
Why did Slovak Prime Minister Fizo become a target?

author:A pot of wine for major events in the world

The leader of a country was shot dead in the open air in broad daylight. Why was the Slovak Prime Minister targeted?

Before the shooting, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was attending a government meeting. After the meeting, he approached the gathered people. A man shoots Prime Minister Fizo at close range. The man was arrested and detained on the spot.

According to local media reports, the suspect was a 71-year-old man who had worked as a security guard at a shopping mall. He is also reportedly a writer or poet. It is believed that when Prime Minister Fizo approached the crowd and shook hands with them, the man fired five shots.

Why did Slovak Prime Minister Fizo become a target?

Several media outlets reported that one of the bullets hit Prime Minister Fizo in the abdomen. Immediately after he was shot, security officers grabbed him and put him in the back seat of the car. The Slovak deputy prime minister told the BBC that "the operation is going well and there are no life-threatening injuries at the moment." However, the details of the patient's condition are not yet known.

Why was Prime Minister Fizo targeted?

A day after the shocking incident, the Slovak media reported on the front pages of various newspapers. After the incident, the suspect said at the police station that he did not agree with some of the government's policies. "Fizo came to power in last year's general elections by calling for the cessation of military aid to Ukraine and was reappointed prime minister. Supposedly pro-Russian.

"Politician Prime Minister Fizo gained support for being kind to the weak. On the other hand, he made very radical statements and expressed concern about freedom of speech and other restrictions based on EU values. "He is one of those politicians who divides society, and there are doubts about whether he has problems with public opinion or human rights. In a sense, he made a lot of enemies.

Why did Slovak Prime Minister Fizo become a target?

Slovak Interior Minister Estok declared the crime "politically motivated after the presidential elections in April." In that presidential election, someone close to Prime Minister Fizo won.

It is not yet known what kind of impact this event will have on Slovak politics and diplomacy, but in any case, it is hoped that it will become an opportunity to establish the values and administrative rules of a normal EU membership.

From the media, the focus tends to be on the Ukrainian issue, but in reality, large-scale anti-government demonstrations have taken place against this person's domestic affairs. This is because they oppress the people through repressive policies such as controlling public broadcasting and suppressing human rights.

If you think about it from the perspective of ordinary people, no matter how you look at it, this issue is more urgent than the Ukrainian issue. In addition, since NATO and the European Union require Slovakia to be democratic in order to become a member, other member states have criticized Slovakia for acting in accordance with the rules.

Why did Slovak Prime Minister Fizo become a target?

A 71-year-old former security guard who opposed Prime Minister Fio's policy fired five shots at close range! I think this is probably an act of opposition to the policies of the current left-wing populist government in Slovakia, or it may be that the security system of the Slovak Chancellery is inadequate, but in any case, it is absolutely unacceptable.

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