
In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

author:Lei Yiyi

Zhang Zongxun was a brave and warlike general under Chairman Mao Zedong. He went up Jinggangshan from the time of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and then went to Yan'an to work as a defender, and he has always been loyal to defend Chairman Mao Zedong. In his life, he experienced many ups and downs and tasted all kinds of hardships, but he always stood by Chairman Mao Zedong's side. Decades of being born and dying on the battlefield created a special telepathy between him and Chairman Mao Zedong.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Pictured| Chairman Mao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > first met Mao Zedong and was impressed by his passion and wisdom</h1>

In February 1926, zhang Zongxun, who was already 18 years old, left his hometown of the northwest plateau. At this time, the storm of the Great Revolution was already raging and in full swing. Zhang Zongxun, who was ideologically progressive, could not sit still, the flame of revolution had been ignited in his heart, and he decided to reach Guangzhou, the central city of the revolution at that time, as quickly as possible. Through his own efforts, he was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy for further study as he wished.

During his studies at the Whampoa Military Academy, he read many progressive theoretical readings, got to know many Communists, and understood why revolution was necessary. How to revolutionize? Follow the revolution and other major issues. Soon after, he submitted an application to the party organization to join the party.

Shortly after Zhang Zongxun entered the school, Chiang Kai-shek declared martial law in Guangzhou, arrested Li Zhilong, the captain of the Zhongshan warship, and dozens of party representatives, and launched the "Zhongshan Incident." After the incident, Chiang Kai-shek proposed at a meeting that party affairs should be rectified, and that cadets studying at the Whampoa Military Academy should not cross the party and must choose one of them. After receiving the form, Zhang Zongxun did not hesitate to sign and quit the Kuomintang, disclosed his identity as a Communist Party member, and unswervingly walked with the party.

In September 1927, Zhang Zongxun took part in the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong with revolutionary enthusiasm.

On 20 September, rebel forces rallied on the playground of a school. Because they had just experienced a war defeat, the mood of the troops was relatively low, and pessimism and disappointment were breeding. Zhang Zongxun sat in the crowd and was silent, where did the rebel troops go? What if facing a black cloud crushing the average enemy? He was also thinking deep inside.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Picture | Zhang Zongxun

At this moment, the division commander suddenly shouted loudly: "Please ask Committee Member Mao to speak to everyone!" ”

Commissioner Mao! Zhang Zongxun's eyes suddenly became energetic after hearing this name, and he was very familiar with this name. During his studies at the Whampoa Military Academy, he often read Mao Zedong's "Report on the Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan" and was impressed by Mao Zedong's ideas. The Autumn Harvest Uprising was led by Mao Zedong, but unfortunately he never had the opportunity to meet Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong walked to the stage, dressed in blue coarse cloth clothes, wearing a pair of straw shoes on his feet, with a strong and tall figure, long hair, and his part, although somewhat emaciated, but his eyes were very attentive. He walked quickly to the front of the crowd and said loudly to all the personnel: "A little setback does not mean failure, at present, the strength of our contingent is not strong, now the enemy is strong and we are weak, we cannot continue to attack Changsha, and we will fight Changsha again after our people's armed forces are strong." ”

After Mao Zedong finished speaking for a while, he paused for a while, scanned the whole field with a glowing and energetic gaze, and then said loudly and passionately: "Although the revolution has experienced defeat now, the social nature of our country will not change, and the revolutionary situation will develop in a good direction." Under the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China, a new revolutionary upsurge is bound to come, our revolutionary contingent is bound to be strong, and the revolution will surely win the final victory. ”

The emotions of all the officers and men at the scene were mobilized, and the atmosphere that had just been silent was broken by Mao Zedong's passionate preaching, and this remark was just in time. Zhang Zongxun has the characteristic character of the Northwesterns, even in the most dangerous and difficult moments, he can go to the end with perseverance, he has never lost confidence because of a failure, he believes that the revolution will eventually succeed. And Mao Zedong's preaching also spoke to his heart.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" > Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which deeply inspired Zhang Zongxun</h1>

