
#"Intelligence + Education" Forum #Intelligence, Education, Dual Combination. Education is based on educating people, cultivating emotional pillars of the country, and cultivating talents for the prosperity and development of the country. Intelligence, this technology

author:Flying Little Ant 2

#"Intelligence + Education" Forum#

Intelligence, education, dual combination.

Education is based on educating people, cultivating emotional pillars of the country, and cultivating talents for the prosperity and development of the country.

Intelligence, the result of this scientific and technological achievement applied to the low level of eating, drinking and Lasa can only be a nugget barrel.

With the application of artificial intelligence, drivers lose the fun of driving, chefs lose the process of delicious cooking, and most importantly, ordinary people who make a living by manpower lose the opportunity to work and survive, today's unmanned unmanned vending unmanned noodle restaurant unmanned express and other intelligent unmanned operation technology, on the one hand, encroached on some jobs, on the other hand, created a group of lazy people, decadent labor skills, smart home intelligent ordering, hedonism to the fullest.

True intelligence should be used in national defense and medical research, rather than allowing intelligence to defeat basic human skills.

Education must start from the history of the Chinese nation's civilization and from the national spirit handed down through the ages by the ancients of Tang poetry and Song poetry.

Ten years of trees and a hundred years of tree people, the education plan must start from the mind, there is no shortcut to teaching and educating people, there is no intelligence, every doll is a pure white paper, as for whether to make each white paper brilliant, or let this white paper dot ink is endless is flashy and lazy, it all depends on the education plan.

#"Intelligence + Education" Forum #Intelligence, Education, Dual Combination. Education is based on educating people, cultivating emotional pillars of the country, and cultivating talents for the prosperity and development of the country. Intelligence, this technology
#"Intelligence + Education" Forum #Intelligence, Education, Dual Combination. Education is based on educating people, cultivating emotional pillars of the country, and cultivating talents for the prosperity and development of the country. Intelligence, this technology
#"Intelligence + Education" Forum #Intelligence, Education, Dual Combination. Education is based on educating people, cultivating emotional pillars of the country, and cultivating talents for the prosperity and development of the country. Intelligence, this technology

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