
The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

author:Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism
The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Today's summer, the sound of cicadas chirping, the clamor is getting louder and louder.

The temperature is soaring, the appetite is low, and the only bowl of cold noodles that can save the taste buds is also.

At the beginning of summer, Wuhan cold noodles shine on the scene. On the small carts in the streets and alleys, the signboard of "cool skin noodles are for sale" was hung uniformly.

In the middle of the night, on the supper table of the food stall, the sound of "boss, add a piece of cold noodles" rises and falls, just a mouthful of cold noodles, and then a plate of XUO edamame, Coke beer unlimited, Wuhan people's summer is complete.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

But cold noodles are not a patent of Wuhan, from the south to the north, there are cold noodles at summer tables all over China.

Cold noodles are also known as "over the water", and ancient times are called "cold tao". According to legend, before Wu Zetian entered the palace, he was burned on his tongue when eating noodles with his playmates, and the two of them studied and innovated the way to eat cold noodles.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight
The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

In Jinhua, Zhejiang, the rice is ground into a pulp, steamed and pressed into strips to dry, when eaten, boiled in boiling water, and then repeatedly over the cold water, sharp green peppers and garlic hot oil stir-fry, add a few spoons of watercress sauce mix well, shaped like rice noodles "cold tao" completed.

Chicken shredded cold noodles are the leaders of Sichuan cold noodles, and red oil spicy seeds are a must. Three silk toppings are the classic of Shanghai cold noodles, meaningless which three silk, vegetarian zi bai silk, carrot shredded, green pepper shredded, meat shredded chicken, meat shredded, ham shredded, can be mixed and matched.

And when northerners are homesick in Wuhan, they will go to Lanzhou ramen shop to ask for a bowl of cold noodles, give tomatoes, no sesame sauce, and go home in one bite.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

As wuhan people love sesame sauce is the Beijinger, the northern sesame sauce is thicker, pepper oil cucumber shreds, like according to personal preferences to a little water radish, celery minced and pickled toon minced, qi work.

Wuhan cold noodles, the biggest feature is the fusion of north and south, to rough and refined. Love sesame sauce is no problem, Sichuan's fine alkali noodles are also OK, vinegar and sesame oil, and add a little sugar, as for the side dishes ingredients all depend on the mood of the noodle seller. Spicy is fragrant but not spicy, especially in line with the taste of Wuhan people.

Digging deeper, probably Hubei is rich in crayfish, and the two are naturally perfectly matched, so that the cold noodles will be on fire in Wuhan.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight
The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Wuhan cold noodles, take more fine alkali noodles.

Unlike hot dry noodles, fine alkali noodles are more rooted and easy to taste. The noodles are boiled to seven or eight minutes, fished up with sesame oil, and then quickly mixed with the help of a fan to spread the cold, the "shan noodles" in the Wuhan population make the fine alkali noodles after cooling more delicate, and the noodles after stirring remove the stickiness and the taste is more refreshing.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight
The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Eating noodles in the heat of the summer, the light smells its name, as if it has the magic of cooling down. High temperature heat wave, a bowl of refreshing cold noodles without a trace of heat, noodles refreshing and neat, sneaking down the stomach, straight to the stomach to dissipate the heat.

On the streets of summer, Wuhan people's love for cold noodles is no less than a bowl of hot dry noodles when it is too early. In fact, in the summer, the people of Wuhan are too early to change into cold noodles.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

As for what is the soul of the cold noodles, I grabbed a few friends casually, but I didn't expect a thousand people to have a thousand faces.

Some people grit their teeth at the tahini in the cold noodles, and some people support it with enthusiasm, throwing down a sentence: "Wuhan's cold noodles do not have the reason for the tahini?" ”。 Some people pointed out that the cold is the difference: "Is there a difference between cold noodles that are not cold and hot dry noodles?"

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Many friends put the focus of their souls on small dishes, and some must add Shanghai ribbon to the cold noodles, "cold mixed kelp silk is crisp, but also give people a kind of seaside fantasy, more summer." "Unconvinced is the cucumber silk bean sprouts vegetable party," cucumber and bean sprouts are yyds, the thickness of these two makes the taste of a bowl of cold noodles more layered, missing can eat can be cool? ”

Ham sausage lovers are astonishing: "Cold noodles without ham sausages are like eating hot dried noodles without taking capers, and snail powder without sour shoots." The thick starch is inexplicably fragrant, and the color of the face can be better when the ham is put on. "Not to be underestimated is peanut rice, which determines how many bowls some people have to eat.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight
The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

For the sauce, everyone also has their own love. Vinegar should be in place, otherwise there is no sour feeling of relief. The chili oil must be fragrant, and after stirring, each noodle should be stained red and fragrant. It is difficult for people who do not eat garlic to understand why cold noodles should be added to garlic water, and garlic eaters have to repeatedly instruct their bosses: "More garlic water." "The lingering aroma of garlic will make them taste the cold noodles at noon until the evening."

