
Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

author:Warred said

Sao Tome and Principe is an island nation located in West and Central Africa, rich in natural resources and unique geography.

Agriculture in the pre-ruled period

In the early years of São Tomé and Príncipe's rule, the indigenous people were mainly engaged in agricultural activities, planting crops as their main source of livelihood, they took advantage of the fertility of the land to grow a variety of crops, such as cassava, corn, palm oil, etc., agricultural production mainly relied on traditional planting methods and manual labor, lack of modern agricultural facilities and technology.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe has tropical rainforests, fertile soils and a humid climate, which provides good production conditions for agriculture, enabling farmers to grow a variety of crops.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

In the early years of rule, local agricultural development was mainly oriented towards export markets rather than meeting local needs, which led to the monolithic and dependent nature of agricultural production, with farmers focusing mainly on growing agricultural products for export while ignoring the diversity and self-sufficiency potential of local agricultural products.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Agricultural development in São Tomé and Príncipe at this time was largely based on indigenous traditional cultivation methods and manual labor.

Agriculture during the reigned period

At the end of the 19th century, European rulers began to incorporate Sao Tome and Principe into their empires, and agricultural development at this time was mainly to meet the economic needs of European countries, rulers brought in a large number of labor to grow agricultural products for export, and the ruler government exercised large-scale organizational control of agricultural production through forced labor and plantation systems.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Slavery played an important role in the plantation economy of Sao Tome and Principe, and slaves were forced to work on plantation and harvesting to serve the interests of the rulers, a cruel system that severely deprived them of their rights and freedoms and led to severe social inequalities.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

During this period, European rulers introduced new planting techniques to increase the yield of agricultural products, and they adopted more efficient farming methods, irrigation systems, and agricultural machinery to increase productivity and profits.

At this time, the agricultural economy of Sao Tome and Principe was mainly dependent on a single agricultural product, such as cocoa and coffee, which led to the monolithic and dependent nature of agricultural production, making these countries very sensitive to fluctuations in prices on the international market.

The ruler government exercised strict control and supervision over agricultural production, and they supported the plantation economy through laws and policies and ensured the smooth export of agricultural products and local economic interests.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Agricultural development after independence

In the 60s of the 20th century, Sao Tome and Principe gained independence, and after independence, the government began to promote the modernization and diversification of agriculture, the government implemented agrarian reform policies, including the construction of agricultural cooperatives and agricultural technology training, and the government also encouraged private investment and foreign aid to promote agricultural development.

The government has implemented land reform policies to promote the equitable distribution and rational use of land, including the adoption of land ownership laws and policies to ensure farmers' legitimate rights and interests in land and encourage the development of smallholder farmers.

The government supports and promotes the development of agricultural cooperatives, which provide technical support, training and market access to help farmers improve their production skills and management capabilities, while increasing their bargaining power in the market.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

The government encourages farmers to adopt modern agricultural technology innovations to improve production efficiency and quality, including the introduction of new planting methods, irrigation systems and scientific breeding techniques to meet the needs of modern agriculture.

The government encourages farmers to diversify agricultural production to reduce their dependence on a single agricultural product, and strives to develop animal husbandry, fishery and agro-by-product processing industries to increase the diversity and added value of agricultural products.

The government's investment in agricultural education and training and training opportunities in technical management for farmers can help improve farmers' skills and increase their agricultural productivity and innovation.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

The government is committed to developing agricultural markets and providing better access to markets and price protection mechanisms, which will help farmers obtain fair prices and increase their economic income.

After independence, Sao Tome and Principe's agricultural development focused on agricultural modernization, and the government's investment in agricultural reform policies provided more support and opportunities for farmers, promoting the development of agricultural production and the growth of farmers' income.

Modernization and diversification of agriculture

Since the 80s of the 20th century, Sao Tome and Principe has intensified agricultural modernization, the government has encouraged farmers to adopt modern agricultural technology and equipment to improve production efficiency, agricultural cooperatives have been developed, providing farmers with technical support and market channels.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

The government supports the development of agricultural cooperatives, which provide farmers with opportunities for collective management and resource sharing, helping them improve production efficiency and the quality of agricultural products, and increase farmers' bargaining power through centralized procurement, processing and market marketing.

