
"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

author:Sino-American Group Chen Yong Studio
"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

Compiled and edited by Chen Yong


Four. Self-confidence makes one fearless

2. Chase your own journey

Confident people are like sunshine, shining on others, actively pursuing their dreams. And people with low self-esteem are like carrying a big burden, pressing people breathlessly, let alone living their own wonderful. If we want to overcome inferiority, the first step is to see what our inferiority is. It is not a superficial phenomenon, but to explore the reasons hidden deep inside.

Just like Hemingway's inferiority stemmed from the influence of his childhood mother. Generally speaking, inferiority is basically a trauma in the growth experience, because small babies will not be inferior, each of us is born confident, it is the acquired experience or suppression, breeding inferiority. Everyone is born good enough, has enough wisdom, strength and love, it is the acquired experience that makes our self-confidence dusty, feel inferior, what we have to do is to dust off the dust and reproduce our own beauty.

So in the face of inferiority, the most important thing is to learn to be the best of yourself, other people's possessions, other people's standards are just a reference, we just need to find ourselves, do our own good, enrich our lives, and put the focus on ourselves. As an adult, Hemingway did what he said, with his heart-free writing and the adventure journey without fear of death, he successfully escaped the demons of his childhood, broke free from the lingering haze in his heart, and became a proud self. Inferiority is not terrible, perhaps it is an opportunity to find yourself and make your life more abundant. Many people have slowly transformed from "ugly ducklings" to "white swans".

It can be said that Hemingway's life was a journey of crazy and passionate pursuit of himself.

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

The journey of "making a death" trick -

In the early days, football pitches and boxing rings were where Hemingway was frequently injured, often beaten to the head and bleeding, but each time he would crumbling and getting back up and injuring again. After graduating from high school, Hemingway rushed to the battlefield of World War I, was seriously injured, his knee was broken, and he had as many as 230 shell fragments on his body, and he underwent a total of 13 surgeries, replaced by a platinum kneecap, some of which could not be removed, and could only remain in the body for life.

Thirty years later, Hemingway's variety of "deaths" frequency increased unabated. His index finger was bruised by a boxing bag; he was seriously injured by a horse's loss of reins; he was injured by a car accident; he threw a harpoon at a large shark, which resulted in the shark being unharmed and thrown into his own leg; teasing an angry lion and being caught in the flesh.

In his fifties, Hemingway experienced a series of accidents and almost did not leave himself in Africa forever. He rented a small plane to go fishing on the east coast of Africa, when he suddenly asked the pilot to fly low to get a clearer view of the Murchison Falls, located near the source of the Nile. However, as they approached the waterfall, the plane hooked a scrap wire in its tail to avoid the sudden appearance of birds, causing the engine system to appear and fall to the ground. Hemingway sprained his right shoulder in the accident. Next, the three of them struggled to avoid the danger of being attacked by wild beasts, crocodiles, flash floods, etc., and still did not encounter search and rescue personnel. Searchers found only the wreckage of Hemingway's crashed plane, which had crashed in an inaccessible part of Africa, so there was news of Hemingway and others being killed, and newspapers quickly published a large number of articles mourning Hemingway.

While the world is watching the news of Hemingway's "death," the undefeated tough guy has switched to a cruise ship to another destination. He rented another plane to a lakeside city in southern Uganda and was once again devastated. The plane first caught fire on its own for no reason, then descended violently a few seconds later, and after a cracking sound of metal, a burst of flames rose from the starboard engine. In just a few moments, the plane was planted in a plantation, and in an instant, the plane exploded, and the plantation was in a sea of fire. No one believed they could escape the fire. But Hemingway miraculously escaped from the wreckage and fire. He slammed open the hatch with his body, his lungs, liver, spleen, and skull were all shattered, a section of his spine was shattered, his arms, face and head were burned by flames, his left eye was temporarily blind, his left ear was deaf, and he had a severe concussion. Despite his serious injuries, Hemingway maintained the image of a tough guy in front of the public and the media. When he read the obituary in his memory written in 25 languages, the tough guy, who was easily hurt but never defeated, smiled and said humorously that it was not advisable to make an obituary, that is, when you read your own obituary, it was simply too difficult. A month later, Hemingway was hit by another forest fire, causing severe burns that prevented him from going to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Hemingway famously said that life always makes us scratch our bodies. This statement is not an exaggeration. In Hemingway's own words, he had suffered more injuries in his life than his chest hair. However, these tricks of "death" for Hemingway is not only a crazy adventure of the body, but also a mental process of constantly breaking through the inner fear again and again, thus sharpening the mind and making his heart stronger and fearless!