The discussion of the soul of the cold noodles is not fruitful, and it is not tight, and it will never delay the noodle eaters to come to a bowl of cold noodles. Carefully selected, eating noodles strategy sincerely offered.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight


Soul accessories

Kohlrabi + sour plum juice + tahini

Cold noodles from major shrimp shops

Although eating shrimp is the focus, but there is always a cold noodle foil, Wuhan delicious cold noodles, shrimp shop accounted for half, sesame sauce hanging on the strip, with sweet kohlrabi with sour cool refreshing sauce, green and brilliant shallots will be embellished with vivid and lovely noodles, who said that cold noodles are not the standard to eat shrimp?

Fatter and sweeter, tahini is thinner and more appropriate, Balinese tahini and peanut butter are thicker and thicker.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Price: 8 yuan for small portions

Address: Offline you can go to fat shrimp village (Shipailing general store), online can be purchased in Hema, other shrimp shops cold noodles need to go to the main stores

Cooked sesame seeds + alcoholic peanuts + purple cabbage

C+ cold noodles

The newly opened noodle shop on Grain Road Street is a green fast food tone.

There are many noodles, large quantities and delicious tastes. In addition to the common cucumber and carrot shreds, sweet and crisp purple cabbage is added, and the vegetables are refreshing and fresh. A handful of red-skinned crispy peanuts, a handful of cooked sesame seeds, and a mixture of chili oil that is not freshly fried but is also very fragrant.

Take a bite out of your stomach and be overwhelmed, and then paired with a bowl of cold mung bean porridge, Bashi!

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Price: 18 yuan / person (there is meat!) There is meat! )

Address: C+ cold noodles Wuhan store

Sesame oil + vinegar + shredded ham

RenJi's legacy

Those who have eaten his family's mixed noodles have listened to their heads. Cold noodles are specially served in summer, the noodles are cooked freshly, and the noodles are rinsed and scattered when they are rinsed in water. Put into the bowl, the master quickly and skillfully add spices, and then pick up the fine mouth oil pot generously poured a few mouthfuls of sesame oil, add a little squeezed vegetables to add sweetness, cold noodles are not so ice, vinegar to give more, pay attention to the sour and refreshing.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Price: Assorted cold noodles 8 yuan

Address: Ren Kee Heritage Classic Noodle House (Grain Road Street Store)

Ice noodles + sesame sauce + kelp shredded + diced radish

Spring forest cold noodles

Friends said that even if Sanfu Tian didn't want to go out, he would go to Chunlin to eat a bowl of cold noodles.

The side dishes are only radish and kelp, expensive in the noodles ice, sesame sauce mellow, a little sugar added to the noodles, in the Aoyama where everything can be fried, a fried meat cold noodle with small wine, the youth of the Aoyama team returns.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Price: 7 yuan

Address: Spring Forest Noodles

Peeled eggs + beef + pickled cabbage

Jinghua Old Street Snacks

Jinghua is a sister flower, girlfriends with one heart, and the business is golden. When summer comes, this snack bar, tucked away in the model community on Stadium Street, serves only cold noodles.

Ah Jing recommended friends from afar to have a luxurious cold noodle. The lineup of sausages, beef and peeled eggs is excellent, peanut rice, cucumber shreds, bean sprouts and red peppers are readily available, featuring pickled cabbage in her family's cold noodles, which are sweet and crisp. Although it is a home-cooked snack, the taste is not to talk about amazing, but the wonderful collision of peeled eggs and cold noodles can still make people sigh.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Price: Luxury cold noodles 22 yuan

Address: Jinghua Old Street Snacks

Red oil spicy seeds + toppings + fine alkali noodles

Chongqing Wanzhou Noodle Restaurant (Caihua Street)

Authentic Sichuan noodle restaurant with spicy flavor. Chongqing people eat cold noodles, indispensable red oil spicy seeds. His chili peppers are uniquely made, spicy and smooth and delightful. Toppings are mixed with your heart, fresh and tender shredded chicken, soft sticky fat sausage, thick mixed sauce, at your disposal.

On a hot day, come to a bowl, be satisfied, fried peas make the taste of cold noodles a little more fun, and the taste of the mouth is fascinating.

The soul of cold noodles is tahini, and it is not willing to fight

Price: Mixed sauce cold noodles 8 yuan

Address: Chongqing Wanzhou Noodle Restaurant (Caihua Street Store)

"Head fu dumpling two volt noodles", it is the second volt day, go, eat noodles to go.

『 Today's Topic 』

What do you think is the soul of a bowl of cold noodles?


Editor = A mao

Photo = Liao Chenyang

Design = Small V

Produced by Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

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