Sao Tome and Principe has taken active measures to reduce dependence on imported food, the Government has encouraged farmers to increase the cultivation of food and vegetables to meet the needs of the domestic market, and the agricultural sector has increased the construction of agricultural processing and storage facilities to reduce agricultural loss and waste.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

The government is committed to introducing modern agricultural technology and machinery to improve production efficiency and the quality of agricultural products, farmers gradually adopt mechanized farming and harvesting techniques to reduce labor burden and increase the yield of agricultural products, and the government also helps farmers adapt to new agricultural technology methods through training and technical support.

Sao Tome and Principe has undertaken economic and market reforms, which have also had an impact on agriculture, the Government has introduced agricultural policy measures to encourage farmers to participate in market competition and trade in agricultural products, and the Government has eased the financing conditions for agricultural production and promoted agricultural investment.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Sustainable agricultural development and environmental protection

Sao Tome and Principe is paying more and more attention to sustainable agriculture and environmental protection, the government has formulated environmental regulations and policies to limit the impact of agriculture on the environment, farmers have also begun to adopt organic and sustainable agricultural methods, reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, protect soil and water resources, and the government also encourages farmers to participate in ecotourism and agricultural tourism, and promote the combination of agriculture and tourism.

In order to reduce the risk and dependence of agriculture, Sao Tome and Principe is committed to increasing the diversity of agriculture, in addition to traditional crop cultivation, farmers have begun to develop areas such as animal husbandry and agro-by-product processing to provide more agricultural options and increase added value.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe has gradually introduced modern agricultural technology innovations to increase the yield of agricultural products, including precision agriculture technology, remote monitoring and agricultural robots, etc., to improve agricultural production efficiency and management.

To promote modern agriculture, the government and international agencies have provided agricultural finance and investment support in Sao Tome and Principe, providing loans, subsidies and technical assistance to help farmers purchase agricultural equipment, improve agricultural infrastructure and carry out innovative projects.

Sao Tome and Principe is committed to expanding agricultural markets and promoting the export of agricultural products, and the Government supports the marketing and international competitiveness of agricultural products by improving agricultural quality standards, enhancing market access and trade promotion.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

The government encourages the participation of farmers' organizations in the decision-making process, and farmers' organizations such as agricultural cooperatives and farmers' associations provide a platform for farmers to take collective action and represent their interests and promote their voices to be heard.

Agriculture plays an important role in the economic and social development of modern agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe, and although agricultural development still faces challenges, it remains an important pillar of its economy and contributes to domestic employment and food security.

The status of the development of modern agriculture

Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Sao Tome and Principe, especially in terms of employment and poverty alleviation, the agricultural sector generates a large number of jobs in the country, especially in rural areas, and the production and marketing of agricultural products also generate economic income and foreign exchange earnings.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Agriculture plays a key role in food security in Sao Tome and Principe, and while there is still a degree of food dependence, the increase and diversification of agricultural production has helped to reduce dependence on imported food and provide a domestic food supply.

Sao Tome and Principe is increasingly focusing on sustainable development in modern agricultural development, and by promoting organic, ecological and sustainable farming practices, the two countries are working to protect the health of soils, water resources and ecosystems to ensure the long-term sustainability of agriculture.

Historical development of agriculture in Sao Tome and Principe

Some agricultural products of Sao Tome and Principe, such as cocoa, coffee and bananas, were competitive on the international market, and their exports generated foreign exchange earnings for the country and promoted economic development and international trade.

In the past few centuries, the local agricultural development has undergone a transformation from primitive agriculture to modern agriculture, and the government and farmers are aware of the importance of sustainable agricultural development, and are committed to promoting the modernization of agriculture, technological progress and policy improvement, which has also made Sao Tome and Principe's agriculture more prosperous.


1. "African Agriculture: Discerning Facts from Myths"

2. Agriculture and Structural Transformation: Economic Strategies for Post-Developing Countries

3. Agriculture, Growth and Income Redistribution: A Policy Analysis of Egypt's General Equilibrium Model

4. The Political Ecology of Africa's Last Transition: Cocoa Cultivation in Principe, 1822-1997

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