
#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit

author:Scarecrow zz

#新鲜应季水果 #现摘现发新鲜到家 #芭乐 #源头好货 #嘎嘎好吃 creamy barley, naturally soft guava, small fragrant fruit

#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit
#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit
#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit
#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit
#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit
#Fresh seasonal fruits#Freshly picked and sent fresh to home#Bale#Good from the source#Gaga delicious cream barley, naturally soft and sticky guava, small fragrant fruit

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