
Decades ago, almost everyone had "roundworms" in their stomachs, why haven't they heard of it now

author:Gonzo of the world

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In retrospect, roundworm infection has been a major problem in global public health. Regardless of urban and rural areas, everyone has been disturbed to a greater or lesser extent. Statistics show that more than 250 million people worldwide are infected with roundworm every year, of which about 2 million people die. However, with the passage of time, we rarely hear about roundworm infections anymore, which makes people wonder: why are roundworm infections rarely heard of these days?

Roundworm, a nematode that parasitizes the human intestine, its life cycle includes eggs, larvae, adult worms and other stages. The life cycle of egg roundworms begins with the formation of eggs, and the number of eggs laid by female roundworms in the human body can reach dozens or even hundreds. These eggs are usually found in the small intestine, especially in the jejunum and ileum sites. Ascaris eggs are extremely sensitive to the external environment and will die quickly with the slightest exposure.

Decades ago, almost everyone had "roundworms" in their stomachs, why haven't they heard of it now

Ascaris are transmitted in a variety of ways, one of the main ways is through contaminated food or water sources into the human body, hatching larvae, invading the small intestinal mucosa, and eventually becoming adults. Another major route is food contamination, where roundworm eggs may attach to vegetables, fruits or other foods and hatch into larvae once ingested. In addition, roundworms can also be transmitted through skin contact, and roundworm eggs may also enter the body when people come into contact with the surface of an infected object and then contact the mouth, nose or eyes.

Decades ago, almost everyone had "roundworms" in their stomachs, why haven't they heard of it now

Ascariade infestation not only affects individual health, but also poses a series of socio-economic challenges. Decades ago, roundworm infection was very common in the mainland, and survey data from 2005 showed that the national roundworm infection rate was as high as 12.72%, and thousands of people were affected. However, with increased hygiene awareness and improved sanitation facilities, the rate of roundworm infections has dropped significantly, but vigilance is still needed.

Improving sanitation, advances in modern medicine, universal access to public health education, and economic development have combined to drive the reduction of roundworm infestations. However, we must also recognize that with the acceleration of urbanization and changes in people's lifestyles, the risk of roundworm infection still exists, and we need to continue to strengthen publicity and education to raise personal hygiene awareness, and at the same time increase investment in the construction and improvement of sanitation facilities.

Decades ago, almost everyone had "roundworms" in their stomachs, why haven't they heard of it now

Overall, the history of roundworm infestation tells us that scientific and technological advances and increased social awareness are essential for disease prevention and control. The importance of prevention and control cannot be ignored, and the role of science and technology in disease prevention and control is becoming more and more significant. Only through integrated means and sustained efforts can we effectively prevent and control roundworm infections and ensure people's health and sustainable development of society.

Decades ago, almost everyone had "roundworms" in their stomachs, why haven't they heard of it now

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