
Coming back from a trip to Zambia, don't blow it up, don't blow it, tell a few big truths

author:The first sunny day after the rain is 7Z
Coming back from a trip to Zambia, don't blow it up, don't blow it, tell a few big truths

Title: "Zambia Travelogue: Restoring the Truth, Beyond Exaggeration and Belittlement"

At a time when people are keen to share their travel experiences, I always want to explore the authenticity of travelogues. Maybe it's because I've read too many "perfect" travelogues, full of words that exaggerate or belittle everything. However, what I want to say is - I came back from a trip to Zambia, not blowing or black, and telling a few big truths.

First, let me look back at my time in Zambia. It all started with a yearning for Zambia's unique natural landscapes. The country is world-famous for its spectacular Victoria Falls, and this is exactly where I aspire. Upon arrival, I was struck by the vastness and awe-inspiring momentum, but I also had to admit that the tourist density and commercialization were beyond my imagination. I was somewhat disappointed that this commercialization had somehow destroyed the pristine beauty of this magnificent landscape.

However, the beauty of Zambia is not just in Victoria Falls. I chose to go into the countryside to learn about the life and culture of the locals. This experience was the most precious part of my entire journey. In the communication with the local villagers, I realized the true meaning of life, and I was deeply touched by their kindness, simplicity and love for life.

The small villages that don't appear on postcards, the rustic folklore and the moments of sharing food with the locals are what I think really deserve to be recorded and celebrated. This experience of being close to nature and feeling culture is the essence of travel.

But travel isn't always perfect. In Zambia, I also encountered some difficulties and challenges. Communication barriers, food adaptation issues, and safety hazards in some places were all challenges I had to face. But these difficulties did not ruin my travel experience, but instead gave me a deeper understanding of local life and the resilience of the people.

Perhaps, "tell the big truth" doesn't mean just positive or negative perceptions. My travels in Zambia have given me a full range of experiences, including beautiful moments, challenges and reflections. The true face of this country is the kind of existence that transcends the postcard landscape and is full of life.

Coming back from a trip to Zambia, don't blow it up, don't blow it, tell a few big truths

My experience in Zambia has become a precious part of my life. It made me re-examine the meaning of travel, no longer limited to the beauty of the scenery, but more focused on the communication with the locals and the experience of culture. Perhaps, the true essence of travel is not in what we see, but in what we perceive.

This travelogue is not intended to praise or criticize Zambia, but rather to convey a true point of view to the reader. Zambia, has its own unique charms and problems, as everywhere. I am convinced that only by exploring and experiencing it can we truly understand the essence of a country.

Perhaps, real travel is like a book, we need to turn each page ourselves, not just look at the cover. May we be able to transcend exaggeration and depreciation during our journey, and restore the most authentic scenery and mood.

This trip to Zambia left me with too many thoughts and insights that are not easy to fully express in words. And this is the beauty of travel, it is not only a sensory experience, but also a deep feeling and comprehension of the soul.

Perhaps, everyone can find a unique experience and understanding from their own travels. I have gained deeper insight and understanding during this journey. Looking forward to the next trip to explore more of the truth and beauty of different countries.

Coming back from a trip to Zambia, don't blow it up, don't blow it, tell a few big truths

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