
Li Yang, the founder of the carrot affiliate, was restricted from high consumption

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Qin Shengnan) dumb radish APP announced the suspension of operation. On October 22, according to Tianyan's investigation, Anhui Caicai E-commerce Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Caicai Company"), an affiliate of Du Radish, and its founder Li Yang were recently executed with a consumption restriction order.

According to the consumption restriction order issued by the Hongshan District People's Court of Wuhan City on October 18, the court filed a case on May 12, 2021 to enforce the application of applicant Dai Jun for the enforcement of the labor dispute of the vegetable company, because the vegetable company failed to perform the payment obligations determined in the effective legal documents according to the period specified in the enforcement notice, and in accordance with the relevant regulations, the consumption restriction measures were taken against the vegetable company, and the judgment debtors included the vegetable company and the legal representative Li Yang. According to the information filed on May 12, Cai Cai Company became the executor, the subject of the execution was 13,700 yuan, and the enforcement court was the Hongshan District People's Court of Wuhan City, case number (2021) E0111 Zhi 2760.

The Beijing News reporter noted that not only the vegetable company, but also its wholly-owned Hubei Fresh Vegetable E-commerce Co., Ltd., Ma'anshan Vegetable E-commerce Co., Ltd., Nanjing Vegetable E-commerce Co., Ltd., etc., have recently been listed by the court as restricted high-consumption enterprises and untrustworthy companies.

Cai Cai Company recently issued an announcement that since January 23, 2020, Cai Cai Company entered the bankruptcy reorganization procedure, due to the ultimate failure to introduce reorganization investors, the company's operation has deteriorated, and it is currently difficult to sustain. From now on, the company will cease to operate, and all procurement, sales, payment, revenue and other businesses related to the company's operation will cease to be carried out. The Carrot APP stopped providing services to consumers. All offline stores have been closed and have been closed in the near future.

According to Tianyan, Caicai Company was established in October 2015 with a registered capital of 5 million yuan, and the founder Li Yang is the legal representative, major shareholder and suspected actual controller. The company has previously received 2 rounds of financing, and currently directly or indirectly holds the actual control of 29 enterprises, and has established more than 500 branches, involving Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan and other places.

Beijing News reporter Qin Shengnan

Edited by Wang Lin Proofread by Lucy

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