In May 1942, Zhang Zongxun had already taken up the post of brigade commander of the 358th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and he was ordered to Yan'an to participate in the rectification study. During his studies, Mao Zedong received a large number of senior generals who had come to Yan'an from the front to study. Mao Zedong said in a serious tone: "You are all comrades of brigade commanders and regimental commanders, and in this study, do not be afraid to lose face, and the opinions put forward by subordinates must be accepted, whether they are suggestions or grievances." If you put down the shelf and examine the masses truthfully, the relationship between the superiors and subordinates can be improved, and the unity within our army can be more united. ”

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Pictured| Old photo of Zhang Zongxun

At the end of the meeting, Mao Zedong made a speech on the question of leadership. He used two words to describe it: gather and persevere. Two easy-to-understand sentences better illustrate the ideas of the masses and the art of leadership.

Zhang Zongxun participated in the 8-month rectification study in Yan'an, during which he listened to Mao Zedong's lectures many times and gained a deeper understanding of what leadership is and how to achieve correct leadership. His mind also underwent a seismic change.

In October 1943, Mao Zedong went to Yan'an to hold a meeting of senior leading cadres of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. Zhang Zongxun was also instructed to attend the meeting, at which Mao Zedong issued a message: The troops in the border areas should conduct a good training in the winter.

The main purpose of the training is to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops and to prepare for a major counterattack at any time.

The principle of training is: Focus on soldiers, everyone is a soldier, everyone is trained, and the ideological education of soldiers should be superior to technical training.

The basic methods of training: leaders are responsible, hands-on, general calls are combined with individual guidance, and cadres and the masses are combined.

After Zhang Zongxun returned to the army, in accordance with Mao Zedong's call, he urgently mobilized all the officers and men of the unit for winter training. The vast number of commanders and fighters also actively responded to Mao Zedong's call, and for a time set off a wave of military training fever.

Zhang Zongxun also personally organized all the backbone cadres to carry forward military democracy. In the course of training, with technical training as the mainstay and tactical education as a supplement, various military projects were trained, and in the course of training, the mode of officers teaching soldiers, military instructors, and officers and men teaching each other was also adopted.

In January 1944, Zhang Zongxun's 358th Brigade commended advanced elements and exemplary military training representatives in Wangjiajiao Village. The good methods and good experience accumulated in the training of troops were summed up, and all the training experience was summarized into the "Summary Report on the Winter Training of the 358th Brigade." On July 20, Yan'an's Jiefangjun Bao published Zhang Zongxun's summary of his winter training on the front page.

Mao Zedong attached great importance to Zhang Zongxun's summary of winter training, carefully read it many times and studied it carefully, and drew a lot of lessons from the training experience of the 358 Brigade in his instructions on reorganizing the army.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Pictured| Zhang Zongxun (center) with his comrades-in-arms

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="113" > Shajiadian victory, Mao Zedong was excited: "This battle is well fought!" ”</h1>

In August 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender and won the War of Resistance. But the peace that the people of the whole country had hoped for did not come, and Chiang Kai-shek provoked a civil war.

In November 1946, zhang Zongxun's 1st Jinsui Column, commanded by Zhang Zongxun, rested for a few days in Linxian and set out for Yan'an to take on the heavy responsibility of defending the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao. The troops crossed the Yellow River, passed through Wubao and Suide, and arrived in Yan'an in early December, where they were stationed at Qilipu, south of Yan'an.

On December 7, the whole column held a mobilization meeting at the airfield to defend Yan'an and defend the Party Central Committee. Zhang Zongxun and others were informed that Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu were going to come and inspect the troops. Zhang Zongxun and political commissar Liao Hansheng and other column leaders were very happy and waited quietly at the foot of Qingliang Mountain. Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Lin Boqu, and other leading comrades arrived by car, and Zhang Zongxun immediately went forward to report to Mao Zedong.

Subsequently, Mao Zedong and Zhu De braved the cold wind to inspect the troops with great interest. All the commanders and fighters of the troops on parade were greatly encouraged. Everyone expressed one after another: Resolutely smash the enemy's offensive with practical actions, defend the Party Central Committee, and defend Chairman Mao!

In March 1947, after paying a price of 710,000 people, Chiang Kai-shek had to announce the abandonment of the "all-out offensive" and the "key offensive" instead. At chiang kai-shek's behest, Hu Zongnan personally led 15 brigades to prepare a blitzkrieg on Yan'an. After careful consideration, Mao Zedong decided to withdraw from Yan'an, move back in northern Shaanxi, and annihilate the enemy.

