
"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

author:Sino-American Group Chen Yong Studio
"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

Compiled and edited by Chen Yong


Six. Dreams shine into reality

1. Extremely disciplined, very hardworking

Whatever he writes, Hemingway builds on his own experience. You only know what you have possessed. In each of his works, the characters in it have unique skills: hunting, skiing, fishing, bullfighting... At first, these were just his pastimes, but in order to write good works, he directly forced himself to become an expert.

When writing the novel "Death in the Afternoon", Hemingway first learned a lot of bullfighting knowledge, and after learning it, he had to practice it himself. He not only reproduced the yellow sand and blue blood on the Spanish bullring, but also contributed a large number of bullfighting rules and bullfighting terminology, which was once jokingly called "the introductory book of bullfighting"... When I wrote The Old Man and the Sea, I first collected all the books and periodicals I could find about marlins, consulted experts, studied techniques for keeping fishing lines vertical as they traveled, and even assisted researchers in classifying Atlantic species.

In addition to being professional, Hemingway is also praised for his self-discipline. To this end, he developed the habit of writing while standing, because he believed that once a writer sat down to write, his speech would become boring, and standing would put him in a state of tension, forcing himself to express his thoughts as briefly as possible. He stood and wrote from 6:30 a.m. until noon, writing only 500 words a day. When there is a train of thought, even if the literary thoughts are gushing, writing about 500 words will immediately brake; when there is no idea, it is necessary to write hard, and the sense of ceremony cannot be lost.

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

Once, Hemingway was writing in a small hotel, and after the boss knew that he was a writer, he asked the waiter to send him more food, considering that the writer always stayed up all night to write.

Hemingway ate and said, "I won't." ”

The waiter wondered: "Why don't you try to write one more article?" We send food just so that you can write more. ”

Hemingway's voice didn't fluctuate: "I'll try again tomorrow." ”

Writing only the prescribed amount, Hemingway was such a ruthless man.

In search of inspiration, Hemingway often went to the Louvre to see exhibitions, especially Cézanne's paintings, and the simple and powerful lines seemed to echo his inner insistence on simple writing.

In order to concentrate on writing, during the writing period, he will reject all visitors and avoid socializing. When writing For Whom the Death Knell Tolls, Hemingway even withdrew from the long-awaited fishing competition.

If it is for the sake of writing, everything can be thrown away.

Hemingway used to write in pencil, which was easy to revise. When you write smoothly, you can use up to 7 pencils a day. Hemingway believed that the author's major deletions and overhauls were necessary for a good book. Only in this ascetic way of writing can we create an environment for in-depth work and polish high-quality literary masterpieces.

When the Paris Review interviewed Hemingway, his answers maintained the usual style of writing: concise and powerful.

Interviewer: Can you remember exactly when you decided to become a writer?

Hemingway: I don't remember, I always wanted to be a writer.

Interviewer: Do you feel comfortable in the process of actually writing?

Hemingway: Very comfortable.

Interviewer: Does financial security pose a threat to writing?

Hemingway: Once writing becomes a habit and a great source of fun, only death can make you stop writing.

Interviewer: In recent years, you seem to avoid being in the company of other writers, why?

Hemingway: Because you have to write, and the time to write is getting shorter and shorter, if you waste time, you feel like you've sinned and you won't be forgiven.

Interviewer: Reading has always been a profession and a habit.

Hemingway: I read all the time — as much as I can, I buy books regularly, so I always have a steady stream of books to read.

Interviewer: Do you think you're competing with other writers?

Hemingway: I'm just trying to write what I've done myself. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I can write works that surpass my own water quality.

People who can be cruel to themselves are "hard" enough. Hemingway is a real hardcore and a real tough guy. He doesn't just create a "tough guy" persona, he also has to think hard, work hard, make all ideas come true, no matter how good ideas, if you don't verify and practice, they will never land; every day fantasy, only delusion; only action, there is a result.

Like the famous quotes in his books:

The world is so beautiful that it's worth fighting for, I only agree with the second half of the sentence. - "Battlefield Bells"

If you identify with something and always spend your effort on it, as if I believe in the importance of creation, then you will not be disappointed unless you are ambitious. The only thing you hate is that we live too short to finish our work. - "Hemingway's Book"

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

2. Listen to your heart and stop being confused

The American literary critic Gerstein believes that the American writers who appeared between World War I and World War II were all "confused generations", and their commonality was to act according to their instincts and senses, try to rebel against previous ideals and values, and express their dissatisfaction with reality with rebellious thoughts and behaviors.

Hemingway is considered a model of this genre, symbolizing a certain trait of the era.

But Hemingway actually has nothing to do with "confusion". Just like the American writer Bellow commented, he was lonely and self-assured, and he had no dust.

Extreme willfulness, but also extreme ego, this is the essence of Hemingway.

Hemingway said that when you stop doing what makes you happy, you are no different from death.

He has never been afraid of the different eyes of the world, only seeking inner happiness; he has never been bound by the adverse currents of the times, and only clings to his true self.

He gave up his originally stable life again and again, putting himself in danger, because his body flowed with the blood of the male lion's wildness, and only the never-ending adventures and challenges could make his blood boil. He travels through the battlefield of bullets and bullets to the dangerous forest to create a thrilling story. In the depths of his heart, he has courage and passion that ordinary people cannot reach, and no matter what kind of situation he falls into, he cannot shake his pursuit of the direction of his heart. Such things were not uncommon in his life. During his last hunt in East Africa, he had two plane accidents, especially the second, which seriously injured him. Even so, it still could not stop his determination to hunt, and a month later he set foot on African soil again and completed the hunting journey of his heart.

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

It may not be wise to know what not to do, but Hemingway still makes a choice that is true to his heart. Because for him, sticking to his principles and listening to his inner voice is more important than anything else. Actor Dietrich summed up Hemingway's life — I think Ernest's most prominent feature is that most men can only think about things in their dreams, but he takes the time to do them.

Adventure and challenge is Hemingway's dopamine, which controls his moods and sorrows. Therefore, he loves life more, more firmly adheres to his authenticity, and achieves a unique self.

"Six Secret Biographical Stories of the World's 100 Celebrities" Hemingway's fate counterattack changed the world biography

To be continued, please continue to follow Hemingway's fate to change the world series of biographical stories - Chapter 6, Issue 3.

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