
The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

author:Uncle Luo Ying
The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

History is always strikingly similar, and here in Europe, not far from Sarajevo, there is another accident!

Do you remember the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand here in 1914? That was the trigger for the First World War.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

On May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was attacked by gunmen at the gate as he was leaving after attending a meeting, and his condition was critical.

Rumor has it that the murderer fired several shots in the stomach of the Slovak Prime Minister, what a ruthless heart!

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

Image source: Reuters, UK

And this vicious violence is quickly reminiscent of the assassination in Sarajevo a hundred years ago.

Netizens are wondering, will this be another historical turning point? The last time Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, it directly triggered a world war, and now that Prime Minister Fizo has been attacked, is Europe going to be chaotic again?

The sound of gunfire shocked Slovakia

According to local media reports, on May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo attended a government meeting as usual, and after the meeting, he walked out of the building, where he was surrounded by guards, according to regulations.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

At the time of the incident, Prime Minister Fizo was standing outside the government building in the central city of Handno, and he shook hands cordially with the public, and everything was so calm.

Suddenly, 4 gunshots rang out from the crowd, and because the murderer was moving too fast, the bodyguards didn't have time to react at all, and Prime Minister Zofie had already fallen in a pool of blood, and then the assassin who shot Prime Minister Zofie was restrained.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

According to the report, the suspect is a male, 71 years old, and he was far away from Prime Minister Zofie when he fired the shot, so only one of the four shots in a row hit Zofie, and the position of the bullet was in the abdomen, and the rescue was not difficult.

Dozens of seconds later, Prime Minister Zofie was carried into a special car by his entourage and taken to a nearby hospital for rescue.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

In the evening of the same day, the Associated Press published the latest development again, revealing that Prime Minister Fizo was also shot in the chest, and Taiwanese media posted an article at 10 o'clock in the evening saying that the Slovak government office explained through an email that the prime minister's life was in danger.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and Slovak Prime Minister Fizo underwent surgery overnight, and his condition is currently stable.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

A few hours after the incident, a press conference was held to announce the case to the world, and the Slovak government initially judged that it was a vicious politically motivated assassination, and that police officers would do their best to investigate and let the truth surface.

Slovak Deputy Prime Minister Taraba said that Fizo is now out of danger and believes that Fizo will eventually survive.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

This is the first time since Slovakia's independence that there has been an assassination attempt against a high-ranking politician.

According to a report by the global network on May 15, citing the Slovak news website, the murderer was named J. J. C. Zbraň, from the Slovak town of Levice, reported that he was using a firearm that he may have been legally possessed.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

In fact, Prime Minister Fizo has been in power for many years, he has always opposed the war, and during last year's election campaign, he also released the slogan of organizing arms support to the front line in Ukraine, and NATO countries were very dissatisfied with him.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

On the other hand, he also showed a tough attitude against Ukraine's accession to NATO, you know, Western countries are all strongly supporting Ukraine, and Prime Minister Fizo's remarks obviously angered the Western camp led by the United States.

Therefore, some people suspect that Slovak Prime Minister Fizo has offended the United States, perhaps Western politicians, so some "extreme rightist" elements jumped out and carefully planned this incident.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

However, this is just speculation among netizens, as for why the Sarajevo incident is linked, or because the place where Slovakia was assassinated is less than 400 kilometers away from Sarajevo.

The events of "Sarajevo" that changed the fate of the world

It is said that the Balkans are a place where big things happen, and if it weren't for the Sarajevo incident, I'm afraid Bosnia wouldn't be so famous.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

At the beginning of the last century, Sarajevo was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the assassination took place on June 28, 1914, when the Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand and his wife, the Duchess of Sophie, arrived in Sarajevo for an official visit.

The visit was supposed to be normal, but during the trip, a world-changing event occurred.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

The crown prince and his wife drove through the city, and the people on both sides of the road cheered, and everything seemed so calm.

Just then, Graf Princip, a member of the Serbian nationalist organization "Mafia", suddenly burst out of the crowd and opened fire.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

The gunfire frightened away the crowd gathered at the scene, and then the crowd fled in panic, and the Franz Sophie and his wife fled into a small alley, thinking that they would escape the catastrophe in this way, but unexpectedly around the corner, they met another "mafia" member.

The killer picked up a musket and fired wildly at Franz and Sophie, before fleeing the scene, where they succumbed to their injuries.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

It didn't take long for the news to spread around the world, and the assassination sparked the anger of countless people, and Austria-Hungary believed that it was a political murder orchestrated by Serbian nationalists, and imposed a series of harsh demands on Serbia.

The first demand was that they conduct a thorough investigation into the assassinations and take steps to crack down on civil extremist groups, a series of demands known as the "July Crisis."

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

For Serbia, such a request is simply ridiculous, after all, the murderer is only a personal act, albeit in a cruel way, but there is already a law punishing him, which cannot rise to the state.

So Serbia did not accept the demands of Austria-Hungary, but, out of humanitarian concern, accepted part of it, which ultimately led to the continued deterioration of the situation.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the two sides fought fiercely on the battlefield, which affected the surrounding countries, and they also joined the war one after another for political and ideological reasons.

No one expected that the assassination incident provoked by this very small organization would turn into a series of wars between countries, and as the conflicts between countries intensified, the world formed two opposing military blocs, the Entente and the Central Allies.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

This was the whole process of the outbreak of the First World War, which, according to data, caused millions of casualties, set back the economies of some countries by decades, and was full of refugees fleeing the famine.

Later people reflected on the need for foreign policy to carefully consider international relations and alliance systems to avoid drawing into war as a result of conflict, and Ukraine today is a good example.

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

China has always pursued a policy of non-alignment, good-neighborliness and friendship, and does not seek hegemony, still less will it rely on its own national strength to bully those who are weak.

I believe that Slovakia is also aware of the current international situation, and now it seems that Europe will not be chaotic, and the murderer has been jointly crusaded against by many countries, after all, no one wants to see three world wars destroy the entire human civilization again.

Uncle Luo Ying

Edited by Uncle Luo Ying


China News Network's report on the "Sarajevo Incident" Centennial Reflection: Control or Crisis Prevention".

The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!
China Times News Network on "Video Exposure! The Slovak Prime Minister was shot and killed in critical condition, and he rushed to the car to rescue the people."
The fuse of World War III? The Slovak Prime Minister was shot multiple times, and the identity of the murderer was exposed!

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