
Pr people's circle of friends has never belonged to themselves

author:An old cannon

As a result, almost all PR people with heads and faces have a WeChat trumpet for Deser, and you will be there and see an XXX teacher you don't usually know.

Pr people's circle of friends has never belonged to themselves

At the end of February and the beginning of March, it has always been green and yellow, PR people are the most idle time, although there is a 3.15, but most of the PRs of large factories have long believed that they have done a good job in prevention, thinking that they are very safe, because there is no absolute safety, they can only resign themselves to fate.

As far as I know, many PRs of large factories have recently been sightseeing in the mountains, although they can't go abroad, but Sanya has a vote of people, Yunnan has a vote of people, and even a vote of people to Go to Xinjiang; but interesting things come, most of the time we find that a person's whereabouts are through the circle of friends, because going out to play in the mountains and rivers inevitably can't help but send a beautiful view, but most of the PR people, the circle of friends is empty, can't see anything; if you ask Brother Gun how do you know that they are out of the waves, Because first of all, some people in the Gun Brother Organization are still in VP positions in major companies, and some of them are because they exposed their whereabouts when they called Brother Gun.

Unlike most media people, the circle of friends of PR people has long been not their own, and can even be said to have been sold to the company, while the circle of friends of media people is completely life and complaints, although the income of the two kinds of people is not at one level at all.

In this issue, Brother Cannon will talk to you about this matter of the PR circle of friends, and see what the god-level PR circle of friends sends, what the methodological players send, what the inner-volume players send, and what the friends of the public relations company are sending.

In fact, why do PR people lose their circle of friends? Mainly because the real life content is too rich, if it is fully displayed, it will make the boss and the media feel unhappy, this grandson is so moist? As a result, almost all PR people with heads and faces have a WeChat trumpet for Deser, and you will be there and see an XXX teacher you don't usually know.

In addition, brother gun recently reflected on it, after opening the knowledge planet, he did not make any IQ contribution to everyone, before the friends who paid the fee for the gun brother knowledge planet, you can add my WeChat, and then I will give you a refund; but if you think that is the appreciation of the article for the gun brother, a respect for the knowledge information, then the cannon brother still accepted it.

In addition, the cannon brother received an advertisement, UNICEF monthly donation plan, the advertisement will permanently appear behind an old cannon article, I hope that everyone no matter how much, first participate in, the cannon brother said that there are too many friends to do charity, are just saying not to do, in fact, charity is very close to you, do it.

Top management is keen on insinuation

Among the WeChat friends of Brother Gun, there are several so-called PR world titans, some of these people are in office, some are hidden, but these people have a habit of the same, they like to use seemingly insignificant pictures and texts, insinuate some things, if there is no little experience in the jianghu people, it is impossible to see what they want to express.

Brother Gun did not name which teachers it was, and those who understood it all understood, and those who did not understand it said that you did not understand it.

But the style of these teachers is also different, there are poetry school, there are roaring school, there are comic school, but these few have one thing in common, are original, the circle of friends rarely forwards the public number or other information, all of which are original copywriting.

This one of the roaring faction, the word insinuation is actually not very suitable for him, it is more appropriate to use the finger mulberry to scold the locust, basically at a glance to know who he says, what to say, over the years, the enemy he has to face has not changed, so basically has aesthetic fatigue.

The teasing faction is a representative of entertainment to death, using witty language, a hand-like story, to express the people and things he wants to insinuate, many people are not particularly aware of the situation, or haha a pleasure, only the parties know what he is talking about.

This poet of the poetry school prefers to write poems, paint, show his life, and then in some poetry exchanges, hide the things he wants to express, often hidden very deeply, and everyone who sees it knows that there is a connotation, but what it is, maybe only the insinuation of the person himself knows it.

However, if you are careful enough, you will find that whenever these companies encounter major events, these companies will use the circle of friends to vaguely express their positions, and during that time period, the frequency of their release of the circle of friends will also increase significantly.

