
The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

author:Director Xu Health said

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"You know, there are some teas that you can't just drink." In a quiet teahouse, Li Ming was tasting the freshly brewed Tieguanyin while listening to what tea friend Wu Fei said.

Li Ming is a civil servant, he is busy with work on weekdays, drinking tea is his biggest hobby, and almost every weekend he and a few friends will gather in this old teahouse to discuss tea, life and various trivial matters.

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

"Oh? Are you saying what tea you can't drink? Li Ming asked curiously while gently shaking the teacup, enjoying the fragrance of tea. Wu Fei frowned, and said slowly: "You know, those flower teas with flavors and fragrances on the market are not good for the kidneys. ”

Li Ming nodded, a little surprised in his heart. On this day, he accompanied his wife Wang Li to the hospital for a routine review, and thought of Wu Fei's words, so he decided to consult a doctor by the way. In the waiting area, Li Ming saw Dr. Wang, a family doctor who often goes, and walked up to ask. "Doctor Wang, I heard that some teas are not good for the kidneys, is this true?" Li Ming asked.

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

Dr. Wang has long studied such issues. He smiled and explained in a kind tone: "Mr. Li, first of all, we must know that the tea itself is very good, especially the traditional tea leaves such as green tea and black tea, which are rich in antioxidants and beneficial to the body.

However, there are some special types of tea, such as tea leaves with excessive heavy metal content, or flower teas with too many artificial flavors and colors, which may affect kidney health when consumed for a long time. "Is there data to back this up?" Li Ming asked.

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

Dr. Wang nodded and continued, "According to a recent study, long-term consumption of tea leaves with high heavy metal content, such as brick tea in some regions, may increase the burden on the kidneys, and the cumulative effect may lead to impaired kidney function. The study mentions that more than 70% of long-term brick tea drinkers show a slight decline in kidney function. ”

After hearing this, Li Ming was deeply inspired. Dr. Wang also mentioned another situation: "There are also some so-called slimming teas, which have laxative ingredients, such as senna, which are harmful to the kidneys. ”

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

The topic turned back to Wang Li's review results. Dr. Wang checked Wang Li's inspection report, everything was normal, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief. Before leaving, Li Ming suddenly thought of a question: "Doctor Wang, if there are kidney stones, will drinking tea have any effect?" ”

Dr. Wang replied, "That's a good question. Patients with kidney stones who have calcium oxalate stones need to avoid drinking teas high in oxalic acid, such as certain green teas, as oxalic acid may promote the formation of stones. But if it is a different type of stone, it is generally safe to drink regular tea in moderation. However, the specific situation depends on the individual's health condition and the doctor's advice. ”

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

Li Ming, who returned with a full load, not only has a new understanding in his heart, but also has a clearer direction for the choice of tea. He and Wang Li walked out of the hospital, the sky was exceptionally clear, and the two looked at each other and smiled, feeling that everything was so beautiful.

In the communication with the doctor, Li Ming has a certain understanding of tea, but he is still a little puzzled, especially about the relationship between tea and cardiovascular health. In his daily life, it was very common to say that tea is good for the heart, and he decided to inquire further with Dr. Wang.

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

"Dr. Wang, I heard that drinking tea can protect the heart, is this true? Is there any scientific basis for this? Li Ming asked. Dr. Wang replied with a smile: "Mr. Li, actually, studies in recent years have shown that moderate consumption of certain types of tea, such as green tea and black tea, may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

Dr. Wang went on to mention the specific data: "Based on a long-term study of nearly 10,000 adults, researchers found that daily tea drinkers had a 15 to 20 percent lower incidence of cardiovascular disease compared to those who did not drink tea. ”

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

However, Dr. Wang also reminded Li Ming that this does not mean that unlimited tea consumption is possible: "While research supports that tea drinking is good for the heart, excessive tea consumption, especially those with higher caffeine content, such as pu-erh or black tea, may cause a rapid heart rate or other discomfort." Especially for those who already have a history of heart disease, it is still necessary to take appropriate amounts and consult a doctor for advice. ”

After this explanation, Li Ming has a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between tea and cardiovascular health, and he also better understands why Dr. Wang always emphasizes the word "appropriate amount".

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

Li Ming and Wang Li expressed their gratitude to Dr. Wang for his suggestion. When they leave the hospital, they not only have a new understanding of tea, but also a deeper understanding of how to take care of their health while maintaining their hobby.

What do you think about tea? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The doctor scolded: stop drinking these types of tea immediately, it hurts the kidneys more than tobacco and alcohol, and many people are still drinking!

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