
It's another time of year for honeysuckle. This honeysuckle plant on the platform is very easy to grow, as if it has never been specially watered and fertilized, but it is natural and never absent when flowering. Two days down


It's another time of year for honeysuckle.

This honeysuckle plant on the platform is very easy to grow, as if it has never been specially watered and fertilized, but it is natural and never absent when flowering.

It rained for two days, and today it was clear. As soon as you open the door in the morning, you will see the gold and silver prosperity, white bones and flowers that have opened in the morning, and the fragrance of the sun shines brightly, which is different from all other flowers, and has absolute healing power after refreshing the heart.

Honeysuckle can be soaked in water and used in medicine, and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying for sore throats and other plagues. My mother said that planting a honeysuckle, in the spring, the smell it emits alone has a heat-clearing and detoxification, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect. Its super vitality will breed many "descendants" with lush leaves, and it is infinitely scarce.

Picked a full basket, cool on the balcony, and soon you can drink fresh honeysuckle tea. If you like to be sweeter and add honey or two rock candy to the boil, the taste will reach the soul, and in this late spring and early summer, there is enough to fight all the "inflammation".

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It's another time of year for honeysuckle. This honeysuckle plant on the platform is very easy to grow, as if it has never been specially watered and fertilized, but it is natural and never absent when flowering. Two days down
It's another time of year for honeysuckle. This honeysuckle plant on the platform is very easy to grow, as if it has never been specially watered and fertilized, but it is natural and never absent when flowering. Two days down
It's another time of year for honeysuckle. This honeysuckle plant on the platform is very easy to grow, as if it has never been specially watered and fertilized, but it is natural and never absent when flowering. Two days down
It's another time of year for honeysuckle. This honeysuckle plant on the platform is very easy to grow, as if it has never been specially watered and fertilized, but it is natural and never absent when flowering. Two days down

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