
Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

author:Director Xu Health said

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"You say, what else can you pay attention to drinking tea?"

Uncle Li smiled at the dining table, holding a cup of green tea in his hand, leisurely. On this day, Uncle Li and his family sat in the living room, the table was full of teapots and cups, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of tea. Uncle Li is a retired construction worker who usually likes to drink tea to relieve boredom. Today, his son Li Ming is also at home, and the family is happy.

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

"Dad, I heard that you can't drink more green tea after the age of fifty." Li Ming said casually, and an article he had glimpsed from his phone caught his attention. "What? Can't drink green tea? What's that drinking? Uncle Li looked puzzled, his eyes moved from the teacup, staring at his son, as if he wanted to see a reason in his eyes.

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Li Ming scratched his head, "I don't know very well, I just read the title, saying that drinking green tea is not good for your health when you are old." I think I'll have to ask the doctor. So, with this question, Uncle Li went to the central hospital and found his old friend, who is also a well-known local doctor.

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

When Dr. Zhang saw Uncle Li, he smiled and said, "Lao Li, have you come to me for tea again?" "Doctor Zhang, I'm not here to drink tea this time, I'm here to ask about tea." Uncle Li said. Doctor Zhang nodded and motioned for Uncle Li to sit down. "Tell me, what's the matter?" "My son said that you can't drink more green tea after the age of fifty, is this true or false?" Uncle Li asked directly.

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Dr. Zhang stroked his beard and looked at Uncle Li seriously. "Well, there is some truth to this. Green tea contains more tea polyphenols, which have many benefits for the human body, such as antioxidants, lowering blood lipids, etc., but for the elderly, there are also some things to pay attention to. Uncle Li blinked, "That means I can't drink green tea?" ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Dr. Zhang shook his head, "It's not so absolute. It's okay to drink tea, but be particular. Especially for people in their fifties, the type of tea and the amount of tea to drink need to be adjusted appropriately. Uncle Li was confused, "Then how should I drink it?" ”

Dr. Zhang went on to explain, "You see, in general, the digestive function of the elderly will decline, and the high content of tea polyphenols and caffeine in green tea may irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause discomfort. In addition, green tea has a strong coldness, and if the elderly have a weak spleen and stomach, it is not good to drink too much. ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Uncle Li nodded, "Is that why you can't drink it?" "It's not that you can't drink it at all, but you have to drink it in moderation. For example, it's okay to drink one or two drinks a day, but don't drink on an empty stomach or too strongly. Dr. Zhang patiently explained.

Dr. Zhang continued, "In fact, the elderly are more suitable for drinking some warm tea, such as black tea and Pu'er tea. These teas are less irritating to the spleen and stomach, and also have the effect of warming the stomach. Moreover, after fermentation, Pu'er tea has a relatively low content of tea polyphenols, which is more friendly to the gastrointestinal tract. ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

When Uncle Li heard this, he couldn't help frowning, "Then can I only drink black tea and Pu'er tea in the future?" Dr. Zhang smiled, "That's not the case, you can still drink green tea, just be careful not to drink too much." In fact, drinking tea itself is beneficial to the body, as long as the method is appropriate and the variety is reasonable, it can be completely enjoyed. ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Uncle Li nodded, but he still had some doubts in his heart. "Then why do you have to pay so much attention to drinking tea when you are old?"

Dr. Zhang smiled slightly, "The digestive system of the elderly is weaker than that of the young, and some ingredients in the tea may cause indigestion. In addition, common chronic diseases in the elderly, such as high blood pressure and heart disease, also need to pay attention to the effects of caffeine in tea on blood pressure and heart. ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Dr. Zhang continued, "The tea polyphenols in tea are strong antioxidants that can help fight aging and prevent cardiovascular diseases, but the body of the elderly has a weak ability to absorb and metabolize these components, so it is important to choose the right tea type for you. ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

Uncle Li nodded and said thoughtfully, "Then I still have to pay attention to it, I can't pour all the tea into my mouth like before." Dr. Zhang smiled, "Yes, Lao Li, health preservation is not an overnight thing. Drinking tea in moderation and enjoying life is more important than anything else. ”

Uncle Li stood up with satisfaction and patted Dr. Zhang's shoulder, "Thank you, Dr. Zhang, I learned a lot today." Dr. Zhang smiled and waved his hand, "You're welcome, come to me anytime if you have any questions." ”

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

What do you think about drinking green tea? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should 50-year-olds drink less green tea? The elderly are particular about drinking tea, and these categories are drunk casually

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