
Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

author:Lotus Heart

Throughout history, mankind has experienced various disasters, but disasters have caused material losses, the destruction of civilization, and even countless human lives. Despite all these years passing, these memories are still captured and remembered, sending a message to future generations that no matter what tragedy happens, we can move forward together. This time the brother brought everyone 15 disasters in human history. These disasters changed history and remained in people's memories in different ways.

1. Black Death

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

These strange masks appeared because doctors often had to treat the horrific Black Death of the 14th century, which is said to have killed 45 million people. Many believe that the Black Death was the driving force behind the Renaissance because of the need to consider new trade and labor strategies.

2. The Brescia explosion

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In August 1769, lightning struck Brescia. Perhaps such a natural phenomenon does not sound "catastrophic", but this event is undoubtedly terrifying. Lightning struck a fort filled with gunpowder, triggering a huge explosion that destroyed much of the city and claimed the lives of about 3,000 people.

After the incident, churches opposed to lightning rods began to allow lightning rods to be placed, and passed laws supporting private storage of gunpowder. After the destruction, they rebuilt the church of San Alessandro and designed a beautiful square around it.

3. Smallpox epidemic

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

It is believed that it was the smallpox virus that destroyed millions of people in Europe in the 18th century. To make matters worse, when European conquistadors reached American soil, they infected Native Americans. Eventually, all countries agreed to join forces to eradicate the disease, and the Palmis Initiative was launched in 1803, and the Palmis medical corps are said to have used the vaccine around the world.

To reach the United States, Palmis needed 22 orphans to leave their country and cross the ocean with injections, the only way they could travel from continent to continent without losing their vaccine. These 22 orphans saved thousands of lives.

4. Famine in Ireland

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In 1845, a famine triggered a series of events: crops were infected with fungi; The long winter caught people off guard. Many farmers migrate to cities that lack the means to cope with rapid population growth, all of which bring suffering and disease. In light of this situation, a foreigner launched a charity campaign before Ireland could seek help.

The country now has dedicated a National Famine Memorial Day to honor those who died and to encourage artistic expression on the subject so as not to forget anything. 5. Eruption of the Krakatau volcano

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

Although this was not the volcano's first eruption, the 1883 eruption caused such a catastrophe that left almost no life alive on the entire island. Its power far exceeds that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. It is said that volcanic eruptions are so loud that they can shatter your ears even from kilometers away.

However, the disaster was also the beginning of scientific discovery, as experts came up with wind speed theories while tracking the movement of volcanic ash hundreds of kilometers from the site where it formed, which may have occurred after the waterfall. In addition, volcanic dust grains enter the atmosphere, creating a variety of colors and shapes in the clouds, a catastrophe that, according to some studies, visually inspired Munch to create his masterpiece, The Scream.

6. The sinking of the Titanic

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

The Titanic set sail on April 10, 1912, and sank a few days later by hitting an iceberg, killing 1,500 people from all walks of life. The disaster was caused by multiple human errors, resulting in a huge tragedy: there were not enough lifeguards to care for passengers at the time of the sinking; Nearby boats did not help because they did not understand emergency lights; The radio operator is asleep and cannot hear the distress signal; If everything was in place, the number of casualties could have been less, since the first lifeboat was almost empty, because no one believed that the ship would really sink.

The tragedy changed the rules regarding ship safety measures; modification of the ship's design to withstand breakdowns; An international ice patrol has even been set up to control the movement of icebergs. Over the years, documentaries and books explaining these events have existed to honor the victims.

7. Spanish flu

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In 1918, influenza infected 3% of the world's population and killed an estimated 100 million people. The disaster was of no class, from the ailing social underclass, to kings and celebrities such as the artist Edvard Munch, who survived and created self-portraits to commemorate the disaster.

The disease did not originate in Spain, but it is the only country in Europe that has been hardest hit by the flu. Fortunately, over time, the virus mutated and became less lethal, and the number of victims had decreased significantly in 1919.

8. World War II

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

World War II broke out in 1939 and lasted 6 years. He claimed the lives of some 70 million victims in wars and massacres. This is not only a huge disaster, but also because it leads to the destruction of political relations and the division of territories. In order to avoid similar situations during the most intense periods of war, the United Nations Organization was created to ensure that war conflicts are avoided; Everything is about ensuring peace agreements and respect for human rights.

9. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In 1945, during World War II, the United States dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing countless people. Many died on that day, and many died of injuries, radiation and starvation in the months that followed. This event led to the surrender of Japan and the end of the war.

In the aftermath of that tragedy, a number of countries launched projects such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to prevent and promote nuclear disarmament. For years, Japan has tried to cultivate memory by building squares and monuments. And the "Grave of the Fireflies" movie embodies the helplessness of the victims, making them easier to forget.

10. Valdivia earthquake

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In 1960, a powerful earthquake struck Valdivia, considered one of the most destructive in history, killing thousands and injuring millions. It has also triggered volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis that have affected other parts of the planet.

11. Chernobyl accident

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In 1986, a failed nuclear reactor test caused hydrogen to explode and penetrate areas of radioactive material, more toxic than the Hiroshima bomb. He forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate and 200,000 to displace, leaving the entire region uninhabited for years; Thirteen European countries have sounded the alarm over the radiological threat, but it has harmed many residents over the years. Causes health problems.

The incident led to improvements in reactor monitoring and raised awareness of the dangers of environmental damage. Many painters, writers and musicians concerned with pollution were inspired by the incident and condemned it.

12. "911" attacks

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks organized by bin Laden shocked the world. This is one of the few disasters that most people see on TV. Two planes were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center. The first crash was initially thought to be a plane crash until another attack on the second plane came to light.

This catastrophe has claimed thousands of innocent lives and fuelled xenophobia and war. It awakens heroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives to save their victims. States collectively enacted anti-terrorism laws, and some artists preserved their memories in various ways.

13. Indian Ocean earthquake

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

In 2004, a powerful underwater earthquake shook countries bordering the Indian Ocean, causing tsunamis, damage and 280,000 deaths. It was rated as the strongest earthquake after Valdivia, and the force of this eruption shook the earth by a centimeter and caused earthquakes in other parts of the world.

The disaster aroused sympathy from many countries, which offered labor and financial assistance to make up for the losses, and even artists made fundraising tours a simple plan.

14. Haiti earthquake

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

One day in January 2010, an earthquake struck Haiti, killing 311,000 people. This phenomenon can lead to landslides in homes, airports, schools and even hospitals, most of which are irreparable and even lead to the collapse of the government. The United Nations called the incident "the worst disaster they have faced."

In turn, countries around the world have reached out to provide material aid and assistance. The disaster led to the modernization of infrastructure, updates to marital status, and the use of the latest technology.

15. Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (2011)

Fifteen terrible disasters in human history that have had a huge impact

If a magnitude 9 earthquake is no longer a catastrophic event, it would be frightening to know that it triggered a 40.5-meter tsunami in Japan and a volcanic eruption in Indonesia. NASA discovered after the incident that the island moved two meters east, changing the Earth's axis and affecting the length of the sky by 1.8 microseconds.

In addition to financial assistance, countries have sent rescue teams and even search dogs to search for more than 2,000 missing people.

Are you aware of these events? Which one impressed you the most?

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