
Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

author:Look at my play history
Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

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Editor丨Look at my play history


Since the development of human society, ethics and morality have always been an important part of society, and family ethics is an important part of it.

Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

The so-called "incest" phenomenon has existed in both ancient and modern times, but the "incest" involved and the perspective of its perception are obviously different in ancient and modern times. So, does the ancient word "incest" mean the same as the modern one?

What kind of incest was involved in "incest" in ancient times?

Through the introduction of this article, it may be able to bring you some inspiration and thinking.

Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

Ancient "incest" and modern meaning

Whether in ancient or modern times, the so-called "incest" phenomenon is essentially a special emotional phenomenon produced by the contradiction between family affection, love and sex in the concept of family ethics.

In the book "Zhuangzi", there is a saying that "chaos is in human ethics", which refers to the bottom line of ethics that is beyond the convention. In the modern definition, "incest" refers more to the phenomenon of sexual relations between relatives within the family.

However, "incest" in ancient times was not only a sexual relationship between relatives in a narrow sense, but also usually included "incest" on an emotional level.

For example, in ancient times, emperors and generals, there were many stories of harem disputes and sibling disputes, and these stories were often labeled as "incest" or "chaotic government".

It can be seen that in the ancient definition, "incest" refers more to the deviation, detachment, or even subversion of ethics and morality.

Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

What "incest" refers to?

In the ancient concept of "incest", the so-called "disorder" mainly refers to "human ethics". The so-called "human ethics", in the ancient ethical concept, is an extension of family ethics, and there are clear provisions in the Confucian ideological system.

Among them, "human ethics" includes the relationship between kings and ministers, fathers and sons, brothers, and husband and wife, and the balance and maintenance of these ethical relationships are regarded as a very important part of ancient society.

In the phenomenon of "incest", the specific ethical relations involved are often deviated, detached or even harmed in these traditional "human ethics".

For example, if there is an open dispute between brothers, disrespectful behavior between father and son, or even emotional betrayal such as extramarital affairs between husband and wife, it will be recognized as a manifestation of the phenomenon of "incest".

Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

The ethics behind the phenomenon of "incest".

The phenomenon of "incest" in ancient times is not just a kind of moral and ethical "chaos", but highlights the contradiction between individual emotional demands and traditional ethics.

For example, in the ancient concept of love, the existence of arranged marriages, women's low status and other problems often lead to the problem of nowhere to place true love between husband and wife.

When such a problem arises, the couple often chooses to violate the ethical norms, which is misunderstood as "incest".

At that time, the perception of the phenomenon of "incest" was also very complicated, some people would regard it as the product of the contradiction between individual emotional demands and traditional ethical norms, while others would simply attribute it to "moral degradation" and condemn it according to strict ethical norms.

Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

With the continuous progress and development of society, the traditional concept of ethics is also undergoing profound changes. In today's modern society, the contradictions of family, love, and sex presented by the phenomenon of "incest" have been given a wider space for interpretation, and more attention has been paid to respecting individual emotional demands when dealing with these problems.

We need to understand the phenomenon of "incest" with an open and inclusive mind, and we should not simply attribute it to "moral degradation", but should start from the contradictions behind it, and think about how to give individuals more emotional care and space for resolution on the basis of respecting traditional ethics.

Only under such a premise can we better promote the harmony and balance between family affection, love and sex, and take a solid step in the construction of family ethics in contemporary society.

Does "incest" mean the same in ancient times as it does in modern times? What kind of chaos was it in ancient times? Come and see

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