
An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

author:Weisheng Xiaoyun
An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

Text丨 Weisheng Xiaoyun

Editor丨Weisheng Xiaoyun


China is getting better and better, and many foreigners want to come and see China's culture and scenery.

However, because of regional differences, foreigners and Chinese have very different growth Xi and environment.

Once, an American beauty came to China for a trip and drank too much water while shopping, but she found several public toilets, but said that she couldn't go at all?

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

What is it like to travel to China?

Americans are Caucasians, with deep facial features and tall statures, so they are very conspicuous when they come to China.

Koreans and Japanese, who are also Asians, may not be very able to distinguish between those who travel to China.

Americans use knives and forks to eat, so the use of chopsticks is a head, although chopsticks are really convenient, but we also use them from elementary school Xi.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

After coming to China, this American beauty felt that everything was interesting, and the most important thing was a sense of security.

Basically, you can see the police station after walking through an area, and there will be some patrol officers on the busy street.

After all, guns are not banned in the United States, and in addition, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and police stations are set up relatively far away, so security is greatly reduced.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

But China is the "safest country" because we have strict gun control here.

Transportation is also strictly inspected, and the state puts the safety of the people first.

Therefore, it is normal for Americans to feel safe and secure when they come to China, and there are many foreigners who say that it is really great in China.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

They can be robbed in some places, even if they have their phones in their ears and make calls.

As a result, when I came to China, the computer was directly placed on the coffee shop table, and I went out for something, and when I came back, the computer was still in place, and no one touched it at all.

This sense of security allows them to experience the goodness of China, but China is not only good.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

Nowadays, even small cities in China have set up public toilets in various places, unlike some countries where you have to walk a long way to find public toilets.

Many people think that there are too many public toilets, and they may not be able to manage them, and they will be very dirty, but in fact they are very clean.

Whether it is the toilet on the street, public transportation, subway stations and other public toilets, they are all clean.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

This also makes it very reassuring and convenient for people who travel, and they don't have to wait until they get home to go to the toilet.

After coming to China, this American beauty tried a variety of Chinese food and drinks, among which she liked Chinese milk tea very much, and bought two large cups of milk tea with different flavors.

But after drinking too much milk tea, she naturally wanted to go to the toilet, so she went to the public toilet under the guidance of an enthusiastic passer-by, that is, my friend.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

Oddly enough, she went in for a moment and came out quickly.

At that time, my friend thought that it was full, so he took this foreign beauty to another toilet.

As a result, when she came to the third, she still came out quickly, and her friend thought it was very strange, so she remembered to ask her what was wrong?

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

As soon as she opened her mouth, she said that these toilets were all squatting and she couldn't go to them.

It turns out that there are no squatting toilets in the United States, everyone uses the toilet, and even if you go back to a long time ago, it is also a toilet.

Some people say, don't be so expensive, just go to it casually, why do you have to find a public toilet with a toilet?

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

There is another reason for this, that is, Europeans do not "Asian squat", that is, the soles of their feet fit the ground and the whole person squats.

Some people think this is simply a joke, how can there be people in this world who can't squat down?

But the world is so big that our innate "Asian squat" is really not the Europeans, they can only squat for a short time.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

If you ask them to crouch down completely, the result is a fall without exception.

The moment their heels touched the ground, they were unsteady and leaned back.

Even their animated figures, squatting down can only point their toes up, and it is impossible to lay the entire ball of the foot flat.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

Why can't foreigners "squat"?

Talking about why there is a strange term "Asian squat", it is also because Europeans think the action of squatting is too strange.

There are several reasons why they can't squat, first of all, everyone has just been born, and the child's bones are very "soft".

At this time, basically everyone can easily squat down.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

Later, as you grow older, your bones become harder, and there are some movements that are difficult to do unless you practice them specifically, such as this "Asian squat".

We in China used "squatting pits" a long time ago, and even the ones that were built in the past were "no roof".

In some rural areas, it can be solved by directly finding a bush, and later it developed into a "ceramic" squatting pit.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

It is also because everyone has been "squatting" since childhood, and basically exercise this "Achilles tendon" every day, so it can be easily squatted.

As foreigners get older, they basically use toilets, and they usually don't need to "squat", so the Achilles tendon will be more "hard".

As a result, if they are tired of walking, they may sit on the ground with their butts on their backs, or squat on tiptoe to rest.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

And whether the Chinese are squatting on the bench, or finding a step, even if it is flat ground, they can directly squat down and rest.

Therefore, in terms of physical structure, Chinese and Europeans still have different development histories.

From the perspective of living environment, the way foreigners go to the toilet is also very different from that of Chinese, one is squatting and the other is sitting on the toilet.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

However, with the development of the times, many families have begun to use toilets.

After all, many people have encountered the situation of "squatting and numb feet", but more and more people use the toilet, which does not mean that the toilet is good.

In fact, according to the physiological structure of the human body, it is better to squat, and there will be a situation of "not being able to get up" when sitting.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

This is because the human stomach and intestines are only "straight" when squatting, and actually a bit "detouring" when sitting.

So why do people who use toilets last longer than people who use squatting pits.

And from a hygienic point of view, there are very few contact surfaces in the squatting pit, and basically there will be fewer bacteria.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

However, because the toilet bowl is basically in contact with everyone's skin, it may also cause bacterial cross-infection.

It's okay at home, basically everyone will pay attention, and in the public toilet outside, it is recommended that everyone still use a squatting pit to be more hygienic.

After all, public toilets have a high flow of people, and different people enter every day, and no one knows what germs they will carry.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

But it's not that the squatting pit is completely better than the toilet, these are all relative, and there are good things and not so good places.

For example, some elderly people are not very convenient to move because of their age and osteoporosis, and it may be difficult for them to get up again if they are allowed to squat.

There are even some people with diseases, such as people with cerebrovascular diseases, and some office workers with occupational diseases, squatting is very painful for them.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

At this time, the toilet solves this problem very well, it is just like you sitting, just sit casually.

In short, these things can be selected according to the needs and scenes, and the public toilet uses a squatting pit, which is more hygienic and clean.

If there are elderly people or people who are inconvenient to squat, they use the toilet and take what they need, and some people even install a toilet and a squatting pit at home.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?

In this way, if the guests come to the house and don't want to use the toilet, you can use the squatting pit, which is a sanitary point for both parties.

However, it is amazing to find that foreigners are different from Chinese from such a very subtle place.

Although it is only a small toilet tool, it also allows everyone to learn a lot about the history of the toilet.

An American beauty came to China for a trip, and she urgently looked for the toilet three times, but she cried that the toilet couldn't be used?


China has a lot to offer, and there are many places to visit and food to taste.

Good infrastructure is just one of the advantages.

We still welcome foreign friends to come and experience the Chinese culture and atmosphere.

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