
If you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, LV design director "Fei Fu" 30 million brand costumes are accused of "earthy taste"

author:Little Red Entertainment


If you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, LV design director "Fei Fu" 30 million brand costumes are accused of "earthy taste"

Recently, an amazing LV design director appeared in Chengdu, her whole body dress can be called a "famous brand collection", with a total price of bags, watches, and glasses as high as 30 million, which has aroused many netizens' onlookers and heated discussions. However, although the value of this famous brand dress is amazing, it has been complained and questioned by many netizens, who feel that her dressing style is a little "earthy", and some people even joked: "The bag of 8 million brings out the temperament of 800 yuan", which shows that the "earthy" brand-name dress of "Fei Fu" has not been recognized by the public.

If you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, LV design director "Fei Fu" 30 million brand costumes are accused of "earthy taste"

The astonishing value of "Fei Fu" is accused of "earthy taste"

If you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, LV design director "Fei Fu" 30 million brand costumes are accused of "earthy taste"

Recently, a group of street photos of "Fei Fu" in Chengdu were exposed on the Internet, which made many netizens addicted, only to see "Fei Fu" dressed in black, simply put, a black top with black slacks, which looks very low-key, however, to the surprise of many netizens, when "Fei Fu" stood up, she found that her outfit was actually a collection of famous brands, not only with a custom jacket of LV, but also wearing a watch worth 12 million on her hand, She is also wearing a pair of glasses worth 6 million on her face, and the most surprising thing is that she is carrying a bag worth 8 million behind her back, so her whole body dress is as high as 30 million, which is quite scary.

If you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, LV design director "Fei Fu" 30 million brand costumes are accused of "earthy taste"

However, although the outfit of "Fei Fu" is amazingly valuable, it has not been recognized by the public, but has been complained and questioned by many netizens, feeling that her dressing style is a bit "earthy", and some people even ridiculed: "The bag of 8 million has brought out the temperament of 800 yuan", which shows that the "earthy" brand-name dress of "Fei Fu" has not been recognized by the public, but is considered to be a manifestation of showing off wealth, which has been spurned by many netizens.

Dress rationally, don't blindly show off your wealth

For the "Fei Fu" brand-name dress, I believe many people will pay attention, after all, it is a very rare thing to have the opportunity to see the real outfit of the LV design director, however, her "earthy" brand-name dress has given us a good negative teaching material, luxury clothing is not as long as the price is expensive enough to be able to obtain the recognition of others, on the contrary, only know how to make a reasonable match, in order to truly exude their own temperament and charm.

Of course, on the road of pursuing fashion and trends, we do not necessarily have to follow the style of others, but should choose according to our actual situation, treat the consumption of luxury goods rationally, and do not blindly show off wealth, because the value of luxury goods is not only reflected in its high price, but more importantly, we must understand the cultural connotation, as well as the brand value and historical accumulation behind it.

The pluralistic aesthetic of fashion should not be confined to others

As we all know, the aesthetic standards of the fashion industry have always been very diverse, no matter what kind of dressing style, there must be a rich cultural connotation and design concept behind it, therefore, when choosing to wear, we must also have our own set of aesthetics, should not be limited by the traditional aesthetic definition, and should not blindly imitate the style of others, but dare to try, to explore the way of dressing that suits you, so that fashion truly becomes your own personality and attitude.

Of course, as public figures, their every move is often concerned and judged by many netizens, which also includes their choice of outfits, in the face of various ridicule and comments from netizens, they also need to have enough psychological endurance, understand that everyone's aesthetics are different, these complaints and comments are just an expression of the public's fashion and trend, and should not be affected too much by this, on the contrary, you can use these complaints and comments to reflect, and there may be unexpected gains.

If you have money, you can't spend it indiscriminately, LV design director "Fei Fu" 30 million brand costumes are accused of "earthy taste"


The appearance of the "earthy" brand dress of "Fei Fu" has indeed given us a very good inspiration, and the wearing of luxury goods is definitely not as long as the price is expensive enough to be wantonly matched, on the contrary, we need to understand the cultural connotation and design concept, and have our own independent aesthetics, in order to be able to make a truly unique choice of wear.

Of course, you can also have some of your own thoughts and opinions in the face of luxury goods and fashion trends, welcome to share with us in the comment area, to see how you rationally treat the consumption of luxury goods, and what unique insights you have on fashion trends. #头条创作挑战赛#

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