
The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

author:Chang'an Yu Lin Lang

On May 15, an assassination occurred in Slovakia that shocked the world.

At that time, the Slovak cabinet meeting was being held in the city of Handlova, and after the meeting, the 60-year-old Slovak Prime Minister Robert Brown. Fizo went out as usual to interact with his supporters standing outside.

A 71-year-old man in the crowd attracted Fizzo with his shouting, but no one expected that when Fizzo was about to shake his hand, the man suddenly fired several shots, Fizzo was shot four times in the body, and wounded in the abdomen, limbs and chest.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

In the midst of the chaos, Fizo was lifted into his car by the bodyguards and prepared to go to the nearest hospital.

Coincidentally, there was another traffic accident on the local road, and the car could not pass quickly, until a helicopter was brought in to take him to the city hospital of Banska Bystrica.

According to the Slovak newspaper Pravda, the director of the hospital, Rapnikova, said that Fizo's operation lasted five hours, with two groups of doctors working, and although the injuries were still serious, they were out of life-threatening condition.

According to European reports such as Agence France-Presse and Reuters, Fizo is currently conscious and his vital signs are stable, and he has been transferred from the intensive care unit to a large hospital in the capital Bratislava.

In the latest news, Slovak Labor Minister Tomáš said that medical staff are cautiously optimistic about Fizo's health.

The attacker, who was arrested on the spot, was a 71-year-old male named Juragi Sintura from the Slovak city of Levice who was legally in possession of a firearm.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

Yuraj Sintura is said to have published a book of poetry, is also the founder of a local literary club, and officially works as an employee of a private security company...

Slovak Interior Minister Estok said that the motive for the assassination was political.

The case has been taken over by the Slovak National Criminal Service (NAKA).

The foreign affairs departments of China, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other countries all strongly condemned the incident at the first time.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

The case has further exacerbated the rift in Slovak society, with supporters of Fizo's Direction Party pointing the finger at the Move Forward Party, led by President Suzanne Chaputova and others.

Because Chaputova had serious disagreements with Fizo, the two sides openly confronted each other.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

For example, Fizo is firmly opposed to providing aid to Ukraine, and Chaputova wants to aid Ukraine at any cost.

Slovak Interior Minister Esstok admitted that "our country is almost on the brink of civil war".

He called on people to stop posting hate speech on online platforms to avoid escalating conflicts.

If Fizo hadn't been fatal this time, he would have been assassinated (Shinzo Abe's life was not so big)

If Fizzo dies, there will be no one in charge of the Slovak cabinet, and this will be a very good "opportunity to turn the tables" for NATO, because the United States and NATO are behind Chaputova's gang.

The political power structure in Slovakia is similar to that of parliamentary states such as Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, with the prime minister having decision-making power and the president, as the head of state, mainly responsible for symbolic and procedural work.

However, with the support of the United States, NATO, and the European Union, the Slovak presidential office has been constantly encroaching on the power of the chancellery.

Slovakia's dual membership in NATO and the European Union has annoyed both NATO and the EU, making Fizo a thorn in their side.

Previously, in order to overthrow the Fizo cabinet, some forces even did not hesitate to use "color revolution" tactics against their allies.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

On March 12-13, some Slovaks took to the streets with Ukrainian flags to demand the dissolution of Fizo's cabinet and new elections (less than half a year after the last election), while Chaputova openly supported the demonstrators.

Unmoved, Fizo continued to pursue his diplomatic course.

On May 1, he joined Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in opposing Dutch Prime Minister Rutte to take over as NATO Secretary-General.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

And Rutte is the NATO secretary general chosen by Biden, can't the United States clean up Orban, can't it clean up Fizo?

Orbán's regime is very solid, and his ruling coalition, Fidesz and CDU, not only has a parliamentary majority, but even President Shuyuk Daumash is a candidate for Fidesz and CDU.

But Slovakia is different, the president has been tearing down the cabinet. When a country is unable to unite, all sorts of opportunities are given to lovers of "color revolutions", both external and internal.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

Fizo is the most senior and prestigious political figure in Slovakia.

He was born in 1964 to a father who worked as a forklift driver and a mother who worked in a shoe store. In 1987 he joined the then Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.

In 1990, as a result of the "Velvet Revolution", the Czech Communist Party was dissolved, and Fizo joined the "transformation" of the Czech Communist Party, the Democratic Left Party (SDL)

In 1999, he founded the Slovak Orientation Party (SMER) and served as its party president for a long time.

In 2006, 2012 and 2016, he served as Prime Minister of Slovakia three times.

