
Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

author:Beijing City old
Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Everyone has one or two home-cooked dishes in their memories, for Beijing children, playing children living in the hutongs, eating the most is the cabbage and fried potato shreds made by the old family, not to mention the potatoes, this food is not remarkable, but no one can do without it, how to do it, so today I will talk to everyone about a Beijing-style home-cooked dish, fried potato shreds

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

In a way, shredded potatoes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes are almost the same, are a popular dish in Beijing people's homes, the old saying is that 'mother's dish' is eaten by every household, each household eats differently, each family has its own high tricks, some Beijingers fry potato shreds without putting soy sauce, think it is good to sell, and some people like to put some soy sauce on the shelves

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

I think that if the potato shreds are not colored, the white bar can't eat it, some people eat fried potato shreds like to eat crisp, chewing in the mouth is particularly refreshing, and some people like to be noodles, and the most typical vinegar slip potato shreds in old Beijing, first peel the potatoes and cut them into strips, the silk can not be cut too finely

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Slightly coarse point also into, the picture is to eat in the mouth has a taste, hot oil, pepper stew pot, onion and ginger what can not be put, potato shreds stabbed a sound, poured into the frying of seven or eight minutes cooked, at this time sprinkle salt, and then pour some soy sauce, of course, soy sauce can not pour too much, mainly to color the potato shreds

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Then according to your personal taste, add some sugar, drizzle some balsamic vinegar, like to eat spicy can also put a little green pepper shreds to improve the taste, on these condiments with the pot to pull evenly, and then pour some water, cover the pot lid, just like braised lentils, stew it, put the potato shreds to it stewed noodles, collect the soup, into the flavor, so that the potato shreds sour and sweet, but also with a little spicy taste

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Potato shredded each root is particularly chewy head, suck up the soup, take chopsticks lightly a clip can be folded, is such a strong, eat old Beijing potato shreds, the perfect match must be rice, eat steamed bread cake are almost meaningless, rice stewed also has to be slightly harder, after the pot must be a grain is a grain, pay attention to eating into the mouth can bounce teeth

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

With a little chewiness, the plate of shredded potatoes was lifted up, and the soup was brought to the rice, mixed well, and then took the chopsticks, held the large bowl, and greeted the mouth with a big mouth, hey! It is so fragrant that even eating three bowls of rice is not a problem, in fact, the potato shreds all over the country, but everything is cut into shreds and fried

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

What is different about the pipe steps, the mainstream way of eating is generally vegetarian fried, very few eat meat fried potato shreds, not cut into silk, cut into slices or pieces on the ambiguous, but also the meat of the vegetarian less, in the past the old Beijing people like to take potatoes as a dish to eat, but to go west, all potatoes as food

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Take the Beijing people when they were young, the same from the field to eat food, white potatoes will be managed by the state-run grain store, it is the lowest grade of coarse grain, you have to rely on the grain stamp if you want, and the potato is a kind of dish, back to the old Beijing state-run vegetable station, the side food store management, give money to sell to you, everyone buy at will, there is no restriction

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Some Beijing people have many people in their families, the days are tight, the grain is not enough to eat, you can take these grain stamps to buy rice and white noodles to the grain store to buy white potatoes at a discount, according to the rules of the old Beijing in the past, a pound of rice grain stamps can buy up to five pounds of white potatoes, you want to change a pound to five pounds, then you can feed several more people, you can eat several more meals

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Just like that, not many people go to the food store to buy a few pounds of potatoes, go home steamed, take it as grain to eat, then Beijing people did not have this concept in their minds, until now it is the same, in fact, baked potato oven throw a few potatoes into the effect is the same, but since ancient times has not sold baked potatoes

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

In fact, the hometown of potatoes and sweet potatoes are in South America, after Columbus discovered the Americas, these two things, sitting on the ship of the Spaniards, slowly spread to Europe, potatoes, sweet potatoes spread to Europe, foreigners are also willing to take white potatoes as food, do not like to eat potatoes

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Because the sweet potatoes are not nourishing, delicious, the potatoes are white and grinning, the cold does not eat a feel that it is quite fresh, and there is no taste in the mouth for three days in a row, so foreigners are also willing to eat sweet potatoes, not willing to eat potatoes, but unfortunately the European boundary is not powerful, the day is too cold, the more to the Nordics the colder

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

Friends who live in the countryside know that white potatoes are afraid of cold and not afraid of heat, the day is too cold to be completely frozen, potatoes are completely reversed, afraid of heat and not afraid of cold, hot will grow buds, it likes to be cool, so, Europeans like to eat sweet potatoes, but they can't plant at home, and finally there is no rut but to eat two potatoes

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

At most, it is to shelve more spices, and in the history of Beijing, it is almost the same thing, after the white potatoes and potatoes came in, the masses loved to eat white potatoes as grain, and did not like to eat potatoes, but the more watered the white potatoes were planted, the more east they went, the more sufficient the water source, the warmer the climate, and there was no problem in planting white potatoes

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

But to the west, the northwest region, especially Gansu, Ningxia there is little drought and rain, the day is still cold, can not grow white potatoes at all, but potatoes are more resistant to frost than white potatoes, and there is no need to see the day watering, so the northwest people like to eat potatoes as grain, from the Ming Dynasty has continued today

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

The most different place between the potatoes produced in the northwest region and the potatoes in the south is that the starch content is high, eating to the mouth is particularly noodle, especially sand, put into the pot can also blossom, after the potatoes are washed, put into the pot, add a little water, according to the number of baked sweet potatoes, continuous for twenty minutes, open the lid of the pot, a hot gas, mixed with the clear aroma of potatoes, and a little caramelized

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

The potatoes in the pot are counted one by one, the top is decent, the outer layer of skin is all cracked, turning over the inside of the white gourd, this kind of potato in Gansu is called roasted potatoes, after cooking with Beijing people eat baked white potatoes, hand holding peeled peeled to eat, you can also dip some chili noodles or something, even rice with vegetables

Beijing flavor home cooking, vinegar slip potato shreds, carrying countless Beijing children's taste memories

All in all, there are dozens of ways to eat potatoes, how to eat them, but in the eyes of Beijing people, the vinegar-slip potato shreds made by the old family are the most delicious home cooking, and children eat big and eat endlessly, because this is the taste of home! Some of the pictures come from the Internet! Welcome to follow, forward, like, one key triple!

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