
Let the child have a real childhood

author:I am a self-disciplined life of plain face
Let the child have a real childhood

Let the child have a real childhood

Text: I am plain face

The school teacher asked the children to look at the pictures and write the text, and there were several children flying kites on the grass. Casually asked: Do you fly a kite?

Sitting around there were several children, all without exception, all shaking their heads and not letting go. Another question: Have you ever played Willow Whistle? It is to break the willow branch and unscrew the green skin.

There was a mischievous boy who raised his hand excitedly: Teacher, I have played, I have played. The others all shook their heads again.

Do you weave a garland with willow branches? Ask the question again. Again, the crowd shook their heads.

Let the child have a real childhood

The children's childhood is really boring. Qingming Festival rests for three days, children have to make up for such classes on Saturdays and Sundays, and do not go to class on Mondays, so they fly kites and picnics together. Hearing this news, the children immediately cheered, and their little faces were full of expectation: What day is it? What day?

I was reading a book written by a girl named Xiaoyanzi, which contained a description of a real childhood, and it was very kind to read: remembering childhood. I've always felt firmly that we and the people before us are a group of people who really had childhoods. The stars of the little tadpoles, the cicadas, the seven-star ladybird and the eleven-star ladybird are counted one by one in the hand. At dinnertime, all the parents in the courtyard called for us to go home and eat. At six o'clock in the evening, the TV was played with foreign cartoons. On a midsummer night, the whole family went out to cool down, lay down, and the stars in the sky were blinking, and they slept with the stars in the blink. Those summers, like the days of my youth, never come back, and the whole world has grown faster than we have ever grown up.

Let the child have a real childhood

Our childhood was like a childhood, living in the countryside, stealing sunflowers from other people's fields, being chased, and going home and being beaten. Cut grass in the field, dig traps, and lay grass on them to plague people. Grab the kowtow worm and put it on Dam's fingernails to listen to it kowtow. Find an eyeweed and pinch your eyelids. I've dug up wild garlic, caught grasshoppers, and swung over a half-man-tall swing. With urine and mud, i threw it against the wall and heard the noise. Played with sheep bones, flipped high, and landed on the back of the hand. Bounce over the glass marbles, kneel on the ground, and one eye pops out of the marbles. Roll over the ring. Skip the leather band and sing "Malan Blossom Two Five Six, Two Five Seven". Throw over the treasure, fold the paper into a treasure, and win the other party's treasure. Sit on the steps and help each other catch lice...

When I was a child, there were too many things to play, and a piece of paper was too thin to write about the joy of childhood. Our childhood carries the memories of a generation, born in the 1970s, although we lack material life, the spiritual world is extremely colorful, it is worth the taste.

Let the child have a real childhood

A new boy who looked like a little bandit said with relish that his father had two birds and observed whether they lay eggs every day, and as a result, he was disappointed every day, and he helped his father find bird eggs in the soil. He told stories of catching birds with basket ropes, he told stories of dad fishing, he told stories of deliberate mischief, many of which I had never experienced, and I was very curious. Touching his head is praised, there are so many good materials from life, and he will worry about writing articles, and there will be no material to write. With a little guidance, I will distinguish the focus of speaking and writing, will plot a layout, write a good essay with great interest in life, it is a matter of minutes, and I have great praise for his life experience.

Naughtiness has the benefit of naughtiness, curiosity, like to explore, have personal experience, feel more natural, harvest naturally more. If you are afraid of dirt and afraid of risks everywhere, for safety, you will wrap your children in a cage as a treasure and see no wind and rain. Children can only play with their mobile phones, their eyes can only pay attention to the square inches of a small screen in all directions, even the experience of wind and sun has to rely on imagination, such a safe life, how sad, how pitiful.

Let the child have a real childhood

The child is a child of nature, and the fate with the parents, as Long Yingtai said: I slowly and slowly learned that the so-called father-daughter mother-son relationship only means that you and his fate are constantly watching his back drift away in this life and this life. You stand at this end of the path, watching him fade away into the bend of the path, and he silently tells you with his back: no need to chase.

Obviously know that the child wants to grow up, to experience the baptism of social life alone, only blindly worried, afraid of three or four, holding the child in the palm of the hand, spoiling the child habitually, waiting until the hold can not move, want to let go, the child has broken the wings of flight, can only walk alone, they still do not know how to deal with the wind and rain of the outside world. Elderly parents can only look at their children weakly, they are five years old and three thick, still doing the out-of-the-box party, nibbling on the old people: Parents, take the money. Mommy and Daddy, what to do?

Let the children fly in nature earlier, let the children soar freely in the vast world of nature, experience the ups and downs in nature, and temper in nature, so that children who grow up so healthy and strong can resist pressure, can resist the wind and rain outside, small things are harmless, big things are harmless, and they can face problems calmly.

Let the child have a real childhood

Free children from the troublesome academics, let the children have a free and happy childhood life, first nurture mentality, first cultivate personality, first cultivate morality, first nurture physique, first cultivate mind, first nurture the ability to deal with the world, first cultivate happiness and ease, first cultivate self-motivation, learning ability naturally generates, what else to worry about, learning is already in it, this is a matter of course.

Give back the happy childhood of the children, this is what I want to say.

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