
The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked into a cold sweat by the results of the exercise

author:October track

As the tension between China and the United States continues to intensify, politicians in the Pentagon and the White House are now generally anxious about what to gain and lose. They hate China, fear its rise, and threaten to force China into submission by military means. However, while clamoring for war against China, they were also very jealous of China's military strength, so they began to constantly "talk on paper" when they wanted to fight but did not dare to fight, and they had an almost stubborn obsession with war games. Recently, the U.S. military has started to push again. The results show that once a conflict breaks out between China and the United States, the first day of the war will soon become a "disaster day" for the US military, and the US military base on Guam will even be wiped out.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked into a cold sweat by the results of the exercise

After the outbreak of war in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the PLA will inevitably strike at a series of US military bases in the Pacific, with Guam, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines bearing the brunt. Therefore, in the recent military push, the US military focused on the deductive assessment of the defense capabilities of the relevant bases. According to the assessment of relevant US congressmen, the US military bases overseas have both infrastructure problems and the weakness of insufficient base defense forces, and once China and the United States go to war, the US military bases in the Indo-Pacific region will encounter the "one pot" of the PLA at the first time, and a large number of US fighters will be completely destroyed if they cannot take off at all.

The reason for these two major problems is that in recent years, the US military's logistical investment in construction has continued to decline, and this has led to the fact that many front-line bases have not acted in accordance with the rules and regulations in terms of logistical supply at all, and have not reached the standard configuration level, so their strength to resist external attacks is seriously insufficient. According to the suggestions of the US military's top brass, in order to make up for these weaknesses, we must first do a good job of "passive defense." In response to the PLA's long-range strikes, more hangars and other important targets in US military bases should be built and more dispersed. On this basis, the US military's logistics system should also strengthen its ability to respond to emergencies. Second, the US military should also attach importance to enhancing its "active defense" capability and invest more forces in building more and more advanced ground air defense systems.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked into a cold sweat by the results of the exercise

Objectively speaking, the US military's deduction has indeed truly reflected its long-standing shortcomings and loopholes, but these views are still commonplace and have no new meaning. Both Biden and the Pentagon's top military leaders are well aware that these weaknesses of the US military are not formed in a day, but have accumulated over many years, and are a malaise in the US military system. However, with the current financial capacity of the United States, tens of trillions of dollars in US debt have weighed down the Biden administration, and the overstretched US government is still busy supporting Ukraine and Israel.

According to a number of US media reports, in order to improve the rapid repair capability of US military bases in the Indo-Pacific region, the US military has squeezed out part of the defense budget, but it accounts for only 2%, and the purchase price of "Patriot" air defense missiles is as high as $4 million for a single missile. Obviously, the US military is simply not able to build a complete air defense network. In addition, even if the US military invests heavily in strengthening "active defense", the PLA's "Dongfeng" series of hypersonic missiles still cannot be effectively intercepted, and under the saturation strike, many US military bases still cannot be effectively protected on the first day of war.

The first day of the conflict between China and the United States will become a disaster day, and the US military will be shocked into a cold sweat by the results of the exercise

Although the strength of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) makes the US government afraid to go to war easily, the probability of a conflict between China and the United States is still increasing. Russian expert on international affairs Vasily. Kashin recently pointed out that as the contradictions between China and the United States in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait continue to intensify, military conflicts between China and the United States will inevitably break out. Recently, the United States has been making more and more frequent moves against China in various fields. This is because the top level of the US government is well aware that the United States has become increasingly powerless in military confrontation, and after China's way of seeking to solve problems by plundering abroad is blocked by China, the United States will inevitably use more shady tricks, the purpose of which is to completely mess up China's trade and China's economy. Especially recently, with the official release of the Asian American subdivision bill, this phenomenon has fully demonstrated that the United States is ready to take action against China.

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