
Mo Yan once said: "I don't climb the rich man, because I can't spend his money, and I don't look down on the poor, because he doesn't depend on me to survive, and I don't flatter the proud villain, because he can't get into me."

author:Glowing Siam

Mo Yan once said: "I don't climb the rich man, because I can't spend his money, and I don't look down on the poor, because he doesn't rely on me to survive, and I don't flatter the proud villain, because he can't get into my eyes." ”

On an autumn afternoon, the famous writer Mo Yan is immersed in his writing world. At this time, an old friend, Mr. Zhang, came to visit and brought fresh vegetables that he had grown.

Zhang Lao is an ordinary farmer, he has a deep friendship with Mo Yan, and often meets for tea and exchanges. The two sat in the study, chatting around the fire. Mo Yan listened to Zhang

He always tells about the changes in the village, and occasionally interjects a few words of opinion.

During the conversation, Mo Yan explained his outlook on life: do not cling to the rich, because you can't squander their wealth, don't look down on the poor, because they don't rely on themselves to live, let alone flatter the powerful, because it is difficult to please these hypocrites.

Mr. Zhang deeply agreed, wealth cannot represent a person, poverty should not define a person's value, and maintaining an independent character is the most valuable.

At this moment, a wealthy businessman friend called Mo Yan and invited him to a grand banquet. Mo Yan politely declined, telling Zhang Lao that he was more happy to enjoy the warm time at this moment.

That night, the two shared the vegetables brought by Mr. Zhang, simple but heartwarming. Mo Yan lamented that these vegetables came from the hard work of friends, and they were far better than the delicacies at the lavish banquet.

Under the lamp, a grateful smile appeared on Zhang Lao's face. He appreciated Mo Yan's sincerity, he was not confused by the example and fame, and his heart was as pure as his words. Mo Yan walked to the corner of the bookshelf and took down a copy of his book and gave it to a friend, hoping that the words would soothe his soul.

The two talked about it, from trivial matters to major events, and talked a lot. Mr. Zhang talked about how his children worked hard to study and helped him in farm work.

Mo Yan listened with interest and often expressed appreciation. He got up and took out a pen and paper, and wrote an inspirational message for the old children, hoping that they would stick to their dreams and not be bound by the environment. Mr. Zhang was grateful, understanding that this was not only a sentence, but also the writer's ardent expectations for the younger generation.

When parting, Mo Yan once again expressed his gratitude to Mr. Zhang, because his friend used his life experience to broaden his horizons. Everything here is worth learning and remembering Xi

That night, Mo Yan returned to the study, and his heart was full of inspiration. He writes a new chapter with gusto, revealing his deep understanding of human nature and his reflections on the nature of life. His words are sonorous and powerful, and the words are thousands.

In his world of words, everyone has their own place and value. Whether they are high or low, happy or not, rich or poor, everyone shines with a unique light.

His characters are no longer chasing fame and fortune, but are aware of the importance of listening to their hearts and finding themselves.

In the quiet of the night, Mo Yan put down his pen, and his heart rose with unprecedented peace and contentment. He knows very well that in the complex real society, having a humble and sincere heart is the greatest wealth of people.

Mo Yan's outlook on life has always admired the true self and opposed vanity and flattery. He firmly believes that happiness can only be achieved if people are aware of the true needs and values of their hearts. This happiness is higher than wealth status, and it comes from understanding life and respect for people.

Mo Yan once said: "I don't climb the rich man, because I can't spend his money, and I don't look down on the poor, because he doesn't depend on me to survive, and I don't flatter the proud villain, because he can't get into me."
Mo Yan once said: "I don't climb the rich man, because I can't spend his money, and I don't look down on the poor, because he doesn't depend on me to survive, and I don't flatter the proud villain, because he can't get into me."
Mo Yan once said: "I don't climb the rich man, because I can't spend his money, and I don't look down on the poor, because he doesn't depend on me to survive, and I don't flatter the proud villain, because he can't get into me."

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