
Story 1: There is a smart monkey who likes to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, it decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be exposed by its own tail and haired by other animals

author:Yami clips

Story 1:

There is an intelligent monkey who loves to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, he decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be discovered by other animals when his tail is exposed. The monkey hurriedly said: "I am not a monkey, I am a long branch!" The other animals laughed and leaned back.

Story 2:

A turtle and a rabbit decide to run the race, and the rabbit thinks it will win, so he takes a nap before the race starts. When it wakes up, it finds that the turtle has reached the end. The rabbit asked the turtle in surprise: "How did you win?" The turtle smiled and replied, "Because I'm walking and you're sleeping!" ”

Story 3:

One day, Bob told his father: "Dad, I decided to become an actor!" Dad asked, "Why?" Bob replied: "Because actors can speak loudly on stage without being said to be noisy." ”

Story 4:

A teacher asked a student, "If you had two apples, how would you divide them among your friends?" The student replied, "I'll eat both apples so I don't have to share them with my friends!" The teacher and the other students were laughing widely.

Story 5:

A small bird flew to an orchard and saw a particularly large apple. It tried to bite the apple with its mouth, but it was too big to bite. So it decided to kick the apple with its foot, only to be hit on the head by the apple. The little bird shook his head and said, "I'd better go find a little apple to eat!" ”

Story 6:

A policeman was patrolling the street when he saw a man standing and shaking under a street lamp. The policeman walked over to him and asked, "Why are you dangling here?" The man replied: "Because I'm the regulator of the street light, I'm adjusting its brightness!" The policeman couldn't help but laugh.

Story 7:

One doctor said to his patients, "You need to drink one glass of water every morning and evening." The patient asked suspiciously, "Why?" The doctor replied: "Because your home is far from the hospital, so you can go to the toilet several times and exercise!" ”

Story 8:

An ant finds a piece of chocolate by the river, and it happily calls other ants to share it with. Just as they were about to eat, an elephant approached and accidentally crushed the chocolate. The ants said disappointedly: "This elephant is really a 'heavy taste' eater!" ”

Story 9:

A thief infiltrates the garden of a wealthy family and prepares to steal some valuable flowers. However, he found that the flowers were fake. The thief said disappointedly: "This owner is really a 'flower-hearted' person, even the flowers are fake!" ”

Story 10:

A chef is cooking a dish and he adds some pepper to the dish. As a result, the dish became so spicy that even the chef himself could not eat it. He said helplessly: "This dish is really a bit 'spicy eyes'!" ”

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Story 1: There is a smart monkey who likes to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, it decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be exposed by its own tail and haired by other animals
Story 1: There is a smart monkey who likes to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, it decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be exposed by its own tail and haired by other animals
Story 1: There is a smart monkey who likes to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, it decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be exposed by its own tail and haired by other animals
Story 1: There is a smart monkey who likes to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, it decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be exposed by its own tail and haired by other animals
Story 1: There is a smart monkey who likes to play hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, it decides to hide behind a large tree, only to be exposed by its own tail and haired by other animals

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