Perhaps, this is the high place is not cold, both need to save face, but also need to stabilize the inside, so Chinese the best twists and turns, in them vividly reflected.

But to be honest, the circle of friends of these people, I don't like to look at it, it doesn't mean much, the readability is not high, the level of photography is average, the copywriting is general, all are interests, and even use the circle of friends to manage their own team, so that the people in the team know their work trends.

So, Brother Cannon, the favorite, or those crazy little whites who don't know whether to live or die.

The methodological school is pointing out the country

In the PR circle, there are only a few real masters and people who have been canonized.

Most of the managers are working hard at a level, and the user portraits of this part of the people are also very clear, and the former media middle-level managers have excellent writing and planning capabilities, and the personalization is outstanding.

This type of person is basically in the major companies as a public relations director or VP, between the ages of 30 and 40, hormone levels are exploding, is working hard for the ultimate outbreak of life, these people's circle of friends the most frequent content is to forward a variety of social news, political news, and then their own original a sharp point of view of the comment copy.

Many of these people are representatives of advanced offensive PR, and the dirtiest and most tiring work at the PR level is often performed by people in this part, so the negative energy accumulated on the body may be more, so they are afraid of themselves.

The famous PR representative Li Guoxun is a typical, often forward a variety of strange PR methodologies, make a variety of postures that others can't think of, and suddenly the feeling of KOLs in the circle of friends comes, so Li Guoxun has the reputation of Xiao Zhuge in everyone's mind, and a good hand for ideas. According to the information that Brother Gun knows, this boy usually loves to read all kinds of information, often jumps out of the public relations latitude to think about problems, has previously been a personal webmaster of Rijin Doujin, or a successful real estate investor, so the brain is very lively, many beautiful women PR are therefore admired, relying on The brain of Teacher Li Guoxun to fill his blank IQ.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the popular private domain traffic pool in the circle now, and major companies have a budget every year to send red envelopes in various media and PR mixed groups, and then spread some news.

In the middle, the most incomprehensible thing about gun brother is that the media takes the red packet forwarding is very normal, but many company PR teachers, even well-known company PR teachers, are also very conscious of often taking red packet forwarding, the most bizarre thing is that according to gun brother, some well-known companies CEOs, CFOs (a famous software company, a certain e-commerce company), and even the boss of an investment company, the circle of friends can be sold, 5,000 yuan a piece, the first time I heard about it, gun brother was very shocked, it turned out that these people were also sold.

There are also some PR, after being intimidated by their own addiction, they simply quit their jobs to do professional KOLs, such as the PR bear of the previous 360 company, that is to say, if they are particularly afraid, they can live on it.

This type of students, the circle of friends will occasionally have a private life, basically is the baby, because the baby of this group of people, are not big, just stepped into the life of a baby, full of love for the baby, can't help but show off the baby.

Brother Cannon does not have a baby, nor does he like a baby, so the circle of friends of this type of classmate is also basically blocked.

The inner volume pie is all forwarding company news

Flip through your circle of friends, is not all your company's various news events, only the company's business, the circle of friends has been completely with their own flesh, hired to the company, if it is, please do not be discouraged, you are the inner volume faction, gun brother is also, because the gun brother's circle of friends only their own articles, never forward other people's works, ha ha.

Gun brother often encounters such a situation, a not very familiar friend, working in a certain company, when the cannon brother needs to use this person, if you can not judge whether this person is still in office, the first thing is to go over the person's circle of friends, if through the circle of friends forwarded content, basically can determine where this person is working now, if the circle of friends returns to normal, it means that this person is currently unemployed, such as Yang Lei, the most envied idle person in the circle now, Every day in the circle of friends to show their pension life, the avatar directly into the golf swing.

In other words, the circle of friends has become a display area for many PR people's workplace changes.

