
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The golden mountains and silver mountains are not as good as the green water and green mountains#UAV aerial photography#This is where I was born and raised

author:The third young master of the Song family

#大山深处自然美山清水秀好风光 #金山银山不如绿水青山 #无人机航拍 #这就是生我养我的地方

#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The golden mountains and silver mountains are not as good as the green water and green mountains#UAV aerial photography#This is where I was born and raised
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The golden mountains and silver mountains are not as good as the green water and green mountains#UAV aerial photography#This is where I was born and raised
#Deep in the mountains, the natural beauty of the mountains and clear waters, the beautiful scenery #The golden mountains and silver mountains are not as good as the green water and green mountains#UAV aerial photography#This is where I was born and raised

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