
Most searched words on Google worldwide each year: 2007: American Idol 2008: Joe the Plumber 2009: Michael Jackson 2010: The World

author:Space Baby Rambling

Most searched terms on Google Google worldwide each year:

2007: American Idol

2008: Joe the plumber

2009: Michael Jackson

2010: World Cup

2011: Rebecca Black

2012: Whitney Houston

2013: Paul Walker

2014: Robin Williams

2016: Donald Trump

2017: Hurricane Irma

2018: World Cup

2019: Disney+

2020 coronavirus

2021: Australia vs India


Most searched words on Google worldwide each year: 2007: American Idol 2008: Joe the Plumber 2009: Michael Jackson 2010: The World
Most searched words on Google worldwide each year: 2007: American Idol 2008: Joe the Plumber 2009: Michael Jackson 2010: The World
Most searched words on Google worldwide each year: 2007: American Idol 2008: Joe the Plumber 2009: Michael Jackson 2010: The World

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