Most of the friends who are mixed in the PR industry execution level, the circle of friends is basically only work, no life; every day the boss will throw some of the company's publicity direction in the group, do you say do you turn or not turn? The most ridiculous thing is that the bosses of many companies will also mandatorily require employees to forward, and then ask employees to let the media forward, this kind of thing, the most common in the real estate industry, who the cannon brother is talking about, everyone should also know.

However, Brother Gun has also seen some more special cases, such as the female PR of a certain liquor company, the male PR director of so-and-so portal, the female PR of so-and-so OTA company, the female PR of so-and-so game company, these people's circle of friends, Brother Gun especially likes to watch, never send work-related things, are their own various sexy selfies, all kinds of show nudity, Gun Brother almost every day must see, loyal fans, write here, Gun Brother can't help but laugh out of the pig barking, Gun Brother likes this most do not know life and death, no heart and no lungs of the students, readability is very high, It fully reflects Lao Tzu's desperate attitude.

In fact, the inner volume faction to send company news, very normal, because this is a kind of political correctness, the first can prevent the boss from monitoring their own whereabouts, you can also show their love and identification with the company, such a circle of friends must not be wrong, is the best circle of friends for newcomers in the workplace, but if you are already a public relations director, still sending such a non-nutritious circle of friends every day, then the paragraph is a little low, such as a certain teacher of the director of an education company, the value of the circle of friends is to forward the company news, Never interact with media teachers in the circle of friends, and the circle of friends has become a place to offend the media.

To say a classic paragraph, there was once a pair of famous extramarital love in the circle, because a circle of friends was exposed, because two people inadvertently exposed their whereabouts in the same time period, and then they were hammered, so it is easy not to send a circle of friends.

PR teachers in PR firms are the most free

Although the students of the public relations company are the end of the industrial chain, the circle of friends of the students is also the best.

In the gun brother organization, there is an important member in Shanghai, Lu Yang, the boss lady of Miku public relations, her circle of friends is the circle of friends of typical public relations company practitioners, the forwarded content, all of which are articles of agent customers, turn out Lu Teacher's circle of friends, probably can turn out the distribution of her company's customers; then there is a variety of celebrity shows, business trips show first class, five-star hotels show afternoon tea, the most unbearable thing for Gun Brother is that her pole dancing, when there are many people, I am embarrassed to directly click, Afraid that others think that the gun brother is watching an action movie, curious people, you can join the gun brother organization, find this person, download and enjoy.

This is the advantage of being a B B, there is no need to hide your life, I am me, I live well, I live very well, I do not lack customers, we are a powerful company.

It is easy to do a public relations company, every day before and after the attack, Party A's father scolds, the media teacher is afraid, if the circle of friends can not belong to themselves, what is the meaning of living.

Gun brother observed a circle and found that most of the students of the public relations company, the circle of friends is very highly readable, basically belong to the rapid source of various gossip news, everyone is keen to see the hilarity, as long as it has nothing to do with their own company customers, the popularity of many articles has a lot to do with the selfless dissemination of these people, such as the article of the cannon brother, many times, Party A's PR does not dare to forward the circle of friends, but the small partners of the public relations company are very fond of forwarding.

Therefore, in order to thank the brave public relations company's small partners, Gun Brother plans to open another group, specifically to make the small partners of the public relations company happy and happy, Gun Brother will become the source of happiness for your miserable life, if there is a list, Gun Brother will also send it to the group to everyone.

Brother Gun, here or do you want to DISS the PR of BlueFocus Company, can you be a little more dedicated, don't always send a variety of food in the middle of the night? Zhao always didn't have to take care of these people, and brother Gun's hunger in the middle of the night was often caused by these people.

The real king never sends a circle of friends

Later, Brother Gun recalled the kings around him, and then opened their circle of friends to find that these people, there was no circle of friends, Brother Gun also thought that these grandsons deleted themselves, sent a message to the past, found that the relationship between each other's friends is still there.

Bro, what's going on lately?

I'm fine in the U.S., when is it time to come and play?

Go after the epidemic, take care.

The real king is completely alive in reality, I just look at this world, the world is better to forget me!

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