
Finance and economics early participation丨Housing provident fund loans in many places have been cut in interest rates; Surin was elected President of Vietnam; The Slovak Prime Minister is conscious after surgery and remains in serious condition

author:National Business Daily

Editors: Wang Yuelong, Zhang Yangyun, Zhang Xiwei

Header Content Targeting:

The interest rate reduction of housing provident fund loans in many places → No.1 in the financial news rankings

Surin was elected as the President of Vietnam → No.6 in the financial news rankings

The Slovak Prime Minister is still conscious after surgery, and his condition is still serious→ No.6 in the financial news rankings

NO.1 Provident fund loans in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have cut interest rates! The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development spoke

The People's Bank of China decided to reduce the interest rate of personal housing provident fund loans by 0.25 percentage points from May 18, 2024. In addition, the lower limit of the interest rate policy for commercial personal housing loans for the first and second homes at the national level has also been abolished. The editor of "Daily Economic News" combed and found that after the release of the central bank's policy, the housing provident fund centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Shantou, Suzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Hubei and other places responded positively and lowered the interest rate of provident fund loans.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Housing Provident Fund Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said in an interview that the most direct benefit of the reduction of loan interest rates is the housing provident fund lenders. Taking the first housing provident fund personal housing loan with an amount of 1 million yuan and a term of 30 years as an example, if you choose the equal principal and interest repayment method, the monthly payment will be reduced from 4270.16 yuan to 4135.57 yuan, a decrease of about 135 yuan, and the total interest expense will be reduced by 48,500 yuan. The benefits for buyers are substantial. The scope of the loan interest rate adjustment includes both the newly issued housing provident fund personal housing loans and the existing housing provident fund personal housing loans. We will guide the urban housing provident fund management center to do a good job in policy convergence in accordance with the regulations to ensure that depositors can enjoy the preferential policies as soon as possible. (China Construction News)

NO.2 Tang Renjian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation

On May 18, according to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Tang Renjian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission. According to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held an enlarged meeting on the evening of May 18 to convey the decision of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission to conduct a disciplinary review and supervision investigation of Tang Renjian's suspected serious violations of discipline and law. The party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the members of the party group of the participating ministries unanimously expressed their resolute support for the decision of the Party Central Committee, the decision of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, and resolutely do a good job in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee.

NO.3 9 people were killed in a fire in an inn built in Liping, Guizhou, and the operator was sentenced to 5 years in prison

At about 1 a.m. on August 18, 2023, a fire broke out in an inn in Zhaoxing Village, Zhaoxing Town, Liping County, Guizhou Province, killing 9 people and injuring 2 others. Recently, the Liping County People's Court has been on a circuit to hear this case of major liability accidents. After trial, it was ascertained that the defendant in this case, Lu, built a house in violation of regulations and built a house beyond the floor; As the manager of the inn, he did not formulate a fire safety system and was equipped with imperfect fire-fighting facilities and equipment. In accordance with relevant provisions, Lu was sentenced to five years in prison. (CCTV News)

NO.4 The breeding base was suddenly robbed, and the boss: tens of thousands of catties of lobsters were "picked up".

Yao Honglong's rice and shrimp breeding base is located in Zitong Village, Hesha Town, Chuanshan District, Suining City, Sichuan, because there are video bloggers "wild" to pick up lobsters, and misreported that "pick up casually" and "can't pick up at all", in recent days, his breeding base has poured in at most two or three hundred people a night to "pick up" lobsters, and there are still many people "picking up" at 3 o'clock in the morning, and the police can't stop them. According to Red Star News, the boss Yao Honglong said that tens of thousands of catties of lobsters were "picked up" and lost hundreds of thousands of yuan. A senior lawyer told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that these people who "pick" lobsters may constitute theft under Article 49 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law".

NO.5 The man kindly helped up the drunk and fell down the old man but was falsely accused, the police reported: Righteousness and bravery! The family of the elderly apologized

Recently, a video of "a man kindly helped up a drunk and fell down old man but was falsely accused" sparked heated discussions. The video shows that on May 15, when Mr. Yang, a citizen of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, was driving a motorcycle, he encountered an old man who fell down on a battery car. After investigation, the police confirmed that Mr. Yang was not responsible. The Office of Righteousness and Courage of the Traffic Police Detachment of Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau applied for a special award for Mr. Yang. The family of the elderly also apologized to Mr. Yang. (per synthesis)

NO.6 International News

Surin was elected President of Vietnam

According to a report by the Vietnam News Agency on May 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) proposed to the National Assembly of Vietnam that Surin Lam, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Minister of Public Security, be the president of Vietnam, and that Tran Thanh Minh, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and executive vice chairman of the National Assembly, be the chairman of the National Assembly. This result will be confirmed at the seventh session of the fifteenth session of the National Assembly on May 20. (CCTV News)

