
Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

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Afterthought: Diet and health

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

This story gives us important insights into the relationship between diet and health, especially when it comes to polyps, nodules, and tumors. Although the types of diseases described in this story vary, they all involve the important influence of diet on disease development.

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

First, the story mentions stomach polyps, a disease that can become cancerous. The development of gastric polyps is associated with a state of high stomach acidity, which has a lot to do with diet. Four food types are mentioned that may stimulate stomach acid secretion and increase the risk of polyps. This includes sweets, sticky rice, spicy foods, and gas-producing foods. Therefore, reducing the intake of these foods may help prevent or slow the development of polyps. In addition, alkaline vegetables such as lettuce, purslane, radish, houttuynia, etc. have been mentioned to inhibit gastric acid secretion and help maintain stomach health.

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

Intestinal polyps are also mentioned in stories, especially about foods that irritate the intestines. Spicy foods, red meat, fatty foods, preserved foods, and alcohol can all irritate the gut and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, reducing the intake of these foods is essential for gut health.

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

Breast nodules are also diet-related health problems. The story mentions eating less foods high in fat, sugar, salt, and spicy foods, as well as irritating foods and drinks. These food types may negatively affect the growth of breast nodules. Conversely, foods such as low fat, high fiber, legumes and soy products, vegetables, fruits, milk, poultry and fish are thought to benefit breast health.

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

Finally, lung nodules are mentioned, although there is no absolute taboo food, but there are still food types to avoid, such as irritating foods, high-salt foods, irritating drinks, etc. A scientifically sound diet is essential to promote recovery and treatment.

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

This story reminds us that the health effects of diet are clear, and that healthy eating choices can reduce the risk of disease. Understanding which foods have the potential to negatively affect specific diseases and making dietary adjustments accordingly is critical to maintaining health. Therefore, we should be vigilant about our eating habits and try to choose healthier foods to reduce the risk of disease and improve the quality of life.

Polyps, nodules? Doctor: Eat less of these types of food! A lot of people don't pay attention to →

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