
The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

author:Benevolence steamship zR

In the bustling Luohu District of Shenzhen, the Yongcui Huafu community is like a hidden garden, quiet and peaceful on the outside, but on this sunny afternoon, a sudden tragedy is hidden. The sun shines on this green land, but it can't dispel the impending gloom.

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

In the afternoon, the sun shines through the clouds, gently caressing every inch of the community. With her wrinkled hands, Grandma gently pushes the child's trolley along the flower-scented path. The child sat in the stroller, his smile blooming like a flower, and he looked at the world with curiosity and innocence in his eyes. However, this beautiful picture was shattered in an instant.

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

Like a ferocious beast, a wagon roared and rushed towards the children who were playing. The grandmother screamed in horror, she tried with all her strength to push the child away, but it was too late. The child had just gotten out of the stroller, and he had taken the shortest and last step of his life. The truck ran mercilessly over the child's body, leaving a shocking trail of blood.

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

At that moment, the entire neighborhood fell into a deathly silence. The grandmother knelt beside the child in despair, her trembling hands caressing the child's cold face, tears rolling down like pearls of broken thread. Her heart was filled with endless remorse and pain, if she could have been a little faster, if she had been more careful, maybe the child would not have left this world.

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

The video went viral on the web, attracting widespread attention and discussion. People have condemned the callousness of the driver who caused the accident, and they angrily blamed the truck driver for having such a disregard for life. However, in the midst of this tragedy, we also have to think about the management of the community. Why are trucks allowed to enter and exit freely in communities where people and vehicles are separated? Why do property management companies disregard the lives of property owners so much?

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

Schunk Property Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a property company that was once pinned on by property owners, has now become the target of public criticism. In recent years, the company has been frequently penalized for mismanagement. From the improper classification of domestic garbage to the lack of fire-fighting equipment, to the unreasonable charging price, each of them has exposed serious problems in the company's internal management. And this accident has pushed the company's management loopholes to the forefront.

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

In the face of media skepticism and the anger of the owner, the staff of Schunk Property said that they would fully cooperate with the investigation and promised to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible. However, can such promises actually be kept? We don't know. We can't help but ask, has this property company really paid attention to the safety of the owners? Are they just chasing profit and ignoring their own responsibilities?

The young child was crushed to death in the community, and the black history of the culprit was picked up: he was punished many times in two years

In this accident, we must not only condemn the ruthlessness of the driver who caused the accident, but also deeply reflect on the safety of children in the whole society. Why do such accidents happen repeatedly? Why are our children always at risk? This is not only due to the negligence of individual drivers, but also because of the disregard and neglect of children in society as a whole.

We call on the government to strengthen the formulation and enforcement of traffic management regulations and crack down on traffic rule violations. At the same time, we also hope that the property company can truly learn the lessons of this accident and strengthen internal management to ensure that similar accidents do not happen again. Only in this way can we make the owners truly feel safe and warm.

However, the most innocent victim in this tragedy is undoubtedly the young child. He was supposed to have a great future, but lost his life due to an accident. His parents, who were still running for life, received such bad news. Their mood, we can't imagine. We are deeply saddened by the passing of our child and pray for his family to come out of the shadows and face life again as soon as possible.

At the same time, we also want to give a stern reprimand to the driver who caused the accident. Why is he so cold? Why didn't I notice the child in front of me while driving? Does he know that one of his negligences will make an innocent life disappear from this world? His behavior is not only a harm to the child, but also a challenge to the whole society.

In this accident, we have seen the loss of an innocent life, and we have also seen the reflection and vigilance of the whole society. Let's work together to create a safer and better future for our children. At the same time, we also hope that Schunk Property Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. can truly learn the lessons of this accident and strengthen internal management to ensure that similar accidents do not happen again. Only in this way can we let every child grow up happily in the sun, and let every family enjoy happiness and tranquility.

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