In February 2018, following the assassination of Slovak journalist Kuciak and his girlfriend, Chaputova, a human rights lawyer and head of an environmental NGO at the time, took to the streets to demand Fizo's resignation.

Two weeks later, several ministers resigned and Fizo's cabinet collapsed.

In February 2019, NGO leader Chaputova, who had no experience in governance, was elected president of Slovakia.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

Slovakia began to fall into a political tug-of-war.

Chaputova's so-called political opinions:

1. Supporting gay marriage;

2. Support the LGBG movement;

3. Welcoming illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East;

Fourth, confronting Russia'

Fifth, anti-China

At the end of 2019, the Czech Republic provoked China over the Taiwan issue, triggering a Chinese countermeasure.

On January 1, 2020, Chaputova tweeted: China's "threatening behavior" is unacceptable, and Slovakia will stand with the Czech Republic...

Later, she instigated her caucus members to visit the Taiwan region.

Although Fizo was forced to resign, the "Direction" party was still the majority party in parliament, and the political situation was extremely unstable, with three prime ministers in a row.

In October 2023, Fizo made a comeback. He overturned almost all of Chaputova's policies, which, in fact, could not interfere in government affairs.

Then, with the support of the boss behind her, she started her old business - street sports.

Thus, the most farce of Slovakia took place: the incumbent president instigated a movement in the streets to overthrow the prime minister.

It is no wonder that such a country is not torn apart.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

There was such a scene in the Slovak parliament, when Zelensky gave a video speech, the parliamentarians who supported Fizo left the venue en masse, and the seat on the right side was empty, while the left side was listening carefully to the actor's speech.

This confrontation has been brought to society, so it is not for nothing that "Slovakia is almost on the brink of civil war".

Fizo's attitude on the Ukraine issue is very embarrassing for NATO and the European Union, and on October 30, 2023, he made very difficult remarks.

"There is no more corrupt country in the world than Ukraine," he said. Ukrainian officials are more greedy than the other, and there is not a single government department in Ukraine that is not corrupt, and there is no need for us to further expand EU aid to Ukraine".

He will also veto the EU's 50 billion euro aid plan for Ukraine.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

This is his shouting to the EU: von der Leyen, you don't kidnap us small countries anymore.

On the NATO issue, he stands closely with Orban, and under the leadership of Orban, a "thorn", Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Austria and Malta, a total of eight European countries, will collectively oppose a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine!

The German newspaper Die Welt, said the move touched von der Leyen's bottom line.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

On May 3, Fizo said at a press conference: "Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and Slovakia has nothing to do with the Russian-Ukrainian war. I want to tell the Slovak people unequivocally that no matter what anyone asks of us, the Slovak servicemen will not step across the Slovak-Ukrainian border. ”

Fizo's position was consistent, and he was dealt with by American family law for this:

1. In October 2023, after he was elected prime minister, the EU refused to congratulate him;

2. The "Direction Party" led by him was expelled from the "European Socialist Party" by the European Parliament;

Thirdly, the European Commission will consider stopping the provision of funds to Slovakia.

Internally, he was subjected to various personal attacks by Chaputova's gang.

However, Chaputova is on the verge of losing the presidency, and in the presidential election held on April 8, Pellegrini, the candidate nominated by Fizo's ruling coalition, won the election with 53.12% of the vote.

The Slovak Prime Minister was assassinated, and someone is cleaning up the portal?

The new president will be sworn in on June 15, and Chaputova's days are short.

On April 16, Fizo told the media that he would visit China from June 22 to 25 (after the inauguration of the new president), during which he would sign a series of important agreements with the Chinese side.

The situation is very favorable for Fizo, the president will be his ally, and the parliament will be led by his party.

As a landlocked country in Central Europe, is there anything wrong with everything Fizo does?

But some people are anxious to see that Slovakia is moving towards stability. If street sports can't bring you down, then destroy you physically.

Fizo can only say that he has picked up a life this time.

As for the truth, there will never be an answer to this kind of political assassination, perhaps the plotters have even written the script and handed it over to the media for release.

If the purpose of blowing up the "Nord Stream" pipelines is to cut off the energy links between Russia and Europe, then the assassination of Fizo is someone "cleaning up the portal", a bloody knife and six holes, for those European leaders who want to stand with Orban and Fizo.

Assassins are not scary, what is scary is what the United States calls a "rules-based international order".

If this "order" is not broken, and if it does not break away from the family law and gang rules of the United States, there will certainly be bloodshed in Europe!

Europe needs strong help, but first and foremost Europe must unite, and only by fighting can it save itself!

... ...

Written by | After the sand moonlight


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