After the Party Central Committee and Mao Zedong took the initiative to withdraw from Yan'an, all the armed forces in Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia were changed to the Northwest Field Army, with Peng Dehuai as commander and political commissar, and Zhang Zongxun as deputy commander and commander of the 1st Column.

Under the leadership of Peng Dehuai, Zhang Zongxun, and others, the Northwest Field Army cleverly and flexibly searched for fighter planes, launched successive offensives, and won three victories in three battles: Qinghua, Yangmahe, and Panlong. Initially stabilized the war situation in northern Shaanxi.

In August 1946, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Military Commission and Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai and Zhang Zongxun decided to lead the Northwest Field Army to attack the Yulin defenders and mobilize the main force of the Kuomintang Army Hu Zongnan Group to go north, in response to the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Field Army Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi Group to cross the Yellow River in the south and chase deer from the Central Plains.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Pictured| Peng Dehuai

Yulin is located on the Line of the Great Wall, facing the river on one side, surrounded by mountains on three sides, as the connection point between the desert and the plateau, the city wall is strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is an important stronghold of the Kuomintang army in the border area of Jinxi and Shaanxi.

On August 6, 1947, the outer operations to attack Yulin began, and by the 7th, the enemy's peripheral strongholds were cleared and the encirclement of Yulin City was completed. When Chiang Kai-shek learned that Yulin had been besieged, he was greatly annoyed, believing that Yulin's gains and losses would have a great impact on the situation in the northwest, so he urgently ordered Hu Zongnan to transfer 8 brigades of the 1st Army and the 29th Army in Ansai and Bao'an to advance in two directions in the direction of Suide and Jiaxian.

The purpose of the Northwest Field Army to mobilize the main force of Hu Zong's southern region had been achieved, so on August 12, it withdrew from Yulin, and a disguised main force of the rear organ crossed the Yellow River in the east, and gathered the main force in the mizhi and Jiaxian areas.

On August 17, the enemy Liu Jie's forces advanced to the area south of Jizhengdian, while Zhong Song served Yu Yougong and was so arrogant that he threatened to "end the problem of northern Shaanxi in world war I", and he divided his troops into two echelons and advanced to Oolongpu, east of Shajiadian.

Peng Dehuai, Zhang Zongxun, and the commanders of the various columns analyzed the enemy situation and found Zhong Song, an adventurous lone army, and discussed setting up an ambush in the Shajiadian area to defeat Zhong Song.

In the middle of the study, someone outside the door reported: Chairman Mao has come! Everyone immediately rushed out of the cave and excitedly shook hands with Mao Zedong.

While shaking hands with everyone, Mao Zedong smiled and said, "Comrades have worked hard! ”

"The chairman has worked hard. The chairman has lost weight! Peng Dehuai replied.

Zhang Zongxun and the commanders of the various columns also expressed their longing feelings: "The chairman has been in distress several times, but we can worry about it!"

"I'm worried about you too." Mao Zedong smiled and said, "So many enemies are following you, and if you lose the battle, the victory in the Northern Shaanxi War will be postponed." ”

Everyone returned to the cave, and Peng Dehuai talked about his views on fighting this battle. He judged that Zhong Song would continue to march east tomorrow and meet his 123rd Brigade at Wulongpu. Therefore, all units of our army must enter the position before dawn on the 20th and complete the combat task of annihilating the enemy's 36th Division before dusk.

Mao Zedong also asked Zhang Zongxun and others for their opinions, and everyone basically agreed with Peng Dehuai's views.

While listening carefully, Mao Zedong checked the operational map in front of him from time to time, examined in detail the strength of our army, and finally approved the battle plan. As usual, when encountering major actions, he always likes to give everyone a vivid analogy to explain the plan of action, first to facilitate everyone's understanding of the plan, and second, to boost everyone's morale.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Zhang Zongxun

On the evening of August 19, Zhong Song urgently ordered the 123rd Brigade to withdraw to Shajiadian, but the brigade was afraid of being ambushed, so only the 493rd Regiment attached to it was rebuilt first.

