
Foreign media: Bin Laden's last phone call before 9/11 was to his mother

author:International Online

According to the Economic News Network of Buenos Aires, Argentina, bin Laden has dreamed of launching an apocalyptic attack for many years, and he entrusted this task to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a Pakistani who was later accused of being the mastermind of 9/11.

Bin Laden, then 44, was well aware that from the moment he launched the attack, he would pay a huge price, possibly even affecting everyone around him. On 10 September 2001, he made his last call.

Foreign media: Bin Laden's last phone call before 9/11 was to his mother

On September 11, 2001, United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

The report also said the leader of the Islamist terror group made a phone call to his mother, Alia Ghanim. She was in Syria. The call was brief, and his tone seemed to be saying goodbye. According to Newsweek, he told his mother that he would most likely not be able to meet her for a while because within a few hours there would be a "big event" that would cause them to be unable to contact for a long time.

Bin Laden's relationship with Ghanim has reportedly been close. When bin Laden was 3 years old, his mother divorced his biological father, Mohammed bin Laden, and after marrying her second husband, she raised him in Saudi Arabia.

The day after receiving that farewell call, Aaliyah Ghanim finally understood why her son had told her that "big event" was about to happen. She also knew that she would never see her son again, whether he lived or died. Ten years later, U.S. Navy SEALs tracked down his hiding place and killed him in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, 2011.

Executive Producer: Zhang Jicang

Editor-in-Chief: Jin Jin

Review: Fan Qiyan

Editor: Zhao Ming

Source: Reference News CCTV News Client of Central Radio and Television Corporation

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