
Highly recommend an economical and affordable insect repellent food, raw pumpkin seeds. No matter how many cats you have, you can use raw pumpkin seeds to deworm, especially suitable for stray cats to deworm. Can be repelled

author:Tanya cat cat

Highly recommend an economical and affordable insect repellent food, raw pumpkin seeds.

No matter how many cats you have, you can use raw pumpkin seeds to deworm, especially suitable for deworming stray cats. It can repel tapeworms and roundworms. The effect is leveraged

Pumpkin seeds are insect repellent, which is both economical and safe. Also practical. Because just add it to the food. It must be raw, peeled. Every once in a while, my cats feed them with pumpkin seeds mixed with food.

Many fans are very concerned about the two young cats in Colorful Colors. Two kittens are fine at the moment. Artificial feeding today is the fourth day, the little milk cat has grown up, drink five milliliters of milk each time, feed every two hours, the day is okay, is sleepy at night, today try to let Colorful feed and see, Colorful always runs to Jiuer's nest to milk the child, put me in a hurry.

Peanut was discharged from the hospital soon, I have been busy these days, let's solve it one by one. I want to be strong, get strong quickly, and strive to earn money to rent another house before winter comes, winter in the northeast is too cruel. My plan is to receive another thirty or forty cats. Let them survive the winter

I hope that everyone will pay more attention to me and my small shop window, so that I have the ability to rescue more stray cats. Save cats, I'm serious [croak] [croak] [croak]

Highly recommend an economical and affordable insect repellent food, raw pumpkin seeds. No matter how many cats you have, you can use raw pumpkin seeds to deworm, especially suitable for stray cats to deworm. Can be repelled
Highly recommend an economical and affordable insect repellent food, raw pumpkin seeds. No matter how many cats you have, you can use raw pumpkin seeds to deworm, especially suitable for stray cats to deworm. Can be repelled
Highly recommend an economical and affordable insect repellent food, raw pumpkin seeds. No matter how many cats you have, you can use raw pumpkin seeds to deworm, especially suitable for stray cats to deworm. Can be repelled

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