On August 22, under the command of Peng Dehuai and Zhang Zongxun, the 1st and 2nd Columns of the Northwest Field Army launched an attack on the headquarters of the enemy's reorganized 36th Division and its 165th Brigade. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Teaching Brigade and the newly formed 4th Brigade launched an attack on the 123rd Brigade of the Enemy's Integrated 36th Division, which was in the western aid and had entered the Changshan area. The 3rd Column fought against enemy reinforcements liu jie in the area south of Wulong Town.

For a time, within a radius of more than a dozen miles from Shajiadian, guns and cannons sounded.

At dusk on the same day, Peng Dehuai called Mao Zedong to report: "Liu Ziqi, commander of the 123rd Brigade, and Luo Qiupei, chief of staff, have been captured alive by me, and Zhong Song and Li Riji have not yet found out." ”

Mao Zedong smiled and said humorously: "It is also right for the enemy to run back a few times." Someone must always report to Hu Zongnan! ”

Mao Zedong asked the guard staff officer Long Feihu to ask the front finger how many prisoners he had captured. After Long Feihu asked, he quickly ran to report: "Chairman, i have captured a ditch of prisoners. ”

Mao Zedong asked with great interest, "What is a prisoner in a ditch?" ”

Long Feihu said, "Because it was dark and there were many prisoners of war, they could not count for a while, and they had no place to detain them, so they were all held in a ditch." So it's a ditch of captivity. ”

Mao Zedong said excitedly: "This big battle has been fought well." ”

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Dragon Flying Tiger

The day after the war, the Northwest Field Army, under the auspices of Peng Dehuai and Zhang Zongxun, convened a meeting in the former Dongyuan Village of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and Ren Wei, cadres at and above the brigade level, from Liangjiacha, which was dozens of miles away from Shajiadian, to ride to the former Dongyuan Village. Mao Zedong spoke, and he said with great pleasure: "This battle has been fought well!" In just one day, the Northwest Field Army ate two divisions of the enemy and won a big victory. ”

In late December, Zhang Zongxun and other leaders of the Northwest Field Army went to Yangjiagou in Mizhi County to attend a meeting of the Party Central Committee. Mao Zedong declared at the meeting that the revolutionary war Chinese the people has now reached a turning point, and this historical turning point is that Chiang Kai-shek's 20-year counter-revolutionary rule has developed to extinction, and the war of liberation of the Chinese people will inevitably lead to victory throughout the country. Zhang Zongxun recalled every word of Mao Zedong, and his heart was filled with an indescribable joy and excitement.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="153" > Mao Zedong's instructions: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" ”</h1>

In October 1952, Zhang Zongxun was transferred to the Deputy Chief of the General Staff and Director of the Military Academy Department, in charge of military academies, military training, people's armed forces and military service. Zhang Zongxun took the mass line in a down-to-earth manner, studied diligently in practice, conscientiously summed up experience, and soon opened up the situation.

In late April 1959, Zhang Zongxun, together with Peng Dehuai, led a Chinese military friendship delegation, visited Poland, the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Mongolia and other seven countries. Every time he went to a country, Zhang Zongxun conscientiously visited the construction of military facilities and military academies. In more than a month, he collected a lot of information and learned a lot of experience that can be learned.

After returning to China, Zhang Zongxun often led cadres from the Military Training Department and the Military Academy Department to go deep into various units and academies to grasp basic training and the compilation of teaching materials, and integrated advanced things from foreign armies into the training of troops and the teaching of academies and schools.

In the spring of 1962, Zhang Zongxun summoned the leaders of relevant military regions and academies to compile tactical textbooks for detachments in Nanjing. Wang Bicheng, deputy commander of the Southern Military Region in charge of training work, recommended to Zhang Zongxun the teaching experience that Guo Xingfu, commander of the 2nd Company of a certain regiment of the 12th Army, had explored in tactical training.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Chairman Mao is giving a speech

Zhang Zongxun was very interested, so he personally observed Guo Xingfu's training performance, and after seeing it, he greatly appreciated it, and pointed out: Guo Xingfu's teaching method not only carries forward the glorious tradition of training troops in our army, but also has new creations. It is necessary to conscientiously sum up experience and popularize it in the Nanjing Military Region.

