuan Shikai was promoted after he defected. In his later years, he was disappointed by the Qing court, resigned from the government due to illness, lived in Shanghai, sympathized with the revolution, and helped Zhang Taiyan escape the pursuit of the Qing court many times. His son Wu Baochu was inclined to restore the new in his early years, and together with Chen Sanli, Tan Sitong, and Ding Huikang, he was known as the "Four Princes of the Late Qing Dynasty". When Wu Baochu lived in Shanghai with his father, he was both reformed and revolutionary, and worried about state affairs. In the Case of The Su Bao in Shanghai, he and his father protected Zhang Taiyan, who was imprisoned. On weekdays, he had contacts with revolutionaries Cai Yuanpei and Zhang Taiyan, and was recognized by the revolutionaries as a "revolutionary friend." What is particularly interesting is that Wu Baochu's daughter Wu Weinan joined the League in 1905 as Sun Yat-sen's English secretary. In order to persuade Zhang Shizhao to join the Alliance, Wu Weinan, a beautiful woman of the "Beauty Plan", contacted Zhang Shizhao and did not want the two to eventually become revolutionary partners. In other words, Wu Baochu later became Zhang Shizhao's father-in-law.

After Wang Zhichun's dismissal, he lived idly in Shanghai and had some contacts with his old friend Wu Baochu, which was a very normal thing. This becomes the entry point for assassination planning.

Because the revolutionaries and Wu Baochu also had contacts and friendships, they were familiar with his living habits and familiar with contacts. Imitating Wu Baochu's handwriting, Liu Shipei sent a banquet in the name of Wu Baochu, and wrote an invitation letter to Wang Zhichun's mansion, inviting Wang Zhichun to go to the second floor of jingu Xiangfan Restaurant (in modern terms, Jingu Xiangxi Restaurant) on the fourth road of the British Concession on the evening of November 19, 1904.

The specific assassination plan: Chen Zixin lurked on the second floor of the restaurant with a gun, waiting for an opportunity to snipe; Wan Fuhua buried the restaurant downstairs with a gun as a countermeasure to prevent accidents. This double insurance assassination design is indeed perfectly designed, and Wang Zhichun has no possibility of survival.

On the evening of November 19, 1904, Wang Zhichun and his entourage arrived on time. After going upstairs, Wang Zhichun and the others immediately went downstairs, hurriedly and panicked, and wanted to leave. Wan Fuhua, who was ambushed downstairs, did not hear the gunshot, was wondering, saw the situation, pulled out his pistol, suddenly came to Wang Zhichun's body, grabbed Wang Zhichun's arm with one hand, and hurriedly fired the gun with the other hand, but repeatedly pulled the trigger, and the gun always sounded.

At the time of the pull, Wang Zhichun and others took the opportunity to shout loudly, which caused the British Concession patrol to arrive, and Wan Fuhua was arrested before he could avoid it.

Assassination failed. Wang Zhichun didn't hurt much, just pulled and hurt his fingers.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="65" > assassination mystery cloud</h1>

1. About Chen Zixin. At the first scene, the first time, why did Chen Zixin not shoot? There are many historical versions. One said that Chen Zixin was disguised as a Japanese and wanted to talk with Wang Zhichun; the other said that Chen Zixin hid a gun in his pocket with his right hand and greeted Wang Zhichun with his left hand. In any case, his behavior aroused Wang Zhichun's vigilance and he turned away. In short, Chen Zixin did not pull out his gun and shoot, and at the critical time, he confessed and dropped the chain, just like Qin Wuyang in Jing Ke's thorn Qin, and he was disdainful. Later, Chen Zixin changed his name to Chen Shaotang and threw himself into the Beiyang warlord Duan Qirui and became a politician affiliated with the Duan clan. The eldest husband does not change his name and does not change his surname, and Chen Zixin's change of name is already very telling. In short, the first shooter of the assassination operation, Sotofi.

2. On the issue of firearms. The pistol used by Chen Zixin, the first gunner in the assassination operation, was a new gun purchased by Zhang Shizhao, and everyone had no objection. The pistol used by Wan Fuhua is an old gun, and there are different theories in it. One said that it was an old gun borrowed from Zhang Ji; the other said that it was an old gun used by Yi Benxi when Nanjing plotted to assassinate Tie Liang. Why the emphasis on old guns, because it involves a third question.

