
The osmanthus tree in the neighbor's house next door turned out to be better than the one I planted, the septuagenarian suggested this

author:Ellio 8518

Yang bought an osmanthus seedling online this year and planted it in his yard, and saw that the osmanthus in the yard of the old man next door was fragrant every September, and he couldn't bear to buy it, but found that his osmanthus was not as good as what was planted by others.

The osmanthus tree in the neighbor's house next door turned out to be better than the one I planted, the septuagenarian suggested this

After all kinds of inquiry, the old man finally told him the secret: first choose the right planting location: osmanthus likes full sunshine, choose a sunny location for planting. At the same time, make sure the soil is well drained and don't allow water to accumulate around the roots. Second, proper watering: Osmanthus trees prefer moist soil, but overwatering may cause root rot. Keep the soil moist but not too moist, and adjust the frequency of watering according to the weather and season.

The osmanthus tree in the neighbor's house next door turned out to be better than the one I planted, the septuagenarian suggested this

The next step is fertilization: applying the right amount of organic fertilizer to osmanthus during the growing season (spring and summer) can help it grow healthily. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for fertilization.

Then prune: Pruning the osmanthus on a regular basis helps to maintain the shape of the tree and promote the growth of new flower buds. Cut off dead and excessively long shoots and prune after the flowering season to promote better flower bud formation.

The most important thing is to prevent insect pests: regularly inspect the osmanthus tree for insect infestations and take appropriate measures to prevent and control them. Environmentally friendly pesticides or other methods can be used to control pests, but make sure they do not cause harm to plants and the environment.

There is also an important need to pay attention to the temperature: osmanthus trees are more hardy, but they need extra protection in cold weather. During the cold winter months, the osmanthus trees can be mulched to keep them warm and to avoid the trees from freezing.

The osmanthus tree in the neighbor's house next door turned out to be better than the one I planted, the septuagenarian suggested this

Pay attention to observation in the process of planting: regularly observe the growth of osmanthus trees, and pay attention to any abnormal phenomena, such as wilting, yellow leaves, etc. Adjust maintenance measures in time to maintain the health of the osmanthus tree.

Keep in mind that the needs of each osmanthus tree may be different, adjust the maintenance method and frequency according to the actual situation. It's also a good idea to talk to a plant expert and get more advice on the care of your osmanthus tree.

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