In the autumn of the following year, the Military Training Department of the General Staff department compiled and issued a "Military Training Bulletin", which made a more detailed report on Guo Xingfu's teaching methods. After Ye Jianying saw the briefing, he attached great importance to it and wrote a report to the Central Military Commission, suggesting that it be popularized and applied in all departments of the whole army. After Mao Zedong saw the report, he praised Ye Jianying and Zhang Zongxun for finding a good example.

On January 3, 1964, the Central Military Commission issued a directive to the whole army, calling on the whole army to study Guo Xingfu's teaching method and immediately launch a large-scale military training campaign.

In early June, Zhang Zongxun and Luo Ruiqing went to the Jinan Military Region to inspect the preparations for the contest. One day, He Long's office suddenly called from Beijing, saying that Chairman Mao had instructed me on a contest briefing: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing, and can you let me see it too?" ”

Zhang Zongxun and Luo Ruiqing were overjoyed to hear the news and decided to send the "top" detachments of the Jinan Military Region and the Beijing Military Region to Beijing to report to the Party Central Committee and Mao Zedong on their performances.

On 15 and 16 June, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Dong Biwu, Deng Xiaoping, and other party and state leaders, as well as leaders of various provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions attending the Central Work Conference, watched the performances of the "top- and"top-notch" detachments of the Jinan and Beijing Military Regions.

Mao Zedong was very happy when he saw it, and he walked over and picked up a domestically made semi-automatic rifle and aimed it around, and punched a few punches on the sandbag of the simulated portrait. The people in the entourage laughed. Mao Zedong praised the "top" detachment for performing very well, and at the same time pointed out: It is not enough to have "top people," and we must pay close attention to the work of popularizing the experience of "top people."

Since then, the whole party has attached great importance to military training, and a new upsurge in military training has been set off throughout the army, the quality of the military and government has been greatly improved, and sharpshooters and gunners have continued to emerge. It was a golden age in the history of military training in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Chairman Mao

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="159" Where did Zhang Zongxun go >? </h1>

At the beginning of 1965, Lin Biao arranged for his cronies to carry out a rectification campaign at the military academies of the whole army, and listed "bad motives" as an important part of the first rectification. For this reason, Zhang Zongxun was listed as one of the objects of criticism.

In 1966, a special period began, and Zhang Zongxun also suffered many injuries as a result. But even when he was most sad and humiliated, he always firmly believed that Chairman Mao Zedong absolutely knew me!

Zhang Zongxun has followed Mao Zedong for decades, and the feelings between them have surpassed those of ordinary people, and he has always firmly believed in his heart that time will give a truth.

In January 1971, Mao Zedong received Huang Yongsheng, then chief of the General Staff, in his office. While chatting, Mao Zedong asked, "Where have you been?" ”

In 1971, Mao Zedong received the chief of the General Staff, and during the small talk Mao Zedong asked: Where did Zhang Zongxun go to meet Mao Zedong for the first time, and he was impressed by his passion and wisdom Mao Zedong's words and deeds, which made Zhang Zongxun deeply inspired by the great victory of Shajiadian, and Mao Zedong was very excited: "This battle was fought well!" Mao Zedong heard the news and instructed: "Why don't you tell me such a good thing?" "Where has Zhang Zongxun gone?"

Huang Yongsheng

Huang Yongsheng was nervous for a moment after hearing Zhang Zongxun's name, and then slowly replied: "Zhang Zongxun is serving as deputy commander of the Jinan Military Region." Mao Zedong just looked up at the window and said nothing.

After Huang Yongsheng left Mao Zedong's office, he immediately sent someone to find Zhang Zongxun to talk, and explained that the Central Military Commission had issued instructions for Zhang Zongxun to report to the Jinan Military Region immediately.

Under such a special circumstance, Zhang Zongxun left the General Staff Headquarters, where he had worked and lived for more than 20 years, and was put underground to work in the Jinan Military Region for some reason. Soon after, Lin Biao had an accident in Öndör Khan, and Zhang Zongxun's affairs were also developed by the latest developments.

In June 1973, Mao Zedong signed an order in Zhongnanhai: Zhang Zongxun was transferred to the post of head of the General Logistics Department.

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