3, Wan Fuhua repeatedly pulled the trigger, why is there no gunshot? One is that Wan Fuhua forgot to open the pistol safety bolt in a hurry, so that he could not fire; the other said that the old gun hit the needle was broken, resulting in the inability to fire effectively. Some of the materials tend to the first possibility, which is not a problem, the problem is that the words ridicule Wan Fuhua Yisuke Shusuke can not even use the gun, which is a bit disrespectful.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="71" > assassination follow-up</h1>

Zhang Shizhao soon learned that the assassination had been lost, and Wan Fuhua was arrested, and he was very anxious. The next day, he went to visit Wan Fuhua at the British Concession Patrol House. The assassination of the former feudal governor of the Qing court was a major case, and Zhang Shizhao was immediately detained and interrogated as a suspect. At that time, when Huang Xing and others had planned the Changsha uprising for a long time, many revolutionaries avoided lurking in Shanghai. During the interrogation of Zhang Shizhao, Zhang Shizhao inadvertently lost his word, inadvertently exposed Yu Qingli's house number, patrolled Fang Shunteng to touch the melon, found the Yu Qingli revolutionary organs, searched and arrested Huang Xing, Zhang Ji, Xue Dake, Fang Biao, Su Peng, Zhou Serheng, Xu Fosu, Zhao Shixuan, Tang Chongxi, Zhang Qinshi, Guo Renzhang, and 11 other revolutionaries, and searched for chemical instruments, bomb-making materials, and also searched for pistols from Zhou Serheng's body. Because of the arrest of a group of revolutionaries, the situation was further aggravated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="74" > in jail</h1>

Wang Zhichun's assassination case immediately caused a sensation on the beach, and with the public opinion propaganda, the whole country was soon shaken.

After Wan Fuhua and other revolutionaries were imprisoned, the social repercussions were fierce, and all sectors of society organized rescue work. Under the rush of multiple rescues and forced by public opinion, the British Concession refused the Qing court's request for extradition, and held a public trial on December 23, 1904. On top of the public trial, Wan Fuhua was generous in his words and made a big package, declaring that the assassination was a completely personal act. In the end, the public trial was convicted of disturbing the public order and sentenced Wan Fuhua to ten years' imprisonment. Zhou found physical evidence of a pistol and sentenced him to six months' imprisonment. The rest of the people were acquitted because of insufficient evidence.

In prison, Wan Fuhua was proud of the people, because he led the prisoners in the struggle against abuse, received retaliation from the prison guards, and sought an opportunity to frame Wan Fuhua for trying to lead the crowd to escape from prison, and was sentenced to ten years in prison.

After the success of the Xinhai Revolution, after many efforts, on December 7, 1912, after eight years in prison, Wan Fuhua was released from prison. In order to welcome the heroes, the vast number of people in Shanghai social organizations have held celebration meetings in the Yu garden and the Shanghai New Stage.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="79" > revolutionary assassination pioneer. The historical significance of Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun. </h1>

After the failure of the Penghu Reform Law, in the more than ten years since the founding of the Xinhai Revolutionary Republic, there have been dozens of famous revolutionary assassinations. It began with Shi Jianru, the first assassin in the late Qing Dynasty, who was martyred in 1900 after the assassination of Deok Shou, the governor of Liangguang. The revolution then fell into a low ebb, and there were no assassinations for several years. Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun at the end of 1904 was an assassination milestone. Because of the public opinion propaganda, the social response is strong, and its impact is far-reaching. In the following years, countless revolutionaries were affected by it, and assassinations occurred frequently, which deeply shocked the Qing court authorities and greatly boosted the morale of the revolution, and the revolutionary situation surged up. Therefore, Wan Fuhua opened the historical prelude to revolutionary assassination and was the real leader of the revolutionary assassination trend in the late Qing Dynasty.

In February 1905, Wang Han, in Henan Zhangde plotted to assassinate Tieliang, failed, under the pursuit, angrily threw himself into the well and died.

On September 24, 1905, Wu Fan assassinated Zhenguo Gong Zaize and five other ministers at the Zhengyangmen Railway Station in Beijing.

In 1906, Yang Zhuolin plotted to assassinate Duan Fang, the governor of Liangjiang, in Yangzhou, and his plan was defeated and arrested. In July 1907, he bravely rebelled in Nanjing.

In 1907, Xu Xilin assassinated Anhui Inspector Enming, Enming was assassinated, xu Xilin was tortured and executed, and died heroically.

In January 1910, Wang Jingwei plotted to assassinate the regent Zaifeng and failed. "Lead the knife into a fast, live up to the head of the teenager", a momentary recitation.

On January 26, 1912, Peng Jiazhen killed Liang Bi, the leader of the "Sectarian Socialist Party", and Peng Jiazhen was killed on the spot in the explosion.

"There is no way to call the dead to rise", and there are many more revolutionary assassinations. Revolutionary orthodoxy often emphasizes popular consciousness and armed uprisings to overthrow decadent regimes. To be sure, the revolutionary assassins of the late Qing Dynasty, whether influenced by the anarchist trend of thought in the West, especially in Russia, or the spirit of chivalrous heroism in China since ancient times, their indomitable assassination acts and their revolutionary terror deeply shocked the ruling class and greatly boosted the morale of the revolution. His revolutionary assassination is an important content and component part of the modern democratic revolution.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="89" > "Wanda" of Suifenhe</h1>

In 1913, after his release, Wan Fuhua was invited to Beijing, because he was dissatisfied with Yuan Shikai's behavior and avoided complicity, he refused an important position in Beijing, but only accepted the false title of industrial consultant. In 1914, Yuan Shikai said that the emperor's ambitions were becoming more and more obvious. Wan Fuhua published "On the Harm of Imperialism" and attacked it. Subsequently, he used his status as an industrial consultant to stay away from the political disputes in Beijing and China, avoid disasters and go to remote areas, and bury his head in reclamation in order to save the country through industry.

Wan Fuhua came to Suifenhe, a border area, as a member of the Republic of China Reading Border Committee and an industrial adviser. At that time, the biggest problem in the Suifenhe area was the sino-Russian land dispute, and the Russian side illegally occupied a large number of Chinese land along the Middle East Railway line and around the Five Stations Railway Station. Wan Fuhua led the border government, and in accordance with the original agreement between China and Russia, they fought on the basis of reason, and after arduous negotiations, successfully nationalized the land.

Operate and manage Funing Tunken Company, encourage farming, support immigrants, and vigorously develop and build. According to the regulations to suifenhe immigrants, Funing Tunken company can help support seeds, cattle and horses, agricultural tools and land, in a short period of time, the population of the Suifenhe area surged, the population increased from thousands to tens of thousands, the original barren border land soon population gathered agricultural prosperity. According to the geographical advantages of the border and adjacent to the railway station, Wanfuhua specially allocated land to establish the Zhonghua Shopping Mall. The planning and construction are regular and scientific, the roads are longitudinal and horizontal, and the supporting facilities are reasonable. After the completion of the construction, there were many shops, and the border market trade soon flourished. This kind of scientific modern urban planning and construction was undoubtedly ahead of its time. At the same time, Wan Fuhua attaches great importance to education and establishes modern schools. This was unique in the backward frontier at that time.

The rudiments of Suifenhe City are about to emerge. Nowadays, Suifenhe City, as a famous border city in the north, has developed border trade and rapid urban development. Suifenhe has not forgotten the former "Ten Thousand People", the founder of Suifenhe City and the first urban planner. The Suifenhe City Chronicle records the exploits of Wan Fuhua, casting a bronze statue of Wan Fuhua, and the city streets have "Wanfu Road" and "Fuhua Street". In the city, you can still find the traces of the planned chessboard street, and the traffic artery from the Hanliang River to the Taipingling That Wan Fuhua presided over in the past is still in use. In order to commemorate Wan Fuhua, when Funing Town was later established, it was named after the Funing Tunken Company that Wan Fuhua ran in that year.

In fact, as early as after Wan Fuhua's death, the people of Suifenhe were grateful for his grace. In the current Funing Town Nanshan erected more than two meters high "Ten Thousand Great People Monument", the inscription records the merits of Wan Fuhua, next to the monument built "one pillar pavilion", symbolizing Wan Fuhua's merits "one pillar of the sky". Unfortunately, the "Monument to the Ten Thousand Great People" and the "One Pillar Pavilion" were all destroyed in the future by the Japanese war.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="97" > Wan Fuhua died of illness</h1>

After Yuan Shikai's defeat as emperor, he died of uremia in June 1916. Wan Fuhua returned to Beijing at the invitation of President Li Yuanhong. At that time, there was a dispute between the central Beiyang government and the court, and chaos was rife; the north and south of China were divided; the local armed forces were divided; and civil wars were frequent. Wan Fuhua was very worried about state affairs. When Xu Shichang became president in 1918, he advocated peace between the north and the south. Wan Fuhua and Cai Yuanpei initiated the "All-China Peace Federation" and actively organized and participated in the North-South Conference and activities to call for peace. On May 4, 1919, the great May Fourth Patriotic Movement broke out, the people woke up, and the patriotic national salvation movement grew stronger and stronger.

Life goes on, the battle goes on. However, eight years of imprisonment seriously injured Wan Fuhua's body, causing Wan Fuhua to become ill in the future. On October 15, 1919, Wan Fuhua died of illness at the age of 55.

During the funeral, all walks of life went to mourn. Among them, Cai Yuanpei's Bang Lian is the most famous, "the implementation of Renxia, despite the difficulties do not change the original intention; longing for peace, there are still regrets in the dying." ”。 It is recognized in society that Cai Yuanpei should be linked, concise and concise, and the summary and evaluation of Wan Fuhua's life are the most appropriate and true.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="104" > hero's homecoming</h1>

Wan Fuhua threw himself into the revolution and had almost no money left, and the Wan family originally planned to bury Wan Fuhua's coffin in the Wanjia Zulin forest in Hefei, but had no choice but to send it to the Dongyue Temple outside the Chaoyang Gate on the outskirts of Beijing. In 1947, he was buried in wan'an cemetery in xiangshan in the western suburbs.

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