
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert

author:Vigorous ship

She was the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars

She is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA

She is the only Chinese star invited to Michael Jackson concerts

She is a Hong Kong and Taiwan star in China's Olympic bid

She is the star of the Wenchuan earthquake who personally went to the scene to rescue

She was a star who died and was remembered by CCTV's 3 videos in a row People's Daily Xinhua News Agency

She has been sexy and enchanting all her life, and she has been wearing heavy makeup all her life, but she has never had a scandal.

She is serious about love, serious about singing, and she says she is Chinese!

She has redeemed others, but not herself!

Goodbye CoCo!

I am afraid that the only one who can be mourned by CCTV's three videos in a row is Li Min, the diva of the entire Chinese music scene, which is enough to prove Li Min's influence. She is the only international Chinese singer who sings Chinese English to the ceiling... She deserves the word "like" [like] [like] [like]. are all Huangquan reservations, why bother every day, if the heart has no habitat, everywhere is a wanderer, can't get out of their obsession, the world is full of cages, the rest of your life, three points of relief, two points of see-through, a lifetime of learning to shut up.

A glass of turbid wine to taste, taste Xuanyuan sad and broken intestines. People look at the moon at the end of the world, meditating on the fine clouds of their hometown. Since then, there is no moonlight lover in the world, only 365 days of thinking about you!

I feel sorry for Li Min all my life, I have been for the people around me all my life, love my country, love my mother, love my sister, love my husband, love my adopted daughter, love my friends, love my career, but I didn't love myself well [tears] [tears] [tears]

Li Wen's death is a wake-up call, woman, if someone spoils you, be a happy little woman, if not, be a strong big woman, who let you see your heart, stay away from who can't live with your own body.

The rest of your life with the person you laugh at, for nothing else, only live for your own health, live only once, love yourself well, if no one hurts, learn to hurt yourself.

Life in the world, except for life and death are trivial things.

#Star Entertainment# #Say TA# #Gossip Manual # #李玟的人生有多坎坷#

She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert
She is the first Chinese star to perform at the Oscars, she is the only Chinese star to perform in the NBA, she is the only Chinese star invited to the Michael Jackson concert

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