
Zambia's debt crisis: America's cunning plans, and China's counterattack

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In this uncertain world, the game between global powers is like a peak duel of wisdom, and every move affects the fate of countries and global prospects. Among them, the contest between the United States and China is remarkable.

Once known to wield its mighty military power on the global stage as the "global policeman," in recent years the United States has subtly shifted its focus to a more hidden battlefield, namely the financial sector, to confront China. A feud ostensibly linked to Zambia's debt crisis is actually a redistribution of global power.

Zambia, an African country that is breathless under the weight of debt, has unexpectedly become the focus of the Sino-US game. The United States has proposed a "debt relief" program to ostensibly help crisis-ridden island nations cope with rising sea levels caused by a warming climate, claiming that it is committed to global fairness and justice. However, digging deeper, we find that the real goal of the United States is to shift the burden to China, which is their strategic rule, their strategic, and the global chess game.

Zambia's debt crisis: America's cunning plans, and China's counterattack

Let's enter the world of Zambia, a poor country that was once mired in a deep debt crisis of $16.7 billion, well above its gross economic output. Zambia's debt restructuring has attracted global attention, and China has become Zambia's largest creditor, providing loans of up to $59.4 billion. However, just as global creditors were seeking a solution, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited Zambia alone to claim that China should forgive Zambia's debt. The declaration not only put more pressure on China, but also made Zambia take a tougher stance on China.

What can we do if Zambia refuses to repay China's debt? Obviously, a nuclear strike is not a realistic option. In today's globalized world, what we need is military projection capability, not just national defense. The U.S. has earned it dominance in the global game with unparalleled global military bases and 11 carrier formations. If we are to defend our economic interests, we must improve our military projection capabilities.

Zambia's debt crisis: America's cunning plans, and China's counterattack

In this global game, we must recognize that military projection capabilities are essential if we can firmly stand on the global stage and defend our economic interests. Our task is to enhance our military projection capability and ensure that it matches our economic strength, otherwise our rapid economic growth will be constrained by the limits of what our military power can protect.

The U.S. strategy is to weaken China's economic influence by influencing creditors. The case of Zambia is a vivid example of a highly underdeveloped country with an external debt of $16.7 billion, of which China is the largest creditor with $59.4 billion in loans. However, the situation is further complicated by the involvement of the United States, which tries to suppress China's economic influence by manipulating creditors.

Zambia's debt crisis: America's cunning plans, and China's counterattack

For China, dealing with U.S. strategy requires matching military and economic power. In the global game, military projection capability is crucial, which is the basis for supporting military strength. China must upgrade its military projection capabilities to defend its economic interests and ensure that global projects and trading partners are not threatened.

However, this is not for aggression or attack, but for the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind. Only when China's military projection capabilities are strong enough will those countries shrouded in U.S. hegemony be able to achieve true independence and freedom. This is an important task on China's way forward.

In the game between global powers, the United States is using financial influence to weaken China's economic position, which requires China to upgrade its military projection capabilities to ensure the protection of its economic interests. This game is a reminder of the nature of the great power game, and China must move quickly to match its military and economic power to secure its role and future on the global stage. This is not aggression, but a contribution to global peace and prosperity.

Zambia's debt crisis: America's cunning plans, and China's counterattack

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