Similarly, the life experiences created by these crazy adventures also provide a rich subject matter and a broad background for his works. During his lifetime, Hemingway wrote about Michigan in Paris, Paris in Cuba, Spain in Florida, and Africa in Spain. For him, life was always elsewhere. From Florida to Wyoming, he moved with the hunting and fishing seasons. He is a courageous action faction, most of his life has been wandering and adventuring, chasing his own life, so that he gradually got rid of his inner inferiority and sensitivity, gained fearless confidence and courage, and is a tough guy who makes the god of death helpless.

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

The journey of courage to fight——

In 1937, Hemingway went to Spain to join the International Column. Planes of the Franco dictatorship planted mines marked "chocolate" to booby-trap children in areas controlled by the Republic. In the face of such an evil Franco, how could Hemingway not be indignant? He rushed to the front line at the first moment and joined the international column. The International Column is an All-Star team. In addition to Hemingway, there was Neruda, Orwell, Robert. Capa, Picasso, Bethune... Together they fought side by side against Franco's tyranny. Eventually outnumbered, Franco won the civil war, and the International Column was eventually disbanded. But because of this experience, Hemingway wrote "For Whom the Death Knell Tolls".

When Pearl Harbor broke out, the United States entered World War II. Hemingway certainly could not have nestled in the rear. Living in Cuba, he disguised his ship as a ration ship for Nazi submarines, driving around the sea every day, trying to lure German submarines to surface and sink each other. To this end, he also miraculously persuaded the U.S. Naval Intelligence Service to provide him with rocket launchers, grenades, and machine guns to hide in the ship. Later, as a war correspondent, he followed the infantry division all over the battlefield. Wherever there is fighting, there is his presence. When he witnessed the whole process of the Allied landing in Normandy, he took the lead in leading a combat team composed of writers, intellectuals, etc., and rushed into Paris as a leader, becoming the first liberators of Paris.

In his bones, Hemingway was a hero, and with distinct classical heroism: bravery, courage, integrity, kindness, and even Hoover gave him a high evaluation - as far as I know Hemingway, he is a rough and tough man, always on the side of the weak.

A person who can maintain the courage to go forward and unparalleled self-confidence at all times must be full of energy inside. This abundant power allows Hemingway to grow freely, and he can willfully look at a path and persist in walking without fear.

Hemingway lived his life untamed, living only for his own beliefs, he aimed to become himself, to self-growth as the core, constantly working hard, with a positive attitude to deal with difficulties and challenges. No form of authority is taken sides. Hemingway lived beautifully, lived freely, and lived out the self he wanted. For him, every day he did not dance was a disgrace to his own life! Hemingway spent his life escaping the shackles brought to him by his original family, curing his unfortunate childhood with a wonderful life, getting rid of inferiority and regaining self-confidence!

Successful people throughout the ages have a common characteristic, that is, self-confidence, which motivates them to succeed. Self-confidence is based on a correct understanding of themselves, which prompts people to accept themselves from the aspects of emotion, consciousness and behavior, and has a great motivating effect on people. Gold has no feet, no one is perfect. Self-confidence can help us discover our strengths, which in turn creates a motivated motivation to achieve something positive and motivates us to play to our strengths in order to achieve self-actualization goals.

People with self-confidence are neither inferior nor conceited, and can correctly understand themselves. Under the premise of properly evaluating their own knowledge, ability, morality, personality and other internal factors, I believe that I have merit in all aspects, believe that I can make up for the shortcomings in all aspects, and can see that I still have great potential to tap and play in all aspects. Self-confidence is a firm sense of self-trust that arises after a correct evaluation of oneself, which can motivate people to choose some difficult but necessary life paths for themselves and go on without hesitation. In the process of struggle, self-confidence inspires people to overcome difficulties and move forward bravely.

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

Man's first pot of gold is self-confidence. Even if you don't have anything, self-confidence is your capital. People live for themselves, when you have the idea to do something, you do it, even if it is wrong, it is your experience, don't care about the eyes of others, you are unique in this world, others can never replace you. Believe in yourself. A person who believes in himself will trust others and believe in the future.

Self-confidence is the biggest secret of our success in life, self-confidence is our innate natural potential, but in the acquired environment under the environment gradually lost our innate self-confidence. Must be unfounded confidence, unconditional confidence, absolute confidence! This is the secret law of positive self-confidence. Only in this way can we overcome our unconfident selves and achieve greater achievements. ——The Secret Law of Positive Self-Confidence

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

To be continued, please continue to pay attention to Hemingway's fate to change the world series of biographical stories - Chapter 4, Issue 3, Chapter 5, Issue 1.

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