
Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

author:Onigiri says things

In the long history of China, the division between the north and the south has always been an important and complex topic. Since the Five Dynasties, due to regional, political, economic and cultural differences, the Han people in the north and south have gradually formed different identities. Especially during the Jin and Yuan dynasties, with the deepening of foreign rule, there were significant differences between the Han people in the north and the Han people in the south in terms of living habits, language, and even ethnic identity. This division not only affected the unity of the country, but also profoundly affected the integrity of Han culture. The establishment of the Ming Dynasty, especially the policies and efforts of Zhu Yuanzhang, re-welded this historical rift and laid a solid foundation for China's long-term unification and national integration.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

In 1368 AD, a man who came out of a poor peasant family ascended the throne, he was Zhu Yuanzhang. His proclamation as emperor not only marked the end of the Yuan Dynasty, but also opened a new era of attempts to heal the wounds of history. Zhu Yuanzhang knew very well that if the division between the north and the south was not repaired in time, it would be a hidden danger for the country's future.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

"When I ascend the throne now, that is, after this troubled era, I must unify the whole world, and there is no difference between north and south." Zhu Yuanzhang said this at a court meeting shortly after his accession to the throne.

He first ordered that the use of the Hu language, wearing Hu clothes, and using the surname Hu was strictly forbidden in the world, which was called the "De-Hu Vulgar" campaign. He believed that these "Hu customs" were symbolic of the division between the North and the South, and that they must be eradicated in order to restore the pure culture of the Han people. Zhu Yuanzhang also emphasized the unity of hairstyles and clothing. He demanded that all men cut off their braids, wear their hair in a bun, and return their clothing to the style of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

During an inspection, Zhu Yuanzhang saw an old man in the north still wearing braids, and couldn't help asking: "Does the old man know the law of the country?" Why do you still have this hair? The old man replied tremblingly: "Weichen's family is poor and cannot be changed immediately. Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately ordered the officials around him to sponsor him to change his hairstyle and clothing, and strictly ordered officials in various places to take care of the practical difficulties of the people and help them change.

Zhu Yuanzhang also vigorously promoted Han culture, rebuilt schools, resumed imperial examinations, and encouraged literati to write poems and essays that reflected the traditional virtues of the Han people, so as to deepen the sense of identity of the people in the north and south in the form of culture.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang's policy was not without opposition. Some of the northern scholars, accustomed to the system of the Yuan Dynasty, were uncomfortable with this sudden change and even secretly rebelled. Once, a northern scholar boldly questioned at a court meeting: "The emperor's move seems to be too impatient, and he may force the people to rebel." After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang's face sank, but then he replied calmly: "The country's plan must win the hearts of the people, and my measures are really for the sake of the country's long-term peace and stability." ”

Under the dual effect of this strict policy and popular support, the people of the north and the south began to gradually integrate. Northerners began to relearn the Confucian classics and participate in the imperial examinations, while southerners gradually accepted their northern compatriots, who had been alienated by the war. In the market, the exchange of goods between the North and the South is more active than ever, and languages and customs are slowly unifying without realizing it.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang said with emotion in his later years: "I look at today's world, the north and the south are no different, and the style of writing is not distinguished, which is the foundation of governing the world." Indeed, through his efforts, the gap between the north and the south has been effectively bridged, and the cultural identity of the Han people has been greatly enhanced.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

After Zhu Yuanzhang's death, his unification policy was inherited and carried forward by his successors, and the Ming Dynasty became a strong centralized state. There is no longer a significant difference between the people of the North and the South, and they have participated in the construction of the country, showing unprecedented prosperity in terms of military, economy, and culture.

Zhu Yuanzhang's greatest historical achievement has reunited the Han people from the north and the south and influenced it to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang's historical merit lies not only in his ending the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, but also in how he achieved the reintegration of the north and the south with wisdom and courage. His policies directly influenced the trajectory of China's development over the centuries, proving the importance of unity and harmony. Just as a river flows eastward, the wheel of history is surging and unstoppable. And Zhu Yuanzhang is the helmsman who rowed forward with firm will and extraordinary wisdom in the torrent of history. His story reminds us that true leaders are those who can heal divisions and build harmony. They shine like stars in the long history of mankind and lead us forward.

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