
To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

author:Dr. Wu, Department of Internal Medicine, Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

The challenges and pressures in life often invade our hearts silently, especially for middle-aged and elderly friends who have experienced rich experience and precipitation over the years. Have you ever had a moment when you stare out the window with nameless anxiety surging in your heart, or somehow feel heavy and uninteresting? These may be the signs that anxiety and depression are quietly knocking on the door of our hearts.

This is not just an individual experience for you and me, but a social phenomenon that is widely overlooked. Imagine a friend close to you suddenly becoming reticent, or you yourself waking up early one morning to find that the worries of the previous night were with you. These are not simply "bad moods", but mental health wake-up calls.

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

Understanding Psychological Shadows: Exploring the Heart of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are not only psychological words, they are practical problems that affect our lives, especially among middle-aged and elderly people. This section aims to provide an in-depth introduction to these two common mental health issues to help readers better understand and cope with them.

Anxiety: More than just "worrying"

Anxiety is often reduced to "overly worried," but it's much more complex than that. It is a constant, excessive, illogical worry that is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, trembling. In middle-aged and older age groups, this anxiety may stem from health problems, financial stress, or changes in the social environment.

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

Depression: Feeling at a deep emotional trough

Depression is not just sadness. It is a deep-seated mood disorder that manifests itself as persistent depressed mood, loss of interest, and loss of energy. For middle-aged and older adults, depression may be related to retirement, declining health, or the loss of a loved one.

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

Commonalities and differences between anxiety and depression

While anxiety and depression have their own characteristics, they are often intertwined. A person may experience symptoms of anxiety and depression at the same time, especially in the face of major changes in their lives. The key difference, however, is that anxiety is often associated with specific worries or fears, while depression manifests itself as a global depressed mood and loss of interest.

Balance in Everyday Life: Simple Steps to a Healthy Mind That Matter

Regular sleep and sleep schedules: Maintaining consistent sleep and wake times can help regulate your body's body clock and reduce anxiety.

Eat a balanced diet: A nutritious and balanced diet is essential for mental health. Include enough vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and reduce your intake of processed foods and sugars

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

Moderate exercise: At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming or yoga, can significantly boost your mood

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Shift your mindset and improve your mindset

Mood Diary: Record daily mood changes to help identify and deal with negative thoughts.

Challenge negative thoughts: When you find yourself stuck in negative thinking, try to think about the problem from a different perspective and seek a more positive explanation.

Relaxation Techniques: The Natural Enemy of Anxiety

Deep Breathing Xi: Focus on slow, deep breathing to help reduce anxiety and tension.

Progressive muscle relaxation: A state of whole-body relaxation is achieved by tensing and relaxing different muscle groups of the body.

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

Social interaction: Stay connected to the world

Communicate with family and friends: Talking to family and friends regularly and sharing feelings and experiences can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of loneliness.

Join interest groups: Participating in community events or interest groups, such as book clubs and craft groups, is a great way to build new skills and meet new people.

When to seek help from a mental health professional?

In the fight against anxiety and depression, the importance of professional help cannot be overlooked. When self-adjustment methods are not effective in relieving psychological stress, seeking help from a mental health professional becomes a critical step. This section is intended to provide readers with practical information on when and how to seek professional help.

1. Identify the critical moment to ask for help

Persistent low mood: When you feel depressed for a long time and can't enjoy the activities you usually enjoy.

Impaired life functioning: If anxiety or depression interferes with your daily life, such as work, family responsibilities or social activities.

Self-help strategies don't work: When you've tried multiple self-help methods but don't improve, or your symptoms worsen.

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

2. Choose the right professional

Mental health counselor: Provides emotional support to help you understand and manage your emotions.

Clinical Psychologist: Conduct more in-depth psychological assessment and treatment.

Psychiatrist: When medication or a more comprehensive medical evaluation is required.

3. Expect practical results with professional help

Build trusting relationships: Build a supportive relationship with a mental health professional that provides a safe space for opening your heart.

Personalized treatment plan: A professional will develop a treatment plan that is right for you based on your specific situation.

Xi new skills: Gain skills to deal with emotions and stress more effectively.

To combat anxiety and depression, psychologists suggest that these methods can easily improve mental health

4. Open your heart and seek change

Proactive communication: Actively communicate your feelings and needs with a professional when seeking help.

Patience and persistence: Psychotherapy is a process that takes time and patience.

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