Truce during the Paris Olympics? Russia and Ukraine do not agree

According to a report by AFP on May 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rejected France's call for a truce during the Paris Olympics in an interview with AFP on the 17th. Zelenskyy said he told French President Emmanuel Macron, who had called for an Olympic truce: "I don't believe this. Zelenskyy said that the truce would only help Russia mobilize its troops and heavy equipment. According to the report, Russian President Vladimir Putin also said on the 17th that Moscow does not support a truce during the Paris Olympics this summer. Putin accused international sports bodies of not allowing Russian athletes to use the Russian flag and anthem when participating in competitions. (Reference message)

The Slovak Prime Minister is conscious after surgery and remains in serious condition

On May 18, local time, Slovak Health Minister Dolinkova said at a press conference that Prime Minister Fizo's condition had stabilized after his second operation on the 17th, but it was still serious. Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Carliniak added that Fizo was conscious after the operation and that the prime minister would remain at "great risk" of complications for two days at the end of the week. In addition, his current medical condition does not allow him to be transferred to the capital Bratislava. (CCTV News)

NO.1 Kweichow Moutai plans to recruit 178 people to engage in the production and brewing of Moutai

Kweichow Moutai (SH600519, share price 1,715 yuan, market value 2.15 trillion yuan): Recently, Kweichow Moutai released the "2024 Open Recruitment" announcement on its official website, openly recruiting 178 liquor workers (male only), mainly engaged in the production and brewing of Moutai. The main body of this recruitment is Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and the work location is in Moutai Town, Renhuai City, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province.

NO.2 雷军直播试驾小米SU7 Pro

Lei Jun: On May 18, Lei Jun live-streamed the test drive of Xiaomi SU7 Pro. During the live broadcast, there were some unexpected situations, during which a white vehicle changed lanes to the limit, almost had an accident, and did not turn on the turn signal. Lei Jun said that this way of driving is very dangerous, and called on everyone to drive civilly: "Forget it, we can't be road rage, I think life is already very beautiful, don't be angry about this little thing, add to your own blockage." After the live broadcast, Lei Jun posted on Weibo: "Today's live broadcast is the debut of Xiaomi SU7 Pro, and it is also the first time we have publicly tested urban NOA and high-speed NOA. I am very satisfied with the test results. According to public statistics, the cumulative number of viewers of this live broadcast exceeded 27 million, the number of peak online users was as high as 4.8 million, and Lei Jun's account added 360,000 fans.

Comments: Lei Jun's use of the live broadcast platform to actively interact with users has a positive impact on the improvement of brand image and user loyalty.

NO.3 Zhang Xuefeng donated another 1.5 million yuan on his 40th birthday

Zhang Xuefeng: On May 18, Zhang Xuefeng, a famous Internet celebrity teacher, celebrated his 40th birthday, and posted on Weibo that he would once again donate 500,000 yuan to the Heilongjiang Hope Project Association and 1 million yuan to the Suzhou Education Development Foundation. According to public information, Zhang Xuefeng was born in Fufu County, Heilongjiang Province in 1984 and studied water supply and drainage engineering at Zhengzhou University. Vice President and Co-founder of Suzhou Yantu Education Technology Co., Ltd.

Comments: Zhang Xuefeng demonstrated his sense of social responsibility and public welfare awareness through donations.

NO.4 The U.S. police confirmed that a whistleblower committed suicide on Boeing safety issues

Boeing (BA, stock price $184.95, market capitalization $113.5 billion): According to CBS, on the 17th local time, according to a document released by the Charleston Police Department in South Carolina on the same day, after extensive law enforcement investigations, the police determined that the cause of death of John Barnett, a former Boeing employee who had publicly exposed Boeing's potential safety hazards, was suicide. (CCTV News)

Comments: The incident will have a negative impact on Boeing's brand image.

NO.5 The U.S. Department of Energy buys oil from four companies including Shell for strategic reserves

Shell (SHEL, stock price $71.92, market capitalization $231.4 billion): The U.S. Department of Energy announced on May 17 local time that the department purchased 3.3 million barrels of oil from four companies including Shell to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, with an average price of $79.38 per barrel, lower than the maximum price it was willing to pay at $79.99 per barrel. (Interface)

Comment: The U.S. Department of Energy's replenishment of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve shows the importance it attaches to energy security.

Disclaimer: The content and data of the article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Investors act accordingly at their own risk.

Editor|Wang Yuelong, Zhang Yangyun, Zhang Xiwei, Yi Qijiang

Proofreading|Liu Siqi

|National Business Daily nbdnews original article